
general + Widespread, normal or usual
generally + Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people
generation + People born and living at about the same time
gene + part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
generate + To create or be produced or bring into existence
genetic + Concerning GENES or the scientific study of how a living thing's appearance, growth, and development are determined and transferred between generations

34 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + ge4 individual; this; that; size; classifier for people or objects in general HSK3 一般 + yi1ban1 same; ordinary; so-so; common; general; generally; in general HSK4 + hou4 thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress HSK4 大概 + da4gai4 roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about; general idea HSK4 词语 + ci2yu3 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases); term (e.g. technical term); expression HSK4 普遍 + pu3bian4 universal; general; widespread; common HSK5 均匀 + jun1yun2 even; well-distributed; homogeneous HSK5 + bo2 meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near HSK5 概括 + gai4kuo4 to summarize; to generalize; briefly; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 报社 + bao4she4 general office of a newspaper; newspaper office; CL:家jia1 HSK5 推广 + tui1guang3 to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc) HSK5 大方 + da4fang5 generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed HSK5 观念 + guan1nian4 notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions HSK5 内科 + nei4ke1 internal medicine; general medicine HSK5 常识 + chang2shi2 common sense; general knowledge; CL:门/门men2 HSK5 长辈 + zhang3bei4 one's elders; older generation HSK5 产生 + chan3sheng1 to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield HSK5 总裁 + zong3cai2 chairman; director-general (of a company etc) HSK6 更新 + geng1xin1 to replace the old with new; to renew; to renovate; to upgrade; to update; to regenerate HSK6 基因 + ji1yin1 gene (loanword) HSK6 世代 + shi4dai4 generation; an era; accumulation of years; passing on from generation to generation HSK6 历代 + li4dai4 successive generations; successive dynasties; past dynasties HSK6 大体 + da4ti3 in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole HSK6 大意 + da4yi4 general idea; main idea HSK6 堕落 + duo4luo4 to degrade; to degenerate; to become depraved; corrupt; a fall from grace HSK6 遗留 + yi2liu2 (leave or be a) legacy; left over; hand down (to next generation) HSK6 + sheng4 four horse military chariot (archaic); four (archaic); generic term for history books HSK6 风气 + feng1qi4 general mood; atmosphere; common practice HSK6 自力更生 + zi4li4geng1sheng1 regeneration through one's own effort (idiom); self-reliance HSK6 后代 + hou4dai4 posterity; later periods; later ages; later generations HSK6 变质 + bian4zhi4 to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate; metamorphosis HSK6 腐朽 + fu3xiu3 rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate HSK6 将军 + jiang1jun1 general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put sb on the spot HSK6 慷慨 + kang1kai3 vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal
46 Old HSK word(s): A Adv * zong3shi4 put together/ general/ chief/ always A VS * yi1ban1 general/ ordinary/ common A VS * da4gai4 probably/ general/ broad outline A M * ge4 (a general measure word) B v;n * gai4kuo4 summarize/ generalize/ summary B n;VS * ping2chang2 generally/ usually/ ordinary/ common B VS * pu3bian4 universal/ general/ widespread B N * dai4 generation C VS * zong3 put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief C * zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 generalize-and-say-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell C Conj * zong3zhi1 generalize-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell/ to sum up C N * yao4pin3 medicine-article/ (general term for) medicines C N * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments C N * shu1ben3 (general term for) book C N * bai3huo4 general merchandise C N * he2liu2 rivers (in general) C VS * da4fang1 of good taste/ generous/ natural and poised C n;v * qi3yuan2 origin/ genesis/ originate/ stem/ start C N * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer C N * quan2ju2 general or overall situation/ situation as a whole C VA * hou3 roar/ howl/ shout/ yell/ generate loud sound C N * da4yi4 main idea/ general idea/ gist/ main points C N * hou4dai4 offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation C VS * da4zhi4 general/ rough/ overall C N * da4zhong4 masses/ general public/ common people C N * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation C * fa1 dian4 generate electricity C suf * zhang3 chief/ head/ chief (secretary-general) C VS;n * xin1sheng1 new-life/ newborn/ new/ rebirth/ regeneration C N * chang2shi2 common sense/ general knowledge C VS * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent C VS * tong1chang2 common-frequent/ usual/ general/ normal C n;m * bei4 generation D * zong3 de lai2 shuo1 in general D N * gai4kuang4 general situation D N * gong4xing4 generality D N * zong3wu4 general affairs D VA * pu3cha2 general survey D VS * kang1kai3 generous D N * lao3yi1bei4 older generation D VA * duo4luo4 degenerate/ corrupt D Adv;n * da4ti3 in general D N * shi4dai4 for generations D N * qian2bei4 elder generations D VS * fu3hua4 degenerate/ dissolute D N * tong2lei4 congener



Một +

我~7 点钟起床。

Tổng +


Dày +


Có lẽ +


Từ +


Universal +

Đồng phục, +

Mỏng +

Tóm tắt +

Báo +

Khuyến mãi +

Hào phóng +

Ý tưởng +

Bên Trong Y Học +

Cảm giác chung +

Những người lớn tuổi +

Sản xuất +

Tổng thống +

Cập nhật +

Gene +

Các thế hệ +

Lứa tuổi +

Nói chung +

Hiệu quả +

The fallen +

Di sản +

Bởi +

Không khí +

Tự lực +

Con cái +

Suy thoái +

Suy +

Tổng +

Hào phóng +
Grade E word(s):

我们应该对下一代负责。 We should be responsible for the generation as yet unborn.
一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。 It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge.
一般人都相信努力是值得的。 It is generally believed that it pays to work hard.
前一代人制造出来的空洞理论,下一代人把它们打破。 One generation blows bubbles, and the next breaks them.
在西方极乐世界,大夫们比我们当将军的可能还要负更多人命之责吧。 Doctor will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上突袭我们。 The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。 The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
如今人们公认这是个错误. It is now generally admitted to have been (ie Most people agree and accept that it was) a mistake.
他总的健康状况相当令人满意。 His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.
吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.
民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。 Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.
新任命的将军立即向敌人发起攻击. The new general immediately launched an offensive against the enemy.
老师的办公室里堆满了大批不同的论文。 There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher's office.
人们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。 She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.
助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。 Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。 The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.
他的描述很笼统, 用处不大. His description was too general to be of much use.
世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。 Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的英勇事迹。 His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.
他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。 His generosity to the poor is well known.
他的无限的慷慨深深地感动了我们。 His boundless generosity moved us deeply.
那些股东被召集去叁加股东大会。 The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
人们对于虚构的地狱中的鬼神仍具有一种普遍的恐惧。 People still have a general fear for the imaginary infernal powers.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
将军的级别比上尉高。 A general ranks a captain.
总经理扼要介绍了公司明年的销售计划。 The general manager gave us an overview of the company's marketing plans for the coming year.
突变体由突变而产生的一种新个体、新有机体或者新种 An individual, an organism, or a new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation.
由於将军未能当机立断, 我军已丧失对敌采取行动的主动权. Because of the general's indecisiveness,our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.
设法用钱大方一点。 Try to be more generous with your money.
将军下令部下攻城。 The general commanded his men to attack the city.
我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。 We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.
年轻的军官一心取胜,他并不害怕与自己的将军比试一下。 He was so vain and reckless that he would break a lance or two with his general.
课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。 In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
将军被授予最高权力。 The general was girded with the supreme power.
老一辈的各类人都在那里. Many representatives of the older generation were there.
一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。 Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。 We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.
她算是当代最有才华的一位作曲家. She counts among the most gifted of the current generation of composers.
我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.
她自从患病以来第一次公开露面. She was appearing in public (ie in front of people in general) for the first time since her illness.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
秘书长对缓和那个地区的紧张局势做了很多工作。 The secretary general do much to ease the tension in the area.
她吃了两客分量很足的馅饼。 She had two generous helpings of pie.
山自然形成的高出于地面的一块高地,占地广大,通常外侧陡峻且比丘陵要高 A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
是什麽原因使得他如此 大方呢? What prompted him to be so generous?
老年疾病通长都不是起於外因的。 Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous.
她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。 Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
宽大是他最主要的特质。 Generosity is his first attribute.
这个计划被普遍地接受了。 The plan has been generally accepted.
早日举行大选确有可能. An early general election is certainly on the cards.
利率常以周期方式浮动。 Interest rate generally fluctuates in a cyclical manner.
森林火灾造成了巨大的损失。 The combustion in the forest generated great damage.
将军向胜利者办理了移交手续。 The general handed over to the conqueror.
开篇第一章是对主题的概述. The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject.
这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势. The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.
我们国家的复兴要靠我们年轻的一代。 The revival of our country depends on our young generation.
世代相传的历代都出现的,历代都有此特征的 Appearing in or characteristic of successive generations.
他被任命为驻日本的总领事。 He was appointed the general consul of Japan.
曲状物具有此种曲线形状的物体 Something having the general shape of this curve.
我们向经销商出售汽车, 不卖给一般人. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public.
冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法 The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy.
通才在几种领域内有广泛的普遍的知识和技能的一种人 One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas.
属性,特性符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向 A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.
一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。 A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
她很大方,捐助了这么大笔钱。 It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum.
两国首相昨天在日内瓦会晤。 The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday.
我总的印象是他似乎很和蔼可亲. My general impression was that he seemed a pleasant man.
他接受了尼采的思想,堕落成法西斯分子。 He ate up Nietzsche and degenerated into a fascist.
有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们. A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.
总经理和董事长并列坐在桌子后面。 The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
他很快就领悟到了其中的幽默,于是和大家一起欢笑起来。 He saw the joke quickly and joined in the general merriment.
归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程 The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.
到了7月底左右,犁地一般来说已结束,要对庄稼进行最后一道中耕了。 The ploughing generally ceases and the crp is laid by about the last of July.
这个被俘的将军,挺着身子走向刑场,直到临终还保持着自己的尊严。 The captured general maintained his dignity to the end, walking ramrod-straight to his execution.
反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理 An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever.
磁控管一种微波管,它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响,从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射 A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.
分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。 A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
【谚】先还债,后慷慨。 Be just before you are generous.
请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。 Please give generously to famine relief.
造反的人经大赦释放回家. The rebels returned home under a general amnesty.
趋向总体的倾向、动向或进程 A general tendency, movement, or course.
关于这一专题,我打算只讲一个概况;我不想详谈细节。 I propose to give only a general survey of the subject; I shall not go into details.
也许我这么说可以更清楚一点:老一辈人一般都是保守的。 Perhaps I can make that clearer by saying the older generation is generally conservative.
重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的 The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.
产生某种指定类型和格式的结果的程序或另一种编码序列(如“宏生成程序”、“微代码生成程序”)。 A program or other coding sequence that produces a result of specified type and format("a macro generator";"a microcode generator").
人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。每一代都要面对一些问题--可能是相同的问题--只不过问题的形式不同。 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems- or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms.
学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。 The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system."In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes.