
New HSK word(s):
24 Old HSK word(s): A N * dian4shi4 television/ TV A VA * zhang3wo4 grasp/ master/ control/ have in hand A VA * na2 take/ hold/ seize/ capture/ with/ at A Adv * ting3 very/ rather A VS * tong1 open up/ lead to/ understand A Adv;n * xian1 earlier/ before/ first/ temporarily A VS * kuai4 fast/ rapid/ sharp/ hurry up/ soon B VS * guai4 strange B VA * lve4 omit C Conj * ning4ke3 would rather C M * shu4 bunch/ bundle/ sheaf C Adv * xiang4lai2 from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along C Adv * guai4 quite/ rather/ very C Adv * guai4 quite/ rather/ very C Conj * yu3qi2 with-such/ rather than/ better than C v;n * zhi4 make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control D Adv * wei4mian3 rather/ a bit too D N * xian4zhang3 the head of a county D Conj * ning4ken3 would rather than D Conj * ning4yuan4 would rather D VA * jing1tong1 be well up in master D VS * da4wu2wei4 fearless/ dauntless D N * li4lai2 always D VS;n * su4 element/ plain

Grade E word(s):
