
219 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + san1 three; 3 HSK1 现在 + xian4zai4 now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays HSK1 + qi1 seven; 7 HSK1 医生 + yi1sheng1 doctor; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK1 飞机 + fei1ji1 airplane; CL:架jia4 HSK1 北京 + Bei3jing1 Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China; Peking; PRC government HSK1 桌子 + zhuo1zi5 table; desk; CL:张/张zhang1,套tao4 HSK1 朋友 + peng2you5 friend; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK1 多少 + duo1shao5 number; amount; somewhat; how much; how many; which (number); as much as HSK1 + ni3 you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nin2) HSK1 谢谢 + xie4xie5 to thank; thanks; thank you HSK2 开始 + kai1shi3 to begin; beginning; to start; initial; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 + mai4 to sell; to betray; to spare no effort; to show off or flaunt HSK2 机场 + ji1chang3 airport; airfield; CL:家jia1,处/处chu4 HSK2 报纸 + bao4zhi3 newspaper; newsprint; CL:份fen4,期qi1,张/张zhang1 HSK2 + nin2 you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你ni3) HSK2 + ke4 subject; course; CL: 门/门men2; class; lesson; CL:堂tang2,节/节jie2; to levy; tax; form of divination HSK2 + mang2 busy; hurriedly; to hurry; to rush HSK3 地图 + di4tu2 map; CL:张/张zhang1,本ben3 HSK3 + wan3 bowl; cup; CL:只/只zhi1,个/个ge4 HSK3 面包 + mian4bao1 bread; CL:片pian4,袋dai4,块/块kuai4 HSK3 蛋糕 + dan4gao1 cake; CL:块/块kuai4,个/个ge4 HSK3 北方 + bei3fang1 north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River HSK3 黑板 + hei1ban3 blackboard; CL:块/块kuai4,个/个ge4 HSK3 + tiao2 strip; item; article; clause (of law or treaty); classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc) HSK3 奶奶 + nai3nai5 (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位wei4; (coll.) boobies; breasts HSK4 表格 + biao3ge2 form; table; CL:张/张zhang1,份fen4 HSK4 理发 + li3fa4 a barber; hairdressing HSK4 真正 + zhen1zheng4 genuine; real; true; genuinely HSK4 本来 + ben3lai2 original; originally; at first; it goes without saying; of course HSK4 友谊 + you3yi4 companionship; fellowship; friendship HSK4 不管 + bu4guan3 no matter (what, how); regardless of; no matter HSK4 原来 + yuan2lai2 original; former; originally; formerly; at first; so, actually, as it turns out HSK4 大夫 + da4fu1 senior official (in imperial China) HSK4 大夫 + dai4fu5 doctor; physician HSK4 通知 + tong1zhi1 to notify; to inform; notice; notification; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 登机牌 + deng1ji1pai2 boarding pass HSK4 占线 + zhan4xian4 busy (telephone line) HSK4 + kun4 to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute HSK4 + kun4 sleepy; tired HSK4 出发 + chu1fa1 to start out; to set off HSK4 失败 + shi1bai4 to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g. experiments); failure; defeat; CL:次ci4 HSK4 + pian1 sheet; piece of writing; bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old); classifier for written items: chapter, article HSK4 + zang1 dirty; filthy HSK4 + zang4 viscera; (anatomy) organ HSK4 包子 + bao1zi5 steamed stuffed bun; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 饺子 + jiao3zi5 dumpling; pot-sticker; CL:个/个ge4,只/只zhi1 HSK4 乒乓球 + ping1pang1qiu2 table tennis; ping-pong; table tennis ball; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 顺便 + shun4bian4 conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort HSK4 保护 + bao3hu4 to protect; to defend; to safeguard; protection; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK4 保证 + bao3zheng4 guarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 任何 + ren4he2 