
above + In a higher place than something else
agree + to have the same opinion as someone else
alone + Without anyone or anything else
change + To make or become different, or into something else
employee + person who works for someone else for payment
firstly + Before anything else
other + (something) else; not the first (one)
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
press + To push something against something else
secondary + Being of less importance than something else
affect + To do something that changes something else
contain + To hold something inside something else
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
prefer + To like something better than something else
pure + Not mixed with anything else; uncontaminated
replace + To use instead of something else
similarly + In away that is almost the same as something or someone else
derive + Formed or developed from something else; not original
devote + To decide to use or give something for something else
distinct + clearly different in nature from something else
extract + Take something out of something else
incorporate + To include or involve as part of something else
initiative + ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else
liability + something that is owed to someone else, e.g. a debt
proof + Something which shows that something else is true
relative + Measured or considered in comparison to something else
relatively + In a manner that measures or compares something to something else
subsequently + After something else has happened
yield + To give way to someone or something else

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
