
carefully + In a manner that involves focus and care
full + Containing or holding as much as possible
fully + Completely or entirely
hopefully + in a manner wishing something to happen
faithfully + in a trustworthy manner
successfully + In a manner that achieves a goal

16 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + hen3 (adverb of degree); quite; very; awfully HSK3 + bao3 to eat till full; satisfied HSK4 + man3 to fill; full; filled; packed; fully; completely; quite; to reach the limit; to satisfy; satisfied; contented HSK5 展开 + zhan3kai1 to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch HSK5 + yuan2 circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan); tactful; to justify HSK5 充分 + chong1fen4 ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full HSK5 充满 + chong1man3 full of; brimming with; very full; permeated HSK6 丰满 + feng1man3 ample; well developed; fully rounded HSK6 朝气蓬勃 + zhao1qi4peng2bo2 full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous; energetic; a bright spark HSK6 盛开 + sheng4kai1 blooming; in full flower HSK6 发扬 + fa1yang2 to develop; to make full use of HSK6 小心翼翼 + xiao3xin1yi4yi4 cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously HSK6 施展 + shi1zhan3 to use fully; to put to use HSK6 充实 + chong1shi2 rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument) HSK6 浓厚 + nong2hou4 dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) HSK6 兴致勃勃 + xing4zhi4bo2bo2 to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits; full of zest
25 Old HSK word(s): A Adv * shi2fen1 very/ fully/ utterly/ extremely A Adv * hen3 very/ quite/ awfully A VS * quan2 complete/ whole/ entire/ full/ total A VS * wan2quan2 complete/ whole/ full/ at all A VS * bao3 be full A VS * man3 full/ filled/ complete/ fill/ expire A VS * mang2 busy/ fully occupied B N * xing4ming2 surname and given name/ full name B VS * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close B Adv * jin4liang4 as possible as/ to the full B VS * chong1fen4 ample/ full/ abundant B VA * chong1man3 brimming with/ full of C Adv * ren4yi4 arbitrarily/ willfully/ at will/ at discretion C VA * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility C VA * shua3 play with/ perform/ make fun of/ give full play to C Adv * da4li4 in great force/ forcefully/ vigorously C VA * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully C N * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) C VS * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory C VS * fu4you3 wealthy/ rich/ affluent/ be rich in/ be full of D * yao4 ming4 confoundedly/ awfully D VS * zheng3zheng3 full D VS * shi2zu2 full of D VS * bao3man3 full/ plump D * zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful spirit



Nó +


Đầy đủ +


Đầy đủ +

Mở rộng +

Vòng +

Đầy đủ +

Đầy đủ +

Plump +

Sôi động +

Nở +

Tiến về phía trước +

Cẩn thận +

Cast +

Hoàn thành +

Mạnh mẽ +

Gusto +
Grade E word(s):

昨晚是满月。 Last night there was a full moon.
他欢喜得说不出来。 In the fullness of his joy, he could hardly speak.
夏天他总是高高兴兴的。 He's always full of cheer in summer.
他把硬币倒过来,仔细检查。 He reversed the coin and examined it carefully.
我不完全理解他离开的理由。 I don't fully understand his reasons for leaving.
我将对后果承担全部责任。 I'll bear full responsibility for the consequences.
她把杯子小心地放在架子边。 She carefully positioned the cup on the edge of the shelf.
最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem.
我们应充分利用丰富的人力资源。 We shall take full advantage of our rich source of human beings.
我向他作了详细说明, 好让他能找到那房子. I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house.
充分利用自然资源的愿望终究会实现。 The wish of fully utilizing the natural resources will eventually come true.
五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。 In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom.
当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。 He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
满月呈圆形。 The full moon has a circular form.
他的歌充满了忧伤。 His songs are full of dirge.
我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。 We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
他应该受到法律最严厉的惩罚。 He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law.
他熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。 He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.
他精神抖擞准备出发. He's full of sap and ready to start.
她年纪那麽大活跃得不得了. She is wonderfully active for her age.
瓶子里装满了水。 The bottle is full of water.
屋子里充满阳光。 The room is full of sunshine.
他的解释充满矛盾。 His explanation is full of contradictions.
这些苹果生了很多虫子. The apples are full of worms.
我心里充满了青春的欢乐。 I'm full of the joys of spring.
虽然他严格,却富有同情心。 Stern as he is, he is full of sympathy.
他们充分利用旅馆的设备. They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.
虽然我倒油时很小心, 但还是洒了一些. Although I poured it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.
装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.
她的歌声优美,此外,她的舞也跳得不错。 She sings beautifully; what is (far) better/more, she dances well.
这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.
他详细列出全部被盗的财物。 He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。 Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权. Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
那些初期的反叛活动只不过是大规模革命行动的演习。 The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
九点半到这儿报到。你开始周薪200美元,在三天培训期间享受全额工资。 Report here at9: 30, and you'll get on the floor at$200 a week and receive full pay during your three day of training.
精力充沛的;活泼的 Full of energy; lively.
他的诗作有很多晦涩难解的地方。 His poems are full of obscurities.
他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词。 Their conversation was full of blasphemy.
玛丽对男人和女人充满了迷人的想法。 Mary is full of fascinating theories about men and women.
他昏迷了几天, 但现在又(完全)清醒了. He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again.
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
起先,大厅里挤得满满的,但是他一开始讲话,人们便陆陆续续离去,不一会儿,剩下听他发言的人便寥寥无几了。 At first the hall was full, but people began to trickle out soon after the beginning of his speech, and soon there were very few left to hear the speaker.
那辆出租车飞快地开走了。 The taxi sped off at full speed.
汽车在交通信号灯处停住了. The car came to a full stop at the traffic lights.
小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民. The pub was full of tweedy farmers.
计算机科学目前已是一门成熟的学科。 Computer science is now a fully-fledged academic subject.
我们喜欢的饭馆已客满, 所以我们只得到别处去. Our favourite restaurant was full, so we had to go elsewhere.
她充满了青春和活力. She is full of youth and vitality.
他们的厨房尽是最新式的器具. Their kitchen is full of the latest gadgets.
我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。 I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
你很快就会对这些程序完全熟悉了. You will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures.
每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.
公车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得。 The bus is so full that I am jammed in and can not move.
本周这里格外地充满了让人高兴快乐而无害的声音。 The place was particularly full of noises this week that gives delight and hurt not.
摇滚乐声震屋宇,从客厅传来。 Rock music blasted full from the parlor.
新帘幕与地毯的颜色非常协调. The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.
今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道. Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
一个衣着华丽的女人走近了草地上的哨兵。 A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on the sward.
多亏您们的帮助,我们才成功完成了工作。 Owing to you help, we have just successfully completed work.
战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。 The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall.
此人极其狂妄自大。 The man's full of conceit.
他捏那孩子的脸颊玩. He pinched the child's cheek playfully.
老保姆为这个家庭忠实地服务了三十年. The old nurse had served the family faithfully for thirty years.
听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。 Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
那个木匠做的这个柜子很漂亮--他真是个能工巧匠. The carpenter has made this cupboard beautifully he's a real artist.
不要轻率地奔赴险境,做任何决定之前都要认真想想。 Don't rush headlong into danger; think it through carefully before you make any decisions.
充满信息的;内容充实的 Full of news; informative.
夏季的水塘中,芙蓉盛开。 Lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond in summer.
这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。 These few words fully revealed her noble quality.
弯弯曲曲的;迂回的充满弯曲和拐弯的;曲折的 Full of twists and turns; tortuous.
我们必须让警察人数达到(全部)编制所需的数量. We must bring the police force up to (full) strength.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
人体模型如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型 A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.
客车上坐满了老太太。 The coach is full of elderly ladies.
他非常挂念他有病的母亲。 He is full of concern about his sick mother.
他现已从中风病完全康复了。 He's now fully recovered from his stroke.
我们精打细算就能买辆新汽车了. If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford a new car.
预计需求会有很大增长, 我们应该开足马力生产。 In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.
我会熟练地打算盘。 I can use abacus skillfully.
他严格遵守指令. He followed the instructions faithfully.
她性情非常文静. She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.
石油钻塔现全面开工. The oil rig is now fully operative.
那支熊已完全发育成熟. The bear was a fully grown adult.
这些货物必须小心搬运。 This freight must be carefully handled.
她晚年专事写作. In her later years she gave herself over to writing full-time.
要仔细听才能听懂老师讲的课。 Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher.
决策的重任全落在她的肩上了。 The full weight of decision-making falls on her.
资本主义国家不得不与社会主义国家和平共处。 The capitalist countries have to coexist with the socialist countries peacefully.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
丁香盛开着。 The clove is in full bloom.
协议的细节尚未公布。 The full details of the agreement haven't been made public.
她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。 She drives carefully up the rocky lane.
他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。 His career have come full circle to the club where it begin.
这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.
我可以把它裁得低一点,这样让您穿着这件外套显得更丰满一点。 I can cut it lower and in that way give you a little more fullness in the blouse.
我非常为你惋惜。 I'm dreadfully sorry for you.
在非洲有很多冒险家。 Africa is full of adventurers.
该瀑布上流有许多大麻哈鱼. The falls upstream are full of salmon.
她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。 She was full of shame at her bad behavior.
那首交响乐曲给糟蹋得不成样子。 The symphony was dreadfully mangled.
她的连衣裙下摆离膝盖整整三英寸. Her dress was a full three inches above the knee.
这篇报道不是颠倒黑白就是含糊其辞. The report was full of lies and prevarications.
船上定员行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵 The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.
影射影射的事情,特别是巧妙地间接的,通常是贬义的暗示 Something insinuated, especially an artfully indirect, often derogatory suggestion.
夏季伦敦有很多游客。 London is full of tourists in the summer.
她是缴(清)了党费的党员. She's a (fully) ,paid-up member of the party.
他忙於照料三个小孩儿. He's fully occupied in looking after/with three small children.
和谐一种饱满、奔放的和音的流露 A full, rich outpouring of harmonious sound.
我们得把申请书仔细筛选一下以甄别优劣. We have to sift through the application forms very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff.
他小心翼翼地往后探身终于拿到了橱顶的那支笔。 He reached back carefully and got the pen on the very top of the cupboard.
战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的. It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp.
女王在群居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫 The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.