
good + excellent; high quality

38 New HSK word(s): HSK1 再见 + zai4jian4 goodbye; see you again later HSK1 + he1 to drink; My goodness! HSK1 + hao3 good; well; proper; good to; easy to; very; so; (suffix indicating completion or readiness); (of an unmarried couple) to be close; to be keen on each other HSK2 + hai2 adverb: still; still in progress; still more; yet; even more; in addition; fairly; passably (good); as early as; even; also; else HSK2 意思 + yi4si5 idea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire; interest; fun; token of appreciation, affection etc; CL:个/个ge4; to give as a small token; to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc HSK3 帮忙 + bang1mang2 to help; to lend a hand; to do a favor; to do a good turn HSK3 + nan2 difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good HSK3 + fen1 to divide; to separate; to distribute; to allocate; to distinguish (good and bad); part or subdivision; fraction; one tenth (of certain units); unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; minute; a point (in sports or games); 0.01 yuan (unit of money) HSK4 差不多 + cha4bu5duo1 almost; nearly; more or less; about the same; good enough; not bad HSK5 运气 + yun4qi5 luck (good or bad) HSK5 + ying4 hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) HSK5 不如 + bu4ru2 not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to HSK5 大方 + da4fang5 generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed HSK5 告别 + gao4bie2 to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to HSK5 产品 + chan3pin3 goods; merchandise; product; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 商品 + shang1pin3 good; commodity; merchandise; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 良好 + liang2hao3 good; favorable; well; fine HSK5 善于 + shan4yu2 to be good at; to be adept at HSK5 善良 + shan4liang2 good and honest; kind-hearted HSK5 宝贝 + bao3bei4 treasured object; treasure; darling; baby; cowry; good-for-nothing or queer character HSK6 款式 + kuan3shi5 elegant; elegance; good taste HSK6 融洽 + rong2qia4 harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another HSK6 可口 + ke3kou3 tasty; to taste good HSK6 苦尽甘来 + ku3jin4gan1lai2 bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning HSK6 转让 + zhuan3rang4 transfer (technology, goods etc); conveyancing (property) HSK6 托运 + tuo1yun4 to consign (goods); to check through (baggage) HSK6 擅长 + shan4chang2 to be good at; to be expert in HSK6 救济 + jiu4ji4 emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods HSK6 验收 + yan4shou1 to check on receipt; an inventory of received goods; to verify and accept (a delivery) HSK6 + he1 expel breath; my goodness HSK6 告辞 + gao4ci2 to say goodbye; to take one's leave HSK6 物资 + wu4zi1 goods; supplies HSK6 物美价廉 + wu4mei3jia4lian2 good quality and cheap; a bargain HSK6 优异 + you1yi4 exceptional; outstandingly good HSK6 保养 + bao3yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance HSK6 合算 + he2suan4 worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate HSK6 拿手 + na2shou3 expert in; good at HSK6 福气 + fu2qi5 good fortune; to enjoy good fortune
52 Old HSK word(s): A v;Conj * bu4ru2 not as good as/ better to A Adv * yong3yuan3 for good/ forever/ ever/ always A VS * hao3 good/ nice/ be in good health A VS * hao3chi1 delicious/ tasty/ good to eat A N * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain A VA * zai4jian4 good-bye/ see you again A VS * zheng3qi2 in good order/ neat/ tidy A VS * hao3kan4 good-looking/ nice/ pretty A aux;v * hui4 can/ be good at/ be likely to/ meet A VA * zhu4 express good wishes/ wish A VS * bu4cuo4 not bad/ pretty good/ correct B VS * liang2hao3 good B VA * ai4hu4 cherish/ treasure/ take good care of B VS * you1liang2 fine/ good B VA * gao4bie2 leave/ part from/ say good-bye to B N * huo4 goods B VA * shan4yu2 be good at/ be adept in B N * shang1pin3 commodity/ goods C VS * jia1 excellent/ good/ fine/ beautiful C VS * ci4 not good/ inferior/ second/ next C * mei2 shuo1 de flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt C * bu4 zen3meyang4 not so good/ not particularly good/ pretty bad C * neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3 be good at both singing and dancing C VS * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other C * shou4 huo4 sell goods C VA * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble C VA * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish C VS * guai1 obedient/ well-behaved/ good/ clever/ shrewd/ lovely C * yi1xi4lie4 all-way-along-wind/ have a good journey C VA * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave C VS * da4fang1 of good taste/ generous/ natural and poised C N * huo4wu4 cargo/ freight/ goods/ commodity/ merchandise C VS * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good C N * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing C N * wu4zi1 substance material/ goods and materials C VA * feng1shou1 reap a bumper harvest/ have a good harvest C VS * wan2shan4 whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve D VS * liang2 fine/ good D * gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4 give up evil and return to good D N * ci4pin3 defective goods D * zheng1 qi4 try to make a good showing D VS * hao3duo1 a good deal D N * xiu1yang3 training/ good manners D VS * he2'ai3 kind/ good-tempered D VA * shi1zhan3 put to good use D VA * shan4chang2 be good at D N * xi3xun4 good news D N * fu2 good fortune D N * fu2qi good luck/ felicity D N * zhi4pin3 product/ goods D * bu4 ci2 er2 bie2 leave without saying goodbye D * ding4 huo4 (a newspaper or magazine) order goods