any; whatever; whichever; whatsoever HSK4 售货员 + shou4huo4yuan2 salesperson; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 航班 + hang2ban1 scheduled flight; flight number; plane; scheduled sailing; sailing number; passenger ship HSK4 从来 + cong2lai2 always; at all times; never (if used in negative sentence) HSK4 文章 + wen2zhang1 article; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning; CL:篇pian1,段duan4,页/页ye4 HSK4 竟然 + jing4ran2 unexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to HSK4 证明 + zheng4ming2 proof; certificate; identification; testimonial; CL:个/个ge4; to prove; to testify; to confirm the truth of HSK4 记者 + ji4zhe3 reporter; journalist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 粗心 + cu1xin1 careless; thoughtless HSK4 + ju3 to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect; act; move; deed HSK5 现实 + xian4shi2 reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic HSK5 无奈 + wu2nai4 helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 无可奈何/无可奈何wu2 ke3 nai4 he2 HSK5 天空 + tian1kong1 sky HSK5 博物馆 + bo2wu4guan3 museum HSK5 教训 + jiao4xun5 lesson; moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb HSK5 要不 + yao4bu4 otherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...) HSK5 基本 + ji1ben3 basic; fundamental; main; elementary HSK5 真实 + zhen1shi2 true; real HSK5 握手 + wo4shou3 to shake hands HSK5 报到 + bao4dao4 to report for duty; to check in; to register HSK5 报告 + bao4gao4 to inform; to report; to make known; report; speech; talk; lecture; CL:篇pian1,份fen4,个/个ge4,通tong4 HSK5 报社 + bao4she4 general office of a newspaper; newspaper office; CL:家jia1 HSK5 报导 + bao4dao4 to report (news); report; CL:篇pian1,份fen4 HSK5 + dang3 to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear HSK5 + dang4 to arrange; to put in order HSK5 + pai1 to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) HSK5 + zhua1 to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch; to scratch HSK5 感想 + gan3xiang3 impressions; reflections; thoughts; CL:通tong4,个/个ge4 HSK5 录音 + lu4yin1 to record (sound); sound recording; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 预报 + yu4bao4 forecast HSK5 随时 + sui2shi2 at any time; at all times; at the right time HSK5 阳台 + yang2tai2 balcony; porch HSK5 最初 + zui4chu1 first; primary; initial HSK5 出版 + chu1ban3 to publish; to come off the press; to put out HSK5 发表 + fa1biao3 to issue; to publish HSK5 键盘 + jian4pan2 keyboard HSK5 + yin2 silver; silver-colored; relating to money or currency HSK5 销售 + xiao1shou4 to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc) HSK5 气氛 + qi4fen1 atmosphere; mood HSK5 委屈 + wei3qu5 to feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance HSK5 等于 + deng3yu2 to equal; to be tantamount to HSK5 肌肉 + ji1rou4 muscle; flesh HSK5 包括 + bao1kuo4 to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of HSK5 馒头 + man2tou5 steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 何必 + he2bi4 there is no need; why should HSK5 射击 + she4ji1 to shoot; to fire (a gun) HSK5 保险 + bao3xian3 insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to; CL:份fen4 HSK5 作文 + zuo4wen2 to write an essay; composition (student essay); CL:篇pian1 HSK5 公布 + gong1bu4 to announce; to make public; to publish HSK5 公平 + gong1ping2 fair; impartial HSK5 女士 + nu:3shi4 lady; madam; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4; Miss; Ms HSK5 姥姥 + lao3lao5 (coll.) mother's mother; maternal grandmother HSK5 文字 + wen2zi4 character; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 意外 + yi4wai4 unexpected; accident; mishap; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 讲座 + jiang3zuo4 a course of lectures; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + shi1 poem; CL:首shou3; poetry; verse HSK5 证据 + zheng4ju4 evidence; proof; testimony HSK5 兼职 + jian1zhi2 to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting HSK5 宝贝 + bao3bei4 treasured object; treasure; darling; baby; cowry; good-for-nothing or queer character HSK5 宣布 + xuan1bu4 to declare; to announce; to proclaim HSK5 酒吧 + jiu3ba1 bar; pub; saloon; CL:家jia1 HSK5 测验 + ce4yan4 test; to test; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK5 沙滩 + sha1tan1 beach; sandy shore; CL:片pian4 HSK5 深刻 + shen1ke4 profound; deep; deep-going HSK5 演讲 + yan3jiang3 lecture; to make a speech HSK5 情景 + qing2jing3 scene; sight; circumstances; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 刊登 + kan1deng1 to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper or magazine) HSK6 专利 + zhuan1li4 patent HSK6 戒备 + jie4bei4 to take precautions; to guard against (emergency) HSK6 无能为力 + wu2neng2wei2li4 impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless HSK6 博览会 + bo2lan3hui4 exposition; international fair HSK6 欺负 + qi1fu5 to bully HSK6 职位 + zhi2wei4 post; office; position HSK6 故障 + gu4zhang4 malfunction; breakdown; defect; shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; error; bug (in software) HSK6 胡乱 + hu2luan4 careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly; at will; at random; any old how HSK6 莫名其妙 + mo4ming2qi2miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and ineffable; unable to make head or tail of it; boring (e.g. movie) HSK6 警告 + jing3gao4 to warn; to admonish HSK6 杠杆 + gang4gan3 lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage HSK6 椭圆 + tuo3yuan2 oval; ellipse; elliptic HSK6 相等 + xiang1deng3 equal; equally; equivalent HSK6 朴素 + pu3su4 plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous HSK6 本能 + ben3neng2 instinct HSK6 查获 + cha2huo4 to investigate and capture (a criminal); to ferret out; to hunt down and arrest HSK6 + zou4 to beat up; to break to pieces HSK6 批发 + pi1fa1 wholesale; bulk trade; distribution HSK6 打猎 + da3lie4 to go hunting HSK6 据悉 + ju4xi1 according to reports; it is reported (that) HSK6 报警 + bao4jing3 to give a warning; to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police; warning; omen HSK6 捍卫 + han4wei4 to defend; to uphold; to safeguard HSK6 指南针 + zhi3nan2zhen1 compass HSK6 过奖 + guo4jiang3 to over-praise; to flatter HSK6 残酷 + can2ku4 cruel; cruelty HSK6 列举 + lie4ju3 a list; to list; to enumerate HSK6 确保 + que4bao3 to ensure; to guarantee HSK6 磁带 + ci2dai4 magnetic tape; CL:盘/盘pan2,盒he2 HSK6 不屑一顾 + bu4xie4yi1gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom) HSK6 原先 + yuan2xian1 former; original HSK6 原始 + yuan2shi3 first; original; primitive; original (document etc) HSK6 致辞 + zhi4ci2 to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致词/致词 HSK6 平原 + ping2yuan2 field; plain; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 逮捕 + dai4bu3 to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest HSK6 强制 + qiang2zhi4 to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory HSK6 剧本 + ju4ben3 script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay; scenario HSK6 力所能及 + li4suo3neng2ji2 as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability; within one's powers HSK6 陈述 + chen2shu4 an assertion; to declare; to state HSK6 陷入 + xian4ru4 to sink into; to get caught up in; to land in (a predicament) HSK6 上任 + shang4ren4 to take office HSK6 非法 + fei1fa3 illegal HSK6 北极 + bei3ji2 