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下点雨会使我们感到凉快一些。 Some rain would cool us down.
别让我失望。 Don't let me down.
那小猫爬到树上却不敢下来。 The little cat climbed to the top of the tree and became afraid to get down.
群众高声喊叫把演讲人的声音压了下去。 The crowd shouted the speaker down.
一会儿工夫骚动平息了下来。 Presently the tumult died down.
在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。 A rest in the shade will cool you down.
他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
太阳下山后天气很快就会冷下来。 It gets cold quickly when the sun goes down.
他太胖了,以致于弯不下腰。 His fatness renders him unable to bend down.
这个水壶上的开关按下时卡不住了。 The switch on the kettle won't stay down.
委员会一致同意拒绝这项申请。 The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。 He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.
他把裤子往上拉起,然後坐下。 He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.
我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了. We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.
你的大衣需要刷乾净, 上面满是灰尘. Your coat needs brushing down. It's covered in dust.
他上下打量我。 He looked me up and down.
局势安定了下来。 The situation has settled down.
她的体温降下不来。 Her temperature won't come down.
他们使劲把门撞破. They rammed the door to smash it down.
她患神经衰弱. She suffered a nervous breakdown.
我觉得头晕, 得坐下来. I feel giddy; I must sit down.
蒸汽冷却时凝结成水。 Steam condenses into water when cooling down.
在暴风中屋顶的瓦片哗啦啦地落了下来. During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.
我告诫自己要冷静下来。 I told myself to calm down.
被有短毛或柔软绒毛的 Covered with short hairs or soft down.
你把屁股挪一挪, 我想坐下. Move your stern, I want to sit down.
侵蚀,风化,风蚀受日晒雨淋的岩石发生特征的变化甚至崩溃的过程中的任何一化学或物理变化 Any of the chemical or mechanical processes by which rocks exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and break down.
他砰的一声盖上了盖子. He slammed the lid down.
主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得(这场比赛的)胜利. The local team won (the match) hands down.
机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down.
教室被弄得乱七八糟。 The classroom was turned upside-down.
你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。 You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
他脸上安详的微笑使我们都冷静下来。 His serene smile calmed all of us down.
有个孩子常常能使年轻的父母安稳下来。 Having a baby often steadies young parents down.
今年我们忙得要命--我需要有一段假期放松一下. This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.
我决不甘心忍受这种待遇。 I refuse to take such a treatment lying down.
坐过去点,让你外婆坐下来。 Move over and let your grandmother sit down.
他东奔西走了好久才定居下来。 He kicked about a great deal before settling down.
出示确凿的证据之后,对方不得不作出让步。 After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to back down.
叛变被镇压了。 The rebellion was put down.
那幅画上下颠倒了. That picture is upside-down.
这个没有皮的木料得用砂纸磨光. The bare wood must be sanded down.
但是他的阶级本能使他把历史弄颠倒了。 But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down.
火车一开, 一阵凉风吹来, 我们顿感凉爽. As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down.
那小孩假装会看书,但他把书都拿颠倒了。 The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
事故後她腰部以下瘫痪了. The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down.
他经常抑郁寡欢, 後来精神完全崩溃了. His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown.
他叫我一、两天内别回来,等喧嚣和动乱平息下来再说。 He asked me not to come back for a day or two until the noise and commotion had settled down.
不管你的食物是蔬菜还是肉,在咽下以前咀嚼,是最重要的。 It is most important to chew your food, whether vegetable or meat, before you swallow it down.