Tạm biệt +


Uống +


Tốt +


Cũng +


Ý nghĩa +


Giúp +


Khó khăn +

现在 8 点 30~。

Division +

我每天~7 点起床。

Gần +

May mắn +

Khó +

Không tốt như +

Hào phóng +

Tạm biệt +

Sản phẩm +

Hàng hóa +

Tốt +

Tốt +

Tốt lành +

Baby +

Phong cách +

Mối quan hệ +

Ngon +

Mưa đi +

Chuyển +

Vận +

Tốt +

Nhẹ nhõm +

Chấp nhận +

Heh +

Lại +

Nguồn cung cấp +

Rẻ tiền +

Tuyệt vời +

Bảo trì +

Hiệu quả +

Tốt +

Phước lành +
Grade E word(s):

你干得很好。 You did a good job.
你的眼力不错。 You've made a good choice.
我的数学不太好。 I am not good at mathematics.
我的手表走时准确。 My watch keeps good time.
我跳舞一点儿也不行。 I'm no good at dancing.
这些药对你有好处。 This medicine will do you good.
再见了,很高兴见到你。 Good-bye. Nice seeing you.
这是为了对她自己有好处。 It is for her own good.
他向我提了一些很好的意见。 He gave me some good advice.
休息一下对你会有好处的。 It'll do you good to have a rest.
这决非解决问题的好办法。 This is by no means a good way to solve the problem.
医生对我说,我需要好好休息。 The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest.
学习外语离不开好的词典。 A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.
细心的人总是把东西放得很整齐。 Careful people usually put everything in good order.
讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。 It took years of hard work to speak good English.
她的小说我都喜欢, 最新的一部尤其好. I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good.
我不喜欢他,但是说句公道话,他是个好工人。 I don't like him, but, to give him his due, he is a good worker.
再见,旅途愉快。 Good-bye, and have a nice journey.
体育运动有益健康。 Athletic sports are good to the health.
吸烟对你的健康没有好处。 Smoking is not good for your health.
这些球员们配合得很好。 These players made a very good combination.
散装运送货物更方便。 It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk.
我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。 I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.
这药保证能让你好好睡一觉。 This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.
目前似乎好的年轻选手太少了。 There seems to be a dearth of good young players at the moment.
把被单好好煮一煮,好让它们白一些。 Give the sheets a good boil to get them white.
我答应一定完好无损地还你的自行车。 I promise to return your bicycle on good condition.
这些蔬菜中的营养部分全都给煮掉了。 All the goodness has been boiled off the vegetables.
她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner.
有一条良好的A级公路通往北方--A级1号公路. There's a good A-road going North -- the A1.
他们对即将到来的选举作了充分的准备。 They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.
她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。 She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye.
无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。 In no respect can he be looked upon as a good husband.
这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。 This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.
我的部分工作是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。 Part of my job is to maintain good relationship with our suppliers.
你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
这好消息使我精神大振。 The good news lifted my spirits.
我相信她照顾孤儿是件好事。 I believe it good her taking care of orphans.
希尔先生和夫人招待客人真周到. Mr and Mrs Hill are such good hosts.
我们会把决定及早通知申请者。 Applicants will be notified of our decision in good season.
这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。 The town is a good location for a young doctor.
整顿饭都很好, 尤其是葡萄酒更好. The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.
我申请加入排球队时给教练留下了良好的印象。 I had made on the coach a good impression when I went out for volleyball.
他外表粗鲁,心地善良。 He has a rough outside, but a good heart.
我预祝大家岁首大吉。 I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year.
和他兄弟不同,他有种幽默感。 Unlike his brother, he has a good sense of humor.
好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。 Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.
这只汉堡包不但气味好闻而且味道好吃。 The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious.
他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
杰克不仅是个好学生,而且还是名篮球队员。 Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.
明天上午行吗? Is tomorrow morning any good?
你们认为他是个好干部吗? Do you think him a good cadre?
那次行进速度很快, 到中午已抵达伦敦. It was good going to reach London by midday.
这沙土地利於排水, 适於种植块根作物. This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。 Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.
我原以为自己画得不错, 可比起你的画儿来未免相形见绌. I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the shade.
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
一谈到别的事情时,他们的记性并不是很好,但他们却记得彗星。 Their memory wasn't very good when it came to recalling other things, but they remembered the comet.