the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north magnetic pole HSK6 口腔 + kou3qiang1 oral cavity HSK6 口头 + kou3tou2 oral; verbal HSK6 呈现 + cheng2xian4 to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate HSK6 暴力 + bao4li4 violence; force; violent HSK6 畅销 + chang4xiao1 to sell well; best seller; chart-topping HSK6 曲子 + qu3zi5 poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支zhi1 HSK6 赌博 + du3bo2 to gamble HSK6 婴儿 + ying1er2 infant; baby; CL:个/个ge4; lead (Pb) HSK6 贩卖 + fan4mai4 to sell; to peddle; to traffic HSK6 圈套 + quan1tao4 trap; snare; trick HSK6 同胞 + tong2bao1 born of the same parents; sibling; fellow citizen; compatriot HSK6 岗位 + gang3wei4 a post; a job HSK6 当选 + dang1xuan3 to be elected HSK6 当初 + dang1chu1 at that time; originally HSK6 母语 + mu3yu3 native language; mother tongue; (linguistics) parent language HSK6 出卖 + chu1mai4 to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray HSK6 锦上添花 + jin3shang4tian1hua1 lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect; gilding the lily HSK6 气魄 + qi4po4 spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude HSK6 选举 + xuan3ju3 to elect; election; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK6 稿件 + gao3jian4 rough draft; material contributing to a final document HSK6 繁忙 + fan2mang2 busy; bustling HSK6 笼罩 + long3zhao4 to envelop; to shroud HSK6 包围 + bao1wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in HSK6 备忘录 + bei4wang4lu4 memorandum; aide-memoire; memorandum book HSK6 版本 + ban3ben3 version; edition; release HSK6 保卫 + bao3wei4 to defend; to safeguard HSK6 保障 + bao3zhang4 to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard HSK6 保养 + bao3yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance HSK6 保守 + bao3shou3 conservative; to guard; to keep HSK6 任意 + ren4yi4 arbitrary; at will; at random HSK6 反驳 + fan3bo2 to retort; to refute HSK6 反常 + fan3chang2 unusual; abnormal HSK6 行列 + hang2lie4 ranks; procession HSK6 须知 + xu1zhi1 prerequisites; rules that must be known before starting sth HSK6 猛烈 + meng3lie4 fierce; violent (criticism etc) HSK6 颁布 + ban1bu4 to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees etc) HSK6 盆地 + pen2di4 basin (low-lying geographical feature); depression HSK6 公告 + gong1gao4 post; announcement HSK6 绑架 + bang3jia4 to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a kidnapping; abduction; staking HSK6 细胞 + xi4bao1 cell (biology) HSK6 维护 + wei2hu4 to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain HSK6 统筹兼顾 + tong3chou2jian1gu4 an overall plan taking into account all factors HSK6 方圆 + fang1yuan2 circumference HSK6 旗帜 + qi2zhi4 ensign; flag HSK6 废除 + fei4chu2 to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal HSK6 文凭 + wen2ping2 diploma HSK6 立体 + li4ti3 three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic HSK6 诸位 + zhu1wei4 (pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs HSK6 诽谤 + fei3bang4 to slander; to libel HSK6 小区 + she4qu1 community HSK6 剪彩 + jian3cai3 to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony) HSK6 精华 + jing1hua2 best feature; most important part of an object; quintessence; essence; soul HSK6 汇报 + hui4bao4 to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back HSK6 汇报 + hui4bao4 to report; to give an account of; report HSK6 深情厚谊 + shen1qing2hou4yi4 deep friendship HSK6 演习 + yan3xi2 maneuver; exercise; practice; to maneuver HSK6 + leng4 to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly; rash; rashly HSK6 惊动 + jing1dong4 alarm; alert; disturb HSK6 忙碌 + mang2lu4 busy; bustling
Old HSK word(s):



