
1 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + yin1 overcast (weather); cloudy; shady; Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang); negative (electric.); feminine; moon; implicit; hidden; genitalia
2 Old HSK word(s): A VS * yin1 cloudy/ overcast/ sinister C N * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day



Nữ +
Grade E word(s):

一滴奶在水中扩散开来, 使水变得混浊不清了. A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy.
整个早上都是阴天。 It's been cloudy all morning.
模糊的不清楚的或者不明显的;含糊的或者朦胧的 Lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.