我一点儿也不行。 I'm no good.
我很想到国外去读书。 I have a good mind to study abroad.
好看的录像带总是被借走。 The good video is always rented out.
我已经好久没有读到过这样好的书了。 I've not read such a good book for many a long day.
他虽然没有通过考试,但他做了很大的努力。 He didn't pass the exam, but it was a good attempt.
那不是个好办法,首先没人会帮我们的忙。 It is not a good idea. For one thing, nobody will help us.
就像其他老人一样,我祖父也老喜欢讲他当年的故事。 As is often the case with old people, my grandfather is fond of talking about good old days.
她具有优良品德。 She possesses good qualities.
这些货物质量不好。 The goods are of poor quality.
这些商品大量供应。 These goods are freely available.
货物已由铁路托运到你处。 The goods were consigned to you by railway.
要求和她定个约会也没有用。 It is no good asking her for a date.
这所房子处于一个很好的位置。 The house has a very good position.
新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。 Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
供求规律决定商品的价格. The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
这个商人说服我买了他的货物。 This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.
大家纷纷向新娘新郎祝福. Good wishes showered (down) on the bride and bridegroom.
她在飞机场受到了热情的欢送. She was given a good send-off at the airport.
吃了一顿好饭,他的脾气变得好多了。 A good meal sweetened his temper.
他工作不错,但似乎缺乏信心。 He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.
凡是漂亮的男子, 她见一个追一个. She runs after every good-looking man she meets.
错过这么好的一次机会他有点后悔。 He repented in a measure of missing such a good chance.
我相信礼貌对大家是很重要的。 It is my belief that good manners are very important to everybody.
她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.
你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。 You should make good use of every precious minute to study.
我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。 I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.
他的设想很好, 但实行起来却糟糕透顶. His original idea was good, but his execution of the scheme was disastrous.
恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。 I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.
好学生通常都知道如何及时迅速地总结知识。 A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge in good time.
没有海关的许可,这些货物是不允许出口的。 The goods are not allowed to be exported without approbation of the customs.
他不断要求我们帮助他,过分利用了我们对他的好意。 His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill.
我用业余爱好来消除工作中产生的紧张情绪。 My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.
我有重要消息要告诉你--是好消息, 我得赶紧补充一句. I have important news for you good news, I hasten to add.
一本好的学生字典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。 A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
社会是由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.
粥有益于消化。 Porridge is good for digestion.
他把他的成功归功于幸运。 He ascribes his success to good luck.
超级市场销售各种货物。 The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions.
要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉. Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
圣诞节期间生意一向很好. Trade is always good (ie Many goods are sold) over the Christmas period.
他发挥艺术天才, 成了雕刻家. He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor.
她是个很好的妇人,冷酷不是她的本性。 She's a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 Our goods are second to none on the world market.
在党的培育下,他已成长为一个优秀的战士。 Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.
如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。 All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.
她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促. She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally.
能挣钱并不一定是衡量人生幸福的可靠标准. Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错. Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up.
只要有好的服务,小型的汽车旅馆会继续吸引那些宁愿住小旅馆而不住大旅馆的人。 As long as good service is provided the small motels will continue to have people who choose to stay there rather than in large motels.
他不大擅长描写叙述. He's not very good at description.
花园里的泥土松软肥沃。 The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.
由于管理有方,农场兴旺发达。 The farm prospered through good management.
这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。 The room shows off her paintings to good effect.
没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。 A business cannot thrive without good management.
我们需要从消费者那里多得到些反馈信息以提高产品质量. We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods.
在某些亚洲的国家,进屋子之前脱下鞋子才是有礼貌的。 Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes.
