
45 New HSK word(s): HSK2 公司 + gong1si1 (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated; CL:家jia1 HSK3 一共 + yi1gong4 altogether HSK3 作业 + zuo4ye4 school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:个/个ge4; to operate HSK4 技术 + ji4shu4 technology; technique; skill; CL:门/门men2,种/种zhong3,项/项xiang4 HSK4 成功 + cheng2gong1 success; to succeed; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK5 工具 + gong1ju4 tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc) HSK5 工业 + gong1ye4 industry HSK5 工人 + gong1ren2 worker; CL:个/个ge4,名ming2 HSK5 承认 + cheng2ren4 to admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge HSK5 阳台 + yang2tai2 balcony; porch HSK5 行业 + hang2ye4 industry; business HSK5 公开 + gong1kai1 public; to publish; to make public HSK5 公平 + gong1ping2 fair; impartial HSK5 公主 + gong1zhu3 princess HSK5 总共 + zong3gong4 altogether; in sum; in all; in total HSK5 + lou4 to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old) HSK6 奉献 + feng4xian4 to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote HSK6 表彰 + biao3zhang1 to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches) HSK6 进攻 + jin4gong1 to attack; to assault; to go on the offensive; attack; assault; offense (sports) HSK6 工艺品 + gong1yi4pin3 handicraft article; handiwork; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 正义 + zheng4yi4 justice; righteousness; just; righteous HSK6 走漏 + zou3lou4 to leak (of information, liquid etc); to divulge HSK6 博览会 + bo2lan3hui4 exposition; international fair HSK6 攻击 + gong1ji1 to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military) HSK6 职务 + zhi2wu4 post; position; job; duties HSK6 共和国 + gong4he2guo2 republic HSK6 敬业 + jing4ye4 to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work HSK6 本事 + ben3shi4 source material; original story HSK6 本事 + ben3shi5 ability; skill HSK6 拼搏 + pin1bo2 to struggle; to wrestle HSK6 袭击 + xi2ji1 attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack HSK6 司法 + si1fa3 judicial; (administration of) justice HSK6 冒犯 + mao4fan4 to offend HSK6 圆满 + yuan2man3 satisfactory; consummate; perfect HSK6 坚定 + jian1ding4 firm; steady; staunch; resolute HSK6 气功 + qi4gong1 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises HSK6 公式 + gong1shi4 formula HSK6 公民 + gong1min2 citizen HSK6 公证 + gong1zheng4 notarization; notarized; acknowledgement HSK6 公认 + gong1ren4 publicly known (to be); accepted (as) HSK6 公道 + gong1dao4 justice; fairness; public highway HSK6 公道 + gong1dao5 fair; equitable HSK6 产业 + chan3ye4 industry; estate; property; industrial HSK6 识别 + shi2bie2 to distinguish; to discern HSK6 认可 + ren4ke3 to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK
Old HSK word(s):



Công ty +

我们班~有 20 名学生。

Tổng cộng +


Công việc +


Công nghệ +


Thành công +

Công cụ +

Công nghiệp +

Công nhân +

Công nhận +

Ban công +

Ngành công nghiệp +

Công +

Công bằng +

Công chúa +

Tổng cộng +

Cống +

Sự cống hiến +

Công nhận +

Tấn công +

Thủ công mỹ nghệ +

Công lý +

Cống đi +

Công bằng +

Tấn công +

Công việc +

Cộng hòa +

Sự cống hiến +

Các công ty +

Các công ty +

Công việc khó khăn +

Tấn công +

Công lý +

Tấn công +

Các thành công +

Công ty +

Khí công +

Các công thức +

Công dân +

Công chứng viên +

Công nhận +

Công lý +

Công lý +

Ngành công nghiệp +

Công nhận +

Công nhận +
Grade E word(s):
