
7 New HSK word(s): HSK3 皮鞋 + pi2xie2 leather shoes HSK4 + miao3 second (of time); unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a degree HSK5 执照 + zhi2zhao4 license; permit HSK5 试卷 + shi4juan4 examination paper; test paper; CL:份fen4,张/张zhang1 HSK5 论文 + lun4wen2 paper; treatise; thesis; CL:篇pian1; to discuss a paper or thesis (old) HSK6 证书 + zheng4shu1 credentials; certificate HSK6 许可 + xu3ke3 to allow; to permit
Old HSK word(s):



Giày +

哥哥跑 100 米只用了 15~。

Giây +

Giấy phép +

Giấy tờ +

Giấy tờ +

Giấy chứng nhận +

Giấy phép +
Grade E word(s):