他是一个多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是一个理发师,也是一个好裁缝。 He is a man of parts; he is either a repairman, or a carpenter, either a barber or a good tailor.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
你能区别好书与坏书吗? Can you discriminate good books from bad?
请你往右边移一点好吗? Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
他的音乐据说是"好"或"了不起"。 His music is said to be "good" or "great".
部队从沦陷的城市安全撤出。 The troop made good their retreat from the occupied city.
他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。 He should at least have come to say good-by.
好好收拾一下的确会使房子焕然一新. A good clean will really freshen (up) the house.
瓶装柠檬汁可不行--你得用真货。 Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing.
那件大衣很合身、 不合身、 很瘦、 很宽松等. The coat was a good, bad, tight, loose, etc fit.
“早上好。”我说,但他并没有回答我的问候。 "Good morning," I said, but he didn't return the greeting.
出海一周後, 又重新回到陆地上而感到愉快. After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth under our feet again.
王先生与州长感情甚笃,常被邀请与其一同用餐。 Mr Wang is in the good graces of the governor, and is often invited to dine with him.
嘿!我有一个非常好的主意:我们进行投资,这会给我们带来很多的利润。 Hey! I've got this really good ide we make this investment which will bring us a lot of benefits.
您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物? Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?
祝你一路平安。 I wish you a good journey.
她的导师说她进步很大. Her tutor says she is making good progress.
你看来累了. 你需要好好休息一下. You look tired. You need a good rest.
小孩通过图画识字很好。 It is a good idea for children to learn to read by way of pictures.
他又年轻又漂亮, 而且还很富有. He is young and good-looking, and also very rich.
姑不论胜负, 这场比赛想必十分精彩. Win or lose, it should be a very good match.
她很有头脑。 She has a good brain.
商人向他们供应货物。 The merchant supplies goods to them.
这地板需要好好清扫一下。 This floor needs a good sweep.
这所房子应该卖个好价钱。 This house should fetch a good price.
请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother.
杂货商有种类繁多的存货。 The grocer's has plenty varieties of goods in stock.
喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。 People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
我的新秘书很好,确实是难得的人才。 My new secretary is very good; quite a find, in fact.
这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。 These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
安装可靠的报警设备以减低被盗的风险. To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system.
除非你努力下功夫, 否则你将永远打不好网球。 You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it earnestly.
如果你们成天游手好闲,就永远也成不了好学生。 You will never be good students so long as you goof around.
运动和营养好的食物对孩子的正常发育十分重要。 Exercise and good food are important to the proper growth of a child.
在晚报的一则广告里,他促请大家注意他新进的货物。 In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods.
在有充足的水分的地方,有好的日照时,大多数植物生长良好。 Most plants grow well where there is sufficient moisture and when there is good sunshine.
她答应赔偿损失. She promised to make good the loss.
把床单好好泡一泡. Give the sheets a good soak.
好书未必畅销。 A good book does not necessarily sell well.
这张钞票是假的, 那张是真的. This note is counterfeit, but that one's good.
服下这些药丸可保你睡一宿好觉. These pills should ensure you a good night's sleep.
那个推销员试图说服她买他的东西。 The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods.
做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.
他在执行职务中遇到许多阻力. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
她是出色的作家, 你不妨学学她的写作风格. She's a good writer: try to copy her style.
北京为和台北建立联系展示善意姿态。 Beijing offers goodwill gesture to Taipei for links.
多亏你来帮忙--不然我们真没法办. It's a good job you were there to help we couldn't have managed without you.
商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光. The friends met occasionally to chat about the good old days at school.
我不喜欢吃菠菜,虽然我知道它对我有好处。 I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
要写出好文章, 必须先从逻辑上理顺思绪. To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically.
商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货. The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.
他们极力装出情愿的样子撤回了反对意见. They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
我匆忙离开那个村子, 甚至没有时间和我的向导道别。 I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.
要不是隔著这座公寓大楼, 大海的景色就可以从这里一览无遗. You'd have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的 Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
橡木是制作家具的好材料. Oak is a good type of wood for making furniture.
窃贼把失火的仓库里的货物都偷走了. Thieves snaffled all the goods from the burnt warehouse.
她粗鲁是粗鲁, 但还有许多优秀品质. She had many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness.
白兰地和水的混合物,要糟蹋两样好东西。 A mixture of brandy and water spoil two good thing.
这件衣服的式样真高雅,它一定会流行好几年。 This dress is such a good style; it will be fashionable for many years.
除了卖给国家的余粮外,这个大队还建立了自己的粮食储备。 Above the surplus grain sold to the state, the brigade built up a good grain reserve of its own.
若你方经销我们的货物,我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报。 If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain.
一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人要求获得被另一当事人所占有的财产或货物。 Court case in which one party claim property or goods in the possession of the other.
总而言之,这是一个妙极了的激动人心的凯尔特故事,中间穿插着一些闪烁着智慧与机智的片断。 All in all then, it is a rattling good Celtic yearn with a few fragments of wit-and-wisdom thrown in.
良好的饮食有益於健康. A good diet conduces to good health.
一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。 The essence of all good strategy is simplicity.
健全的身体比金冕更有价值。 A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.
良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。 Good books are an enrichment of life.
我喜欢约翰,他是我非常要好的朋友。 I like John, a very good friend of mine.
假使一个人健康什麽事都能率得到。 Given good health, one can achieve anything.
你有很多供火车旅行时阅读的读物吗? Have you a good supply of reading matter for the train journey?
她固然很好,但有必要那样大肆吹捧吗? She was good, but was it any good to pour it on like that?
诚实、勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素。 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.
我把那旧家具统统扔掉了,真是谢天谢地! I've thrown out all the old furniture, and good riddance!
"早晨好,司令,"她说,"今天您可真早。" "Good morning, Commander, " she said. "You're early this morning."
尽管我知道菠菜对我有益,我还是不喜欢它、 I do not like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
对於素食者来说, 豆类食物是蛋白质的理想来源. Pulses are a good source of protein for vegetarians.
忏悔可能对灵魂有好处,但对声誉则有损无益。 Confession may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation.
那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来. Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is.
工作完成了--好倒是好--但是答应给我们的奖金给不给? The job's done, that's all well and good but what about the bonus we were promised?
如果一个人得到全世界而丧失了灵魂,这对他有何益处呢? What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
喂,鲍勃。是的,这是因为线路不好。我再说大一点声音。好些了吗? Oh, hello, Bob. Yes, the line is not very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?
约翰是一名出色的演讲者,他可以不费气力地把任何听众鼓动得激动若狂。 John is a good speaker. He can easily work any crowd up into a fever of excitement.
爸爸主张对我们进行严格的教育。他总是说,“良好的”教育会使我们过于娇嫩,不能与严酷的生活作斗争。 Father believed in bringing us up the hard way. He always said that a"good" education would make us too soft for the harsh battles of life.
优秀的学者“主动留心于”新信息,他们对读到的东西进行思索,以挑战的精神对待它,融会贯通,使之成为自己的东西。 Good learners become"actively involved" with new information.They think about what they read, challenge it, make it their own.
他嘱咐这人说:“你可以随意采食园中任何树上之果实,惟独那能辨善恶之知识树果子你不能吃。你吃它之时,你就会死去!” He told the man, "you may eat from every tree in the garden, but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; For on the day that you eat from it, you will certainly die."
他生前做的好事将永留人世。 The good which he did will live after him.
我的历史成绩不错, 但算术不太好. I'm good at history but not so hot at arithmetic.
有分寸的善意 A measure of good-will.
她的记性很好. She has a good memory.
她是美德的化身. She's the very incarnation of goodness.
这些货物定价过高. These goods are priced too high.
我善于品尝好酒。 I have a good palate for fine wine.
我确信他做事真诚。 I'm sure he acted in good faith.
坏习惯败坏好风俗。 Bad habit corrupt good manners.
他有良好的视觉记忆力。 He has a good visual memory.
所有货物一律八五折. All goods have been marked down by 15%.
货款可以分期支付. The price of the goods is payable in instalments.
他对她的善良赞不绝口。 He keeps extolling her goodness.
喜讯传来,他心情很好。 The good news put him in fine fettle.
她已获得良好学历. She already has good academic qualifications under her belt.
我与这外宾的关系很好。 I am on good terms with this foreign friend.
我挤过了堆满货物的集市。 I poked though a bazaar crammed with good.
把这些次货退还给厂家. Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer.
他们把他替换下来真不错。 Good job they have get a replacement for him.
他具有成为一名好医生的素质。 He has the makings of a good doctor.
这里的无线电接收情况不太好。 Radio reception isn't very good here.
他是一位名副其实的好领袖。 He is a good leader in deed as well as in name.
喜讯传遍了祖国的每个角落。 The good news spread to every corner of the country.
她知道金属为什么是好的导体。 She knows why the metal is the good conductor.
食物尽管不好,但起码很便宜。 The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.
