
77 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + xia4 down; downwards; below; lower; later; next (week etc); second (of two parts); to decline; to go down; to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc); measure word to show the frequency of an action HSK2 西瓜 + xi1gua1 watermelon; CL:颗/颗ke1,粒li4,个/个ge5 HSK2 虽然 + sui1ran2 although; even though; even if HSK2 旅游 + lu:3you2 trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour; to travel HSK3 锻炼 + duan4lian4 to engage in physical exercise; to work out; to toughen; to temper HSK3 信用卡 + xin4yong4ka3 credit card HSK4 无论 + wu2lun4 no matter what or how; regardless of whether... HSK4 教育 + jiao4yu4 to educate; to teach; education HSK4 基础 + ji1chu3 base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 比如 + bi3ru2 for example; for instance; such as HSK4 招聘 + zhao1pin4 recruitment; to invite applications for a job HSK4 尽管 + jin3guan3 despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating HSK4 勇敢 + yong3gan3 brave; courageous HSK4 是否 + shi4fou3 whether (or not); if; is or isn't HSK4 申请 + shen1qing3 to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份fen4 HSK4 内容 + nei4rong2 content; substance; details; CL:个/个ge4,项/项xiang4 HSK4 出差 + chu1chai1 to go on an official or business trip HSK4 使用 + shi3yong4 to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of HSK4 例如 + li4ru2 for example; for instance; such as HSK4 + ting2 to stop; to halt; to park (a car) HSK4 旅行 + lu:3xing2 to travel; journey; trip; CL:趟tang4,次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK4 + di3 background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants HSK4 性别 + xing4bie2 gender; sex; distinguishing between the sexes HSK5 运用 + yun4yong4 to use; to put to use HSK5 项目 + xiang4mu4 item; project; sports event; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 营养 + ying2yang3 nutrition; nourishment; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK5 + lan2 to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) HSK5 预报 + yu4bao4 forecast HSK5 阻止 + zu3zhi3 to prevent; to block HSK5 出席 + chu1xi2 to attend; to participate; present HSK5 手工 + shou3gong1 handwork; manual HSK5 利用 + li4yong4 to exploit; to make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize HSK5 用途 + yong4tu2 use; application HSK5 多余 + duo1yu2 superfluous; unnecessary; surplus HSK5 健身 + jian4shen1 to exercise; to keep fit; to work out; physical exercise HSK5 反正 + fan3zheng4 anyway; in any case; to come over from the enemy's side HSK5 主张 + zhu3zhang1 to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 应用 + ying4yong4 to use; to apply; application; applicable HSK5 数据 + shu4ju4 data; numbers; digital HSK5 激烈 + ji1lie4 intense; acute; fierce HSK5 游览 + you2lan3 to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit; CL:次ci4 HSK5 浏览 + liu2lan3 to skim over; to browse HSK5 学历 + xue2li4 educational background; academic qualifications HSK6 再接再厉 + zai4jie1zai4li4 to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist; unremitting efforts HSK6 功劳 + gong1lao2 contribution; meritorious service; credit HSK6 草案 + cao3an4 draft (legislation, proposal etc) HSK6 杜绝 + du4jue2 to put an end to HSK6 椭圆 + tuo3yuan2 oval; ellipse; elliptic HSK6 榜样 + bang3yang4 example; model; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 下属 + xia4shu3 subordinate; underling HSK6 比喻 + bi3yu4 to compare; to liken to; metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively HSK6 比方 + bi3fang5 analogy; instance HSK6 招收 + zhao1shou1 to hire; to recruit HSK6 不顾 + bu4gu4 in spite of; regardless of HSK6 譬如 + pi4ru2 for example; for instance; such as HSK6 迟疑 + chi2yi2 to hesitate HSK6 预期 + yu4qi1 to expect; to anticipate HSK6 预料 + yu4liao4 to forecast; to anticipate; expectation HSK6 虐待 + nu:e4dai4 to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse; mistreatment; maltreatment HSK6 见义勇为 + jian4yi4yong3wei2 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause HSK6 肖像 + xiao4xiang4 portrait HSK6 用户 + yong4hu4 user; consumer; subscriber; customer HSK6 名誉 + ming2yu4 fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor) HSK6 修建 + xiu1jian4 to build; to construct HSK6 停顿 + ting2dun4 to halt; to break off; pause (in speech) HSK6 依据 + yi1ju4 according to; basis; foundation HSK6 依托 + yi1tuo1 to rely on; to depend on HSK6 依靠 + yi1kao4 to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on HSK6 储备 + chu3bei4 reserves; to store up HSK6 仪器 + yi2qi4 instrument; apparatus; CL:台/台tai2 HSK6 终止 + zhong1zhi3 to stop; to terminate (law) HSK6 维持 + wei2chi2 to keep; to maintain; to preserve HSK6 施加 + shi1jia1 to exert (effort or pressure) HSK6 立足 + li4zu2 to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on HSK6 美满 + mei3man3 happy; blissful HSK6 宽容 + kuan1rong2 lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive HSK6 容忍 + rong2ren3 to put up with; to tolerate
Old HSK word(s):



Dưới +


Dưa hấu +


Mặc dù +


Đi du lịch +


Tập thể dục +


Thẻ tín dụng +


Cho dù +


Giáo dục +


Dựa +


Ví dụ: +


Tuyển dụng +


Mặc dù +


Dũng cảm +


Cho dù +


Ứng dụng +


Nội dung +


Đi du lịch +


Sử dụng +

Ví dụ: +


Dừng lại +


Đi du lịch +


Phía dưới +


Tình dục +

Sử dụng +

Dự án +

Dinh dưỡng +

Dừng lại +

Dự báo thời tiết +

Dừng lại +

Tham dự +

Hướng dẫn sử dụng +

Sử dụng +

Sử dụng +

Dư thừa +

Tập thể dục +

Dù sao +

Dự luật +

Ứng dụng +

Dữ liệu +

Dữ dội +

Tour du lịch +

Duyệt +

Giáo dục +

Xây dựng +

Tín dụng +

Các dự thảo +

Chấm dứt +

Hình bầu dục +

Ví dụ +

Cấp dưới +

Ẩn dụ +

Ví dụ: +

Tuyển dụng +

Mặc dù +

Ví dụ: +

Do dự +

Dự kiến +

Dự kiến +

Lạm dụng +

Dũng cảm +

Chân dung +

Dùng +

Danh dự +

Việc xây dựng +

Tạm dừng +

Dựa trên những +

Dựa trên những +

Dựa vào +

Dự trữ +

Các dụng cụ +

Chấm dứt +

Duy trì +

Áp dụng +

Dựa trên +

Nội dung +

Khoan dung +

Khoan dung +
Grade E word(s):
