
electricity + energy generated positive and negative charges

0 New HSK word(s):
3 Old HSK word(s): A N * dian4 electricity C N 线* wu2xian4dian4 wireless-electricity/ radio C * fa1 dian4 generate electricity


Grade E word(s):

我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.
我们可以利用风力发电. We can harness the power of the wind to make electricity.
铜的导电性比铁强。 Copper conducts electricity better than iron does.
铜比其他材料导电性能好。 Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.
我们公司是这个地区最大的用电户。 Our company is the biggest user of electricity in this area.
我们的电费已经高得付不起了--得节省些了. Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize.
你本来应该有足够的常识,在拆开电线之前先把电源切断。 You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.
用电量最大的时候是在黄昏时. Demand for electricity peaks in the early evening.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
电力供应已在电源处截断. The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains.
电力供应中断,城市陷于混乱之中。 After the failure of the electricity supplies the city was in chaos.
若不付费用, 就要停止供应电力[煤气]. If you don't pay your bills they'll disconnect your electricity/gas.
电流的,伏打(式)的通过化学反应产生的电流的 Producing electricity by chemical action.
现在房屋大多用电照明. Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity.
接通冰箱的电源. Connect the fridge (up) to the electricity supply.
你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。 Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity.
我们得等电源接通後才能搬进去. We can't move in until the electricity has been laid on.
闪光泡一种内部装有铝箔或镁箔的精细碎片的玻璃灯泡,用电点燃以发出短暂的高强度闪光,从而拍摄照片 A glass bulb filled with finely shredded aluminum or magnesium foil that is ignited by electricity to produce a short-duration high-intensity light flash for taking photographs.