Ba +

~是 12 点。

Bây giờ +


Bảy +


Bác sĩ +


Máy bay +


Bắc kinh +


Bàn +


Bạn bè +


Bao nhiêu +


Bạn +


Cảm ơn bạn +


Bắt đầu +


Bán +


Sân bay +


Báo +


Bạn +


Bài học +


Bận rộn +


Bản đồ +


Bát +


Bánh mì +


Bánh +


Bắc +


Bảng +


Bài +


Bà +


Bàn +


Barber +


Bất +


Ban đầu +


Tình bạn +


Bất kể +


Bản gốc +

Các bác sĩ, +


Các bác sĩ, +


Không báo trước +


Thẻ lên máy bay +


Bận rộn +

Cơn bão +


Cơn bão +


Các chuyến bay +


Thất bại +


Bài +


Dơ bẩn +


Dơ bẩn +


Bánh +


Bánh bao, bánh +


Bàn +


Bằng cách này +


Bảo vệ +


Đảm bảo +


Bất kỳ +


Nhân viên bán hàng +


Chuyến bay +


Không bao giờ +


Bài +


Bật ra +


Bằng chứng +


Các nhà báo +


Bất cẩn +


Bao gồm +

Bất +

Bất lực +

Bầu trời +

Bảo tàng +

Bài học +

Bạn +

Cơ bản +

Bất +

Bắt tay +

Báo cáo +

Báo cáo +

Báo +

Báo cáo +

Bánh +

Bánh +

Bắn +

Bắt +

Bạn có nghĩ rằng +

Bản ghi âm +

Dự báo thời tiết +

Bất cứ lúc nào +

Ban công +

Ban đầu +

Xuất bản +

Xuất bản +

Bàn phím +

Bạc +

Bán hàng +

Bầu không khí +

Bất bình +

Bằng +

Cơ bắp +

Bao gồm +

Bánh mì +

Tại sao bận tâm +

Bắn +

Bảo hiểm +

Bài luận +

Xuất bản +

Công bằng +

Bà +

Bà +

Văn bản +

Bất ngờ +

Bài giảng +

Bài thơ +

Bằng chứng +

Bán thời gian +

Baby +

Thông báo +

Quầy Bar +

Bài kiểm tra +

Các bãi biển, +

Bạn +

Bài phát biểu +

Kịch bản +

Xuất bản +

Bằng sáng chế, +

Cảnh báo +

Bất lực +

Công bằng +

Bắt nạt +

Bài +

Thất bại +

Bừa bãi +

Bằng cách nào đó +

Cảnh báo +

Đòn bẩy +

Hình bầu dục +

Bằng +

Đồng bằng +

Bản năng +

Bị bắt giữ +

Đánh bại +

Bán sỉ +

Săn bắn +

Đây là báo cáo +

Báo động +

Bảo vệ +

La bàn +

Cảm ơn bạn +

Tàn bạo +

Bao gồm +

Đảm bảo rằng +

Băng +

Thô bạo +

Bản gốc +

Bản gốc +

Bài phát biểu +

Đồng bằng +

Bắt giữ +

Bắt buộc +

Kịch bản +

Bất cứ điều gì +

Báo cáo +

Bắt +

Bất kỳ +

Bất hợp pháp +

Bắc cực +

Bằng miệng +

Bằng miệng +

Trình bày +

Bạo lực +

Bán +

Bài hát +

Cờ bạc +

Baby +

Buôn bán +

Cạm bẫy +

Đồng bào +

Bài +

Bầu +

Bản gốc +

Bản xứ +

Bán +

Đóng băng trên bánh +

Sự táo bạo +

Cuộc bầu cử +

Bản thảo +

Bận rộn +

Bao phủ +

Được bao quanh bởi +

Bản ghi nhớ +

Phiên bản +

Bảo vệ +

Đảm bảo +

Bảo trì +

Bảo thủ +

Bất kỳ +

Bác bỏ +

Bất thường +

Cấp bậc +

Không báo trước +

Bạo lực +

Ban hành +

Basin +

Thông báo +

Bắt cóc +

Tế bào +

Bảo trì +

Cân bằng +

Bán kính +

Banner +

Việc bãi bỏ +

Bằng tốt nghiệp +

Ba chiều +

Bạn +

Phỉ báng +

Tế bào +

Cắt băng +

Bản chất +

Báo cáo +

Báo cáo +

Tình bạn +

Bài tập +

Bị đóng băng +

Báo động +

Bận rộn +
Grade E word(s):
