
0 New HSK word(s):
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Grade E word(s):

推动的,原动力的引起或产生行动的 Causing or producing motion.
排泄的,排除的引起腹泻,尤指肠泻的;净肠的 Causing evacuation, especially of the bowels; purgative.
"太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。" "The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow."
气流分离移动的流线型的躯体上流体边界层上的分隔物,如飞机的机翼,在平滑的流体流动中会引起故障和湍流 A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
那些人被控扰乱治安. The men were charged with causing an affray.
偏执狂现象在妇女中很盛行,引起了许多婚姻纠纷。 Paranoia reigns supreme among the women, causing much marital conflict.
飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥. The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out.
脂肪团一种能引起如大腿、臀部等处的皱纹或凹凸不平的脂肪沉淀物 A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.
痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部 A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.