
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 发达 + fa1da2 developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop HSK6 + sheng4 flourishing; vigorous; magnificent; extensively HSK6 繁华 + fan2hua2 flourishing; bustling HSK6 欣欣向荣 + xin1xin1xiang4rong2 luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing; thriving HSK6 兴隆 + xing1long2 prosperous; thriving; flourishing
4 Old HSK word(s): B VS * fa1da2 developed/ flourishing B VS * fan2rong2 flourishing/ prosperous/ prosperity C VS * peng2bo2 vigorous/ flourishing/ burgeoning D * xin1xin1 xiang4 rong2 flourishing/ prosperous


Được phát triển +

Thắng +

Nhộn nhịp +

Phát triển mạnh +

Hưng +
Grade E word(s):

一位活跃在10世纪的无名诗人;在印象主义最蓬勃的时期作画 An anonymous poet who flourished in the tenth century; painted when Impressionism was flourishing.
过去荒凉的山村已发展成为欣欣向荣的人民公社。 The once deserted mountain villages have grown into a flourishing people's commune.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.