总的来说, 公司对我一直很好. By and large, the company's been pretty good to me.
窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好. The putty gives a good seal round the window.
读一本好书可以带来心灵的净化。 Reading a good book may bring purification to souls.
我愿本周加班工作以示诚意. As an earnest of my good intentions I will work overtime this week.
他的作品中含有真正引人入胜的东西。 His writing contains some real goodies.
我们或是寻求供货,或者自己制造。 Either we will find a supply, or we will make the goods.
我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.
广播剧中那场战斗的音响效果很好. The sound effects of the fight were very good in that radio play.
无结果的,无成效的不产生商品或有用结果的 Not productive of a good or useful result.
他的用意很好,但他做起来却不令人满意。 His intention was good, but his execution of the plan was unsatisfactory.
只要你得到我们主管的好感,她就一切好说。 Our supervisor is all right as long as you keep in her good books.
在现实生活中, 要划分好人和坏人并非易事. In real life, it's not so easy to divide people into goodies and baddies.
我的书法很好,但与我父亲的相比,我的就很差了。 My handwriting is good, but it is poor as compared to my father's.
如果货物品质不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 If goods were not well made, you shall complain to the manufacturer.
如果我后悔什么事情,那很可能是我的良好品行。 If I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour.
她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.
她是个好演员,但仍需要时间去熟悉她要扮演的角色。 She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
假如查出你向该国走私货物,你的货物可能会被没收。 If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.
那位父亲不能以身作则,更不用说做孩子的榜样了。 That father can't discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
这罐头起子号称是一项非常好的发明,但实际上它很不好用。 It is claimed that this tin-opener is a very good invention, but in practice it's not easy to use.
有些年我们获得大丰收,有些年则收成很坏,但好坏你都得接受。 Some years we have a plentiful harvest, others a very poor one, but you have to take the good with the bad.
因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵方务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。 Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered is seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.
靠自己刻苦奋斗而后成功的人,其所完成的工作,没有一个好到令女性不想给他稍加修改的程度。 No self-making man ever do such a good job that some woman do not want to make a few alteration.
她不辞而别。 She went off without saying good-bye.
这种胶水粘得很结实. This glue makes a good firm bond.
凭本能行事不一定都对. Instinct is not always a good guide.
她对服装有很好的审美眼光。 She has good taste in clothes.
一部好的百科全书是知识宝库。 A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.
该财产处理掉能获相当的金额。 The property can be disposed of for a good sum.
这部影片违反了审美的一切准则. This film offends against all the canons of good taste.
好的饮食习惯有助于强身防病。 Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.
她从没吸取教训,不晓得分清善恶。 She never learned to differentiate between good and evil.
尽管遭受干旱,还是获得了好收成。 A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.
渡船上有个挺不错的免税商店. There's a good duty-free shop (ie one selling such goods) on the ferry.
清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。 Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing.
我们的产品在国内市场上都很畅销。 Our product command a good market both at home and abroad.
请书面申报你在国外购买的全部商品。 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
请遵守我们的协议,给我们调换损坏的货物。 Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.
她干起活来倒是相当不错,不过有时需要加以督促。 She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prod occasionally.
在补偿贸易中,付款以货物而不是用外汇进行。 In compensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange.
从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。 The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
正如人类发现的许多事物一样, 原子能既可用来为善, 也可用以作恶. Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.
他过去毫不留情地欺侮他的秘书,但是如被逼太甚,最温顺者也会反抗的,结果有一天她不辞而别了。 He used to bully his secretary without mercy, but even a worm will turn and one day she walked out and left her job without even saying goodbye.
这名士兵善于吹笛子。 The soldier was good at playing fife.
走了长路使我食欲大振. The long walk has given me a good appetite.
公正是仁政的要素. Justice is an important element of good government.
他这样粗野,我真想揍他。 I'd a good mind to smack him for being so rude!
空运货物费用十分昂贵。 The transport of goods by air is very expensive.
这个作家不太擅长写对白。 The writer is not very good at writing dialogues.
商店连同其商誉一并出售. The goodwill is being sold together with the shop.
我们可以通过比较来分辨好坏。 We can only tell good from bad by comparison.
果冻搀水太多就凝固不好了. You won't get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly.
