
disturb + To stop someone from working or sleeping

13 New HSK word(s): HSK3 影响 + ying3xiang3 influence; effect; to influence; to affect (usually adversely); to disturb; CL:股gu3 HSK4 打扰 + da3rao3 to disturb; to bother; to trouble HSK5 不安 + bu4an1 unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried HSK5 平静 + ping2jing4 tranquil; undisturbed; serene HSK5 + chao3 to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise HSK6 干扰 + gan1rao3 to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) HSK6 起哄 + qi3hong4 to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a disturbance HSK6 扰乱 + rao3luan4 to disturb; to perturb; to harass HSK6 捣乱 + dao3luan4 to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally HSK6 骚扰 + sao1rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass HSK6 + hong4 tumult; uproar; commotion; disturbance HSK6 澄清 + deng4qing1 to settle (of liquid); to become clear (by precipitation of impurities); precipitate (chemistry); to put in order; to quell disturbances HSK6 惊动 + jing1dong4 alarm; alert; disturb
7 Old HSK word(s): B VA * da3rao3 disturb C v;n * gan1rao3 interfere/ disturb/ obstruct/ interference/ disturbance C VA * jing1dong4 alarm/ alert/ disturb/ interrupt C VA * jiao3 mix/ stir/ disturb/ mess up C VS * bu4'an1 uneasy/ disturbed D N * dong4luan4 turmoil/ disturbance D VA * rao3luan4 disturb



Tác động +


Làm phiền +

Quấy rầy +

Bình tĩnh +

Ồn ào +

Sự can thiệp +

La ó +

Làm gián đoạn +

Đá thuyền +

Quấy rối +

Dỗ +

Làm rõ +

Báo động +
Grade E word(s):

马路上来往的车辆声音不断地破坏我们家的安宁。 The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet at home.
别乱动我桌上的文件。 Don't disturb the paper on my desk.
他老是打扰我. He's constantly disturbing me.
他不愿意受到打扰。 He did not care to be disturbed.
没有任何事能扰乱他平静的心绪. Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。 It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
别摇晃瓶子, 要不沉淀就都搅起来了. Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.
别惊动他,他睡着了。 Don't disturb him----he has flaked out.
没有任何事干扰村里一向平静的生活. Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.
他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。 He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed.
这消息非但没有令她不安,反而产生了一种奇怪的镇定效果。 Instead of disturbing her, the news have a strangely calm effect.
脑猝变智力的突然的、剧烈的病变 A sudden, violent disturbance of the mind.
他铲起了一点土,非常小心,不去扰乱底下的任何东西。 He scooped out a little of the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.
他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。 He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.