
desert + bare area of land, often with few plants and water

1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 沙漠 + sha1mo4 desert; CL:个/个ge4
2 Old HSK word(s): B N * sha1mo4 desert C VA * pao1 throw/ toss/ leave behind/ desert/ expose/ show/ dump

Sa mạc +
Grade E word(s):

他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了. They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.
在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发出刺耳的尖叫声。 Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
广大的地区均已变成沙漠. Vast areas of land have become desert.
很少植物或动物能在沙漠中很好地生长。 Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.
我们听他们讲述撒哈拉沙漠的生活经历。 We listened to their tales about life in the Sahara Desert.
在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。 Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.
沙漠里有许多沙丘。 There are lots of dunes in the desert.
沙漠中仍有丛林。 There is still underbrush in the desert.
沙漠那边吹来的风把所有的东西都蒙上了一层沙子. The wind blew from the desert and covered everything with sand.
被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? Does desertion ground for divorce?
在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。 It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island.
商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
撒哈拉沙漠是北非与中非之间的天然屏障。 The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between north and central Africa.
沙漠一直延伸到远方。 The desert stretched away into the distance.
沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头. The desert continued as far as the eye could see.
军队正在进行沙漠作战演习. The army is on (ie taking part in) manoeuvres in the desert.
过去荒凉的山村已发展成为欣欣向荣的人民公社。 The once deserted mountain villages have grown into a flourishing people's commune.
勘探人员进入了一片沙漠地带。 The explorers entered upon a desert tract.
公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。 The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.
我们已经灌溉了荒芜地区使它肥沃。 We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.