
deep + Going far down from the surface
deeply + to a great, intense or extreme extent

17 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + da4 big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; older (than); oldest; eldest; greatly; very much; (dialect) father; father's elder or younger brother HSK4 感情 + gan3qing2 feeling; emotion; sensation; likes and dislikes; deep affection for sb or sth; relationship (i.e. love affair); CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK4 + hou4 thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress HSK4 伤心 + shang1xin1 to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt HSK4 + shen1 close; deep; late; profound; dark (of color, water etc) HSK5 油炸 + you2zha2 to deep fry HSK5 深刻 + shen1ke4 profound; deep; deep-going HSK6 博大精深 + bo2da4jing1shen1 wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep HSK6 根深蒂固 + gen1shen1di4gu4 deep-rooted (problem etc) HSK6 感慨 + gan3kai3 to sigh with sorrow, regret etc; rueful; deeply moved HSK6 思索 + si1suo3 to think deeply; to ponder HSK6 喘气 + chuan3qi4 to breathe deeply; to pant HSK6 气功 + qi4gong1 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises HSK6 资深 + zi1shen1 senior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience); deeply qualified HSK6 浓厚 + nong2hou4 dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) HSK6 深沉 + shen1chen2 deep; profound; (of a person) reserved; undemonstrative; (of a voice, sound etc) deep; low-pitched HSK6 深情厚谊 + shen1qing2hou4yi4 deep friendship
15 Old HSK word(s): A VS * shen1 deep/ difficult/ thoroughgoing/ dark B VS * shen1ke4 deep/ profound B VA * shen1ru4 penetrate into/ go deep into B VA * re4'ai4 ardently love/ have deep love C VA * zha2 fry in deep fat or oil/ deep-fry D VA * shen1hua4 deepen D VS * shen1qie4 deep felt D N * shen1qing2 deep feelings/ affectionateness D VS * chen2tong4 deeply grieved D VA * jia1shen1 deepen D N * tan2 deep pool D VS * guan1qie4 be deeply concerned D * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain D VS * shen1'ao4 abstruse/ deep D VS * shen1chen2 deep



Lớn +


Cảm xúc +


Dày +


Buồn +


Sâu +

Chiên +

Bạn +

Sâu sắc +

Sâu +

Cảm xúc +

Suy nghĩ +

Thở hổn hển +

Khí công +

Senior +

Mạnh mẽ +

Sâu +

Tình bạn +
Grade E word(s):

我们深深感谢你的支持。 We are deeply grateful for your support.
她的亲切给我留下了很深的印象。 Her gentleness has given me a deep impression.
我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。 We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.
让我们深入考虑一下这件事。 Let's pore deeply on the matter.
他喜欢深入研读他所选定的任何一门学科。 He likes to read deeply in any subject that he chooses to study.
他的无限的慷慨深深地感动了我们。 His boundless generosity moved us deeply.
安娜不会游泳, 在游泳池的深水区里挣扎著. Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering (about/around) in the deep end of the swimming-pool.
寓言,讽喻一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力,从而使表面含义含有或表达一种对等的,但更深刻的象征意义 A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense.
她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念. A deep faith underlies her work among refugees.
深深的皱纹布上他的额头. Deep furrows lined his brow.
他送我这么珍贵的礼物使我深受感动。 Such a precious gift did he give me that I was deeply touched.
断层地形上的显著变化,如断层,深谷 A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley.
再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道。 The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep.
这些宏伟的宫殿给外宾们留下了深刻的印象。 These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply.
听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。 Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
尽管杰拉尔德主动提供全力支持,但我仍不由得感觉到他在背地里搞鬼。 Although Gerald offered his wholehearted support, I can't help feeling he's playing some deep game of his own.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
堤坝建成後水已加深. The water deepened after the dam was built.
对於令夫人之去世, 谨向您表示最深切的慰问. You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.
她的经历很悲惨, 我们都深受感动[我们都很伤心]. Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.
这种感觉一年一年地加深了。 The feeling deepened with the passing of the years.
他与会计深入交谈. He was deep in conversation with his accountant.
我们为他们的献身精神所感动。 We were deeply moved by their devotion.
你的母性本能远比你想像的强. Your maternal instincts go deeper than you think.
他的微笑加深了,但他没有打算要回答。 His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer.
深奥的形而上学理论 A deep metaphysical theory.
小路漫漫消失在密林深处. The path petered out deep in the forest.
她的脸上带著受过苦难的深深的痕迹. Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.
这些放射性废物应该放在密封的箱子里深埋在地下。 The radioactive waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box.
那鹿逃入了丛林深处。 The deer escaped to the deep forest.
她的诚挚让我深受感动。 I was deeply moved by her earnestness.
在软岩石上形成许多深槽. Deep grooves channelled the soft rock.
把整块菜地按两锹深翻挖一遍. Dig the whole vegetable plot two spits deep.
我们社会中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想. There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.
他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。 He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose.
黄金埋藏於地下深处. The gold lies deep in the earth.
狗吠声有特色地低沉的、粗哑的狗叫 The characteristically deep, gruff bark of a dog.
裂缝土地表面上深的、陡峭的缝隙;深渊或峡谷 A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge.
他企图藉赌博增加收入,却陷入了更深的困境。 He tried to increase his income by gambling only to plunge more deeply into the mire.
想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。 He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.
他们须通过齐膝的烂泥和堆积物, 磕磕绊绊来到遇难者身旁. They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.
嗜眠病以突然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱 A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.