
New HSK word(s):
20 Old HSK word(s): A Prep;Conj * he2 and/ with/ to B Adv * ben3 originally B v;Prep * an4 press/ push down/ according to B Prep * an4zhao4 according to/ in accordance with B VA * ru2 according to B VA * ru2 according to B Prep;Conj * yi3 with/ because of/ so as to/ in order to C v;Prep * ju4 occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to C N * wen1dai4 warm-belt/ temperate zone C VS * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial C Adv * an4qi1 on schedule/ on time C v;Prep * ping2 rely on/ depend on/ lean on/ with C v;n * yi1ju4 rely-base/ be in line with/ base … on/ basis/ grounds C Prep * yi1zhao4 comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of D N * zong3he2 summation D VS * ru2yi4 as one wish D * lai2kan4 according to D VA * can1zhao4 refer to D VA * yi1 depend on D N * yin1 cause/ reason

Grade E word(s):

他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。 He is acting under rule23 of the union constitution.