
air + mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe
animal + A living creature that is not a plant or person
art + A creative skill using the imagination, e.g. painting
artist + A person who is skilled and creative in art, such as a painter
autumn + The season when the weather is getting colder, after summer
beat + To win against another person or team; defeat
bird + animal with feathers that uses wings to fly
cause + To make something happen; create effect or result
chicken + A bird which cannot fly that is raised for its eggs and meat
cook + To heat food until it is ready to eat
deeply + to a great, intense or extreme extent
dig + To move material to create a hole
draw + To create an image using pen or pencil and paper
fair + Treating all people the same way
fat + oily part of meat
fire + heat and the flame produced when burning
food + What people and animals eat to live
heavily + a lot or to a great degree
high + Rising upward a great distance
highly + more than usual; to a great degree
imagination + ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images
imagine + to think creatively about; form mental picture of
insurance + Payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death
large + Big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat
little + not great in size, amount, or degree; small
lunch + light meal eaten in the middle of the day
make + to create something by putting things together
maker + person, company, or object that creates things
meal + food for eating at a particular time, e.g. dinner
more + Greater in amount, number, or size
mouth + part of the face used for eating and talking
nose + part of the face used for breathing and smelling
plus + Having a value greater than zero
responsible + Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner
shoe + outer covering for the foot made from leather
smoke + To breathe in through a cigarette and then blow it out
special + Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal
summer + part of the year when the weather is hot
wide + Having a great distance from one side to the other
wind + natural movement of outside air as part of the weather
attack + to try to destroy, beat, or injure
beer + alcoholic drink that is made from wheat or grains
brilliant + Having a great amount of intelligence or talent
concentrate + to pay great attention to a task; focus
delight + strong feeling of great pleasure
designer + Someone who creates plans to make something
diet + To eat special or less food, as to lose weight
discuss + To talk about something seriously or in great detail
drama + play that is performed on stage, theater, or TV
establish + To set or create something to last for a long time
extreme + Very great in degree
fascinate + Attract or interest greatly
habit + usual way of behaving ; something often repeated
hero + person of great courage and strength who saves others
increasingly + more and more; in greater degree or amount
instrument + device that is used for creating music
intense + Very strong, great or extreme in degree
joy + feeling of great happiness and pleasure
maximum + largest or greatest
meat + flesh of a dead animal that you eat
medicine + a substance used in treating illness or pain
pattern + regular repeated behavior
plate + flat dish used for eating or serving food
rapidly + With great speed
restaurant + place where you can order, buy and eat a meal
season + One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
sheep + animal with a woolly coat raised for meat or wool
spin + To turn around repeatedly
storm + Weather with a lot of rain, snow and strong winds
stroke + To touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way
swing + outdoor seat that hangs by two ropes, often from a tree
vegetable + plant that is raised and eaten as food
aggressive + behaving in a hostile and threatening way
climate + typical weather conditions in a particular place
clinical + Concerning the treatment or observing patients
compete + To try to beat others at something, e.g. a race
construct + To build or create something
consume + To eat, drink, buy or use up something
controversial + Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
cycle + series of regular and repeated actions
defeat + To be victorious over an enemy/team/disease; beat
distinguish + To be a feature to make something clearly different from others
exceed + To be greater in number than something
forecast + prediction of some future thing, e.g. the weather
formation + process of creating, or making into a particular shape
fuel + material used to produce heat or power when burned
generate + To create or be produced or bring into existence
innovation + new invention or idea that is created
institution + organization created for a particular cause or purpose
invent + To create something useful for the first time
origin + point at which something begins or is created
overcome + To succeed in a struggle against; defeat
protein + substance found in some foods, such as meat, that is needed by the body to stay healthy
sigh + To breathe out in a way to show boredom or disappointment
surgery + medical treatment in which a doctor performs an operation, cutting into a body to remove or repair internal parts
temperature + how hot or cold something is, e.g. the weather
therapy + Treatment intended to help fix your problem or medical illness
underlie + To lie or exist beneath
victory + Success in defeating an opponent
wealthy + Having a great quantity of money or property
whisper + To talk with breath but no voice
type + group of things or people sharing common features
actor + Person who acts in the theater, movies, or TV

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Grade E word(s):