我们被指控非法携带货物入境. We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。 If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.
粗鲁的缺乏良好的举止,文化,或修养的 Lacking good manners, culture, or refinement.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
这动物嗅觉灵敏弥补了视力之不足. The animal's good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
他偷偷塞给侍者一镑,以求得到好的桌位。 He slipped the waiter£1 to get a good table.
东道主队在6局中的击球打得十分出色。 The home team were very good at the bat for six innings.
我板球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 I used to be good at cricket, but now I'm out of practice.
她很会变魔术, 能从帽子里变出兔子来. She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat.
他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踢一脚。 He is so lazy; he could do with a good kick up the rear.
公社主义公社所有权的信仰或实践,如对商品和财产 Belief in or practice of communal ownership, as of goods and property.
当我初次离家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆。 Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture.
在这篇爱情背叛和复仇的故事中,表现了阴森可怖的想像力,真是刺激,棒极了。 A darker imagination is at work in this story of betrayed love and revenge. Strong meat and very good.
杰克太爱吹牛了,当教练说他并不是他所想像的那么好时,他感到很惊讶。 Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn't as good a player as he thought he was.
酗酒成性的人承认饮酒过度是弊多利少,他这样说实际是自己打自己的嘴巴。 By admitting that excessive drinking does more harm than good, the man who indulged in the practice was condemned out of his own mouth.
要不是办像酿酒厂或保险公司这样的副业,他们没有多少人只靠艺术就能过的舒舒服服。 Few of them managed to make a good living out of their art alone, without running a sideline such as a brewery or an insurance office.
盈亏平衡点尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点 The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.
如果这种婚姻出自一个女人的自愿选择,甚至是不顾亲友的劝告而选择的,那么就让她自己去品尝这枚果实的滋味吧。 But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.
分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。 A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
再见, 多保重! Good bye, and take care!
这卡片有什么用? What's this card good for?
他的算术不怎麽样. He's not good at numbers.
【谚】夫善则妻贤。 A good husband makes a good wife.
各位听众,晚上好! Good evening to all our listeners!
【谚】勤力佳运之母。 Diligence is the mother of good luck.
你跟她结算货款了吗? Have you settled (up) with her for the goods?
你那个废物儿子在哪儿呢? Where's that good-for-nothing son of yours?
好收成与坏收成交替更迭。 Good harvests alternate with bad.
我不愿花这麽多钱买次品. I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.
亨利英勇奋战,可是打败了。 Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.
你把这些靴子好好擦一下好吗? Would you put a good shine on these boots?
彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。 Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
无论境遇好坏她的丈夫都对她忠贞不渝. Her husband stuck by her in good times and bad.
在加利福尼亚居住的好处就在於气候宜人。 The beauty of living in California is that the weather is so good.
丹在学校是个好学生;我们期望他经商成功。 Dan was a good student at school; we expect him to go places in business.
如您急需这类商品,我想向您推荐A58号产品。 If you were in urgent need of the goods, I'd like to recommend article a58.
富孀,是惟一可以一流的价钱出售的二手货色。 Rich widows are the only secondhand goods that sell at first-class prices.
他可不轻易夸奖人, 所以他要是说`好', 他一定认为真好. He isn't one to ladle out praise, so when he says Good', he means it.
他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。 His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face.
品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.
犬儒学派古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法 A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue.
人类思考的最大的忧郁,也许是:大体上,人的慈善行为究竟有益抑或更为有害,是一则疑问。 The most melancholy of human reflections, perhaps, is that, on the whole, it is a question whether the benevolence of man does most harm or good.
我对艺术一窍不通,我没见过什么大人物,我也不进好裁缝铺,这些全与我无缘。我不是出自他所认为的社会上层。 I don't know anything about art, and I haven't met any grand people, and I don't go to a good tailor, and all that, I'm not what he calls out of the top drawer.
道格培里:老爷,弗吉斯先生讲起话来总是有点缠夹不清;他年纪大了,老爷,……可是说句良心话,他是个老实不过的人。 Dog-berry: Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the matter: an old man, sir,…but, in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.
工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。 Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.
赫德并未讨论限期,可是他告诉英国广播公司说,国际联盟“行将达到的阶段是:大家都对现局加以估计,看我们所建立的以和平方式施压是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was"approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."