
crack + To almost break something

5 New HSK word(s): HSK4 饼干 + bing3gan1 biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片pian4,块/块kuai4 HSK5 鞭炮 + bian1pao4 firecrackers; string of small firecrackers; CL:枚mei2 HSK6 打击 + da3ji1 to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; a setback; a blow; percussion (music) HSK6 爆竹 + bao4zhu2 firecracker HSK6 空隙 + kong4xi4 crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events
7 Old HSK word(s): A * kai1 wan2xiao4 joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of B N * bing3gan1 biscuit/ cracker C VA * zhen4ya1 suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute C VA * lie4 split/ crack/ break up C VA * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ D N * bian1pao4 firecracker D N * bao4zhu2 firecracker



Cookie +

Pháo +

Chiến đấu +

Pháo +

Khoảng trống +
Grade E word(s):

我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。 I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.
别把热水倒进玻璃杯里,不然它会炸的。 Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。 Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.
我得把墙上的那条裂缝填补好. I must fill that crack in the wall.
我们何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢? Why don't we crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?
雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。 Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.
风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。 The wind whistled through a crack in the door.
世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。 The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
她这个人不好说话,我想她不会答应我们的。 She is a hard nut(to crack);I don't think she will give us permission.
在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。 At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.
我的头撞在低矮的门框上了. I cracked my head on the low door-frame.
爆竹响了,吓了杰克的狗一跳。 The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。 The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
霍勒斯沾沾自喜于自己的权力。他就是那个拉动响鞭发号令的是暴徒,是头子。 Horace was relishing his power. He was the tough, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
爆竹啪啪地响。 The firecrackers popped.
他噼噼啪啪地挥鞭策马狂跑。 He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot.
熊熊的柴火在起居室的炉中噼啪作响。 A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room.