
boundary + Where one area ends and another begins

13 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + wang3 to go (in a direction); to; towards; (of a train) bound for; past; previous HSK4 + pian1 sheet; piece of writing; bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old); classifier for written items: chapter, article HSK5 保险 + bao3xian3 insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to; CL:份fen4 HSK6 境界 + jing4jie4 boundary; state; realm HSK6 茫茫 + mang2mang2 boundless; vast and obscure HSK6 极限 + ji2xian4 limit; extreme boundary HSK6 势必 + shi4bi4 to be bound to; undoubtedly will HSK6 盛产 + sheng4chan3 superabundant; to teem with; to produce in abundance; to abound in HSK6 局限 + ju2xian4 to limit; to confine; to restrict sth within set boundaries HSK6 边界 + bian1jie4 boundary; border HSK6 跳跃 + tiao4yue4 to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip HSK6 界限 + jie4xian4 boundary; marginal HSK6 + pan4 edge; side; boundary; bank (of a river etc); shore
12 Old HSK word(s): B VS * wu2xian4 infinite/ limitless/ boundless C N 线* jie4xian4 boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line C v;n * fei1yue4 leap/ bound/ jump/ fast and great progress C N * bian1jie4 bound/ boundary/ border C N * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation D N * xian4du4 limit/ bound D N * jie4 boundary; suf. circles D VA * sheng4chan3 abound in/ teem with D N * sheng4qing2 boundless hospitality D VS * wu2qiong2 boundless/ endless D N * wang1yang2 (of a body of water) vast/ boundless D VS * mang2mang2 vast/ boundless


再~前走 500 米就到了。

Đến +


Bài +

Bảo hiểm +

Cõi +

Đại +

Giới hạn +

Ràng buộc +

Giàu +

Giới hạn +

Ranh giới +

Nhảy +

Ranh giới +

Hồ bơi +
Grade E word(s):

这次聚会一定没意思--咱们想个法子别去了. It's bound to be a boring party let's try to wangle out of it/going.
夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。 The setting sun had boundless beauty, Just because the yellow dusk is so near.
扫帚梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用 A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.
那船是开往外地的. The ship is outward bound.
分隔物,分界线分界物或分割物,用作分配或分类 Something, such as a boundary or partition, that serves to divide or keep separate.
还没有装订成册的论文稿件堆放在桌子上。 The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.
伤口用绷带包扎着。 The wound was bound up by bandage.
他的无限的慷慨深深地感动了我们。 His boundless generosity moved us deeply.
德国西面与法国接壤, 南与瑞士为邻. Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.
你下了这麽大工夫, 一定能考及格. You've done so much work that you're bound to pass the exam.
他没有钱, 所以, 他必定会出现的。 He hasn't got any money, so he's bound to turn up sooner or later.
这趟列车是开往北京的。 The train is bound for Beijing.
从长远看, 物价肯定要涨. In the long run pricesare bound to rise.
那条小路就是我们这片地的界线. The lane is the boundary of our land.
生产成本的增加必定使价格上涨。 Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices.
在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题不可。 You are not legally bound to answer these questions.
如果这样的话,你的观点一定会和他的起冲突。 If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.
我们从前的一切观念都正在改变, 我们的工作肯定要有很大变动. All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
他被绑在一把椅子上, 就那样待著. He was bound to a chair and left.
在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。 On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns.
对于艺术作品的欣赏必然受到一种特殊的兴趣爱好的支配。 Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.
在各条战线上都有精力充沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。 On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.
气流分离移动的流线型的躯体上流体边界层上的分隔物,如飞机的机翼,在平滑的流体流动中会引起故障和湍流 A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
这样的是没有不摔跟头的。 Such people are bound to trip and fall.
一种有极限或界限的量值。 A quantity that has a limit or boundary.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
国与国之间的边界未明确划定时,通常会发生纠纷。 When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble.
他纵身一跃就跳过了墙。 With one bound, he was over the wall.
她未曾想到这计谋反倒使她自食其果. The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.
一切想维护殖民主义的企图都是注定要失败的。 All attempts to bolster up colonialism are bound to fail.
人们对这问题的看法超越了他们沿袭至今的政治界限。 Opinion on this issue cuts across traditional political boundaries.
界面在相关区域,实体,物质或阶段之间所形成共同界限的面 A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases.
我们的教育事业是和祖国的繁荣昌盛休戚相关的。 Our educational cause is bound up with the prosperity of our country.
如果说我们缺点不断出现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。 And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless.
对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
范围;区域被该界限围合的空间 The space enclosed by such a boundary.
人质被(用绳)捆住并塞住了口. The hostages were bound (with ropes) and gagged.