
green + the color of young leaves

3 New HSK word(s): HSK3 绿 + lu:4 green HSK5 + qing1 nature's color; green or blue; greenish black; youth; young (of people) HSK5 大方 + da4fang1 expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea
9 Old HSK word(s): A N * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens A VS 绿* lv4 green B N * shu1cai4 vegetable/ greens B VS * qing1 blue/ green C N * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage C * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever D VS 绿* bi4lv4 dark green D VS 绿* cui4lv4 emerald green D VA 绿* lv4hua4 make (a place )green by planting trees



Xanh +

Xanh +

Hào phóng +
Grade E word(s):

她从不穿绿色的衣服。 She never wears green.
未成熟的苹果是酸的。 Green apples are sour.
我们应该多吃一些富含纤维素的绿色蔬菜。 We should eat more green vegetables rich in cellulose.
这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。 The paper turned green as if by magic.
秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。 In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.
松树是常青树。 Pines are evergreens.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
叶绿素是生长在植物中的绿色物质,它能吸收阳光,促进植物生长。 Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight and helps them grow.
云杉和松树都是常绿树木。 Spruce and pine are evergreen trees.
不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。 Don't blame on him, after all, he is a green hand.
那司机等候绿灯放行,让发动机空转著。 The driver waited for the green light, his engine racing.
那液体先变成绿色, 又变成棕色了. The liquid turned green and then brown.
松树、 雪松、 云杉都是常绿的树. The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.
把土豆和青菜传一传--小心,烫手。 Pass the potatoes and the greens--careful, they're hot.
她从球穴区的边缘轻击三次(以图将球打入穴中). She took three putts (ie to get the ball into the hole) from the edge of the green.
甜椒的果实其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料 The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, salad, and as stuffing for green olives.
这种植物终年常青。 This plant has green leaves throughout the year.
在工厂后面的荒地上突然长出了草木。 Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 The country is very green in spring.
铜铀云母一种绿色的放射性矿物,为铀和铜的氢化结晶云母 A green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.