
5 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + bao4 to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug; to embrace; to surround; to cherish HSK5 + chao1 to make a copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to raid; to grab; to go off with; to take a shortcut; to make a turning move; to fold one's arms HSK6 武器 + wu3qi4 weapon; arms; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK6 武装 + wu3zhuang1 arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces) HSK6 + lou3 to hug; to embrace; to hold in one's arms
6 Old HSK word(s): B N * wu3qi4 weapon/ arms C N * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament C VA * lou3 hug/ embrace/ hold in one's arms C N * zhan4you3 battle-fellow/ battle companion/ comrade in arms D N * tian2jian1 farms/ field D N * si4zhi1 arms and legs/ the four limbs



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Grade E word(s):

他们拿起武器保卫祖国。 They took up arms in defence of their country.
我还不会游泳,但我用胳膊划了几下。 I can't swim yet, but I've made a few strokes with my arms.
她把孩子抱在怀里. She nestled the baby in her arms.
她的两只胳膊麻痹。 She is paralysed in both arms.
念咒口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果 Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.
和大城市中的高楼大厦和喧嚣的街道相比,他更喜欢乡间的农庄和田野。 He likes the farms and fields in the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets in the city.
无限度的武器竞赛当然会增加战争的危险性。 An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war.
她耕种200英亩土地. She farms 200 acres.
出售枪支受到许多法律限制。 The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions.
政府将制定法规限制枪支出售。 The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。 The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction.
群众臂挽著臂组成人墙. The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
手臂和腿是人体的组成部分, 是构成完整的人体必不可少的. The arms and legs are integral parts of the human body; they are integral to the human body.
把小麦从农场运到面粉厂。 Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills.
我经常接到我们部队战友们的来信。 I often hear from my comrades-in-arms in the army.
所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。 All those who love peace are strongly against arms race.
全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划. The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
见到老战友使我回想起自己在部队中的日子。 The sight of the old comrade-in-arms carried me back to my days in the army.
政府打算削减军备开支。 The government intends to cut expenditure on arms.
他们埋葬了他们亲爱的战友。 They interred their dear comrade in the arms.
世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落後. The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race.
她双臂垂在两旁,懒洋洋地躺在椅子上。 She was lolling in a chair, with her arms hanging over the sides.
演讲者常用手或手臂做手势来强调他所说的某些要点。 A speaker often makes gestures with his hands or arms to stress something he is saying.
裁减军备协议难以达成, 症结在於如何证实(如检查武器确已销毁). Verification (eg Checking that weapons have been removed) could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
宣告贩卖军火是非法的 Outlawed the sale of firearms.
士兵们奉命举枪致敬. The soldiers were ordered to present arms.