
mobile + Capable of moving from one place to another

4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 手机 + shou3ji1 cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部bu4,支zhi1 HSK5 移动 + yi2dong4 to move; movement; migration; mobile; portable HSK5 行动 + xing2dong4 operation; action; to move; mobile; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 喇叭 + la3ba5 horn (automobile etc); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona 锁吶/锁呐suo3 na4
2 Old HSK word(s): A N * qi4che1 automobile/ motor vehicle/ car C N * che1liang4 vehicles/ automobiles



Điện thoại +

Điện thoại di động +

Hành động +

Horn +
Grade E word(s):

他急急忙忙地把孩子们推进汽车。 He huddled the children into the automobile.
在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用;像机动炮那样掩护步兵。 In that campaign, the tanks were often used in a support role, shooting-in die infantry as mobile artillery.
汽车型号,汽车牌子制成品的型号或牌子,尤指汽车 A model or brand of a manufactured product, especially an automobile.
以前用以保护上前去围攻的士兵的活动的屏面或盾牌 A mobile screen or shield formerly used to protect besieging soldiers.