
disaster + state of extreme ruin and misfortune

3 New HSK word(s): HSK6 惹祸 + re3huo4 to stir up trouble; to invite disaster HSK6 雪上加霜 + xue3shang4jia1shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation HSK6 灾难 + zai1nan4 disaster; catastrophe
7 Old HSK word(s): B N * zai1 disaster/ calamity B N * zai1hai4 calamity/ disaster C N * zai1nan4 disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering D N * nan4 disaster/ blame D * zao1 yang1 suffer disaster D N * huo4 disaster D * jiu4 zai1 provide disaster relief


Rắc rối +

Tồi tệ hơn +

Thảm họa +
Grade E word(s):

那是历史上最严重的空难。 That was the worst airline disaster in history.
这些情况预示著要有灾祸. These developments forebode disaster.
那件事惹出了一连串的灾祸. The incident sparked off a whole chain of disasters.
导弹有极微小的偏斜也可能酿出大祸. The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
数千人死於这场灾祸. Thousands died in the disaster.
政府的现行方针後患无穷. The Government's present course will only lead to disaster.
我们从这场灾难中仍不断汲取教训. We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster.
灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情. Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.
这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚. The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.
这场灾难过後,许多人既没有食物又没有住处。 After the disaster there were many who wanted food and shelter.
那艘油轮遇难後,对同类型的油轮都进行了检验。 After the disaster, tests were carried out on the tanker's sister vessels.
我们普遍有大祸降临的感觉。 We are all pervaded with a sense of disaster.
这场大祸罪责全在公司. The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the company's door.
有的祸事, 像她的汽车被盗之类, 以前从未发生过. Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.