
deliver + To take something to a person or place
delivery + act of taking something to a person or place

4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + song4 to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send HSK4 + jiao1 to hand over; to deliver; to pay (money); to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines) HSK6 + shao1 to bring sth to sb; to deliver HSK6 验收 + yan4shou1 to check on receipt; an inventory of received goods; to verify and accept (a delivery)
4 Old HSK word(s): A VA * jiao1 hand over/ deliver/ associate with A VA * song4 send/ give/ deliver/ carry/ escort D VA * zhuan3jiao1 deliver to D VA * jiao1fu4 hand over/ deliver



Gửi +


Cross +

Tình cờ +

Chấp nhận +
Grade E word(s):

下一次邮递时间是四点钟。 The next postal delivery is at 4 o'clock.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
那位母亲生产顺利。 The mother had an easy delivery.
这种导弹由地下发射. The missile is delivered from underground.
她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话. She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.
以下是他在华府所发表的那篇著名的演讲中的一些摘录。 What follows is some excerpts of the famous speech he delivered in Washington D.C.
这种新型设计能提高速度、 节约燃料. The new model delivers speed and fuel economy.
邮递员的工作,不论天气如何,概括地说来就是“送信”。 The mailman's job, in all kinds of weather, is summed up in the phrase"Deliver the mail."
背书小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来 Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.
一名新教徒向人群发表了演说。 A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.
若你方能保证按期交货,我们要下大的订单。 If you can guarantee punctual delivery, we shall place large orders with you.
他被从监狱释放使我们困惑不已。 His deliverance from the prison puzzled us.
愿上帝拯救我们脱离罪恶. May God deliver us from evil.
他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救出来。 They prayed to God to deliver them from danger.
我们担保你在一日内收到. We guarantee you delivery within one day.
这座发电站的燃料是通过公路运送的. The power station is serviced (ie Fuel is delivered to it) by road transport.
这位即将退休的矿工把风钻移交给他的接班人。 The retiring miner delivered his pneumatic drill over to his successor.
那个凶手向司法部门投案自首。 The murderer delivered himself up to justice.
一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接下来了。 In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps.