
appearance + The way that something looks

16 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + zuo4 to do; to make; to produce; to write; to compose; to act as; to engage in; to hold (a party); to be; to become; to function (in some capacity); to serve as; to be used for; to form (a bond or relationship); to pretend; to feign; to act a part; to put on appearance HSK2 + xue3 snow; snowfall; CL:场/场chang2; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean HSK3 + xiang4 to resemble; to be like; to look as if; such as; appearance; image; portrait; image under a mapping (math.) HSK4 样子 + yang4zi5 appearance; manner; pattern; model HSK5 表面 + biao3mian4 surface; face; outside; appearance HSK5 现象 + xian4xiang4 appearance; phenomenon; CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK5 形式 + xing2shi4 outer appearance; form; shape; formality; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 形容 + xing2rong2 to describe; description; appearance; look HSK5 产生 + chan3sheng1 to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield HSK6 模样 + mu2yang4 look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 面貌 + mian4mao4 appearance; face; features; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 呈现 + cheng2xian4 to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate HSK6 外表 + wai4biao3 external; outside; outward appearance HSK6 神态 + shen2tai4 appearance; manner; bearing; deportment; look; expression; mien HSK6 容貌 + rong2mao4 one's appearance; one's aspect; looks; features HSK6 潇洒 + xiao1sa3 natural and unrestrained (of a person's appearance, demeanor, carriage); elegant and unconventional
12 Old HSK word(s): A N * yang4zi shape/ appearance/ manner/ model B N * xian4xiang4 appearance/ phenomenon B N * mian4mao4 face/ appearance/ visage B N * biao3mian4 surface/ outside/ face/ appearance B N * mu2yang4 appearance/ look B n;VS * xing2xiang4 appearance/ image/ vivid/ expressive/ graphic C * lou4 mian4 show one's face/ make an appearance/ show up C N * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance C N * chang3mian4 scene/ spectacle/ occasion/ appearance C Adv * zhao4yang4 follow-appearance/ in the same old way/ as before D N * mian4mu4 appearance/ face D N * wai4biao3 appearance



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Trông +

Bề mặt +

Hiện tượng +

Hình thức +

Mô tả +

Sản xuất +

Trông giống như +

Trông +

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Bên ngoài +

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Trông +

Rạng ngời +
Grade E word(s):

她穿那些衣服也并没显得更漂亮。 Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.
她和她姐姐外貌相似,但性格不同。 She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.
这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。 The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的。 It's not always wise to go by appearances.
好看的身材或面貌上让人愉快的,端庄的 Pleasing and dignified in form or appearance.
他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。 They made rude remarks about her appearance.
个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。 Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.
现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应 The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful.
她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
[谚]外表不可靠;不可专看表面现象。 Never judge from appearances.
一幢子要弄成那种舒适、安定的家的模样,得花一段时间。 It takes time for a house to acquire that lived-in appearance.
起初谁都没有注意到小孩不见了. At first nobody noticed the child's disappearance.
她处处表现得极为阔气. She gave every appearance of being extremely rich.
你应该多注意一点仪表. You should take more pride in your appearance.
她样子寒酸, 客人不禁暗自发笑. Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.
就我而论,注重仪表使我自信。 For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me confident.
他亲自露面使传说他死亡的谣言不攻自灭. His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his death.
建筑物建筑物,尤指大规模且外观宏伟的建筑物 A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
他难以说明她为什麽不见了. He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance.
李先生显然是要移民了。 To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate.
特写一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的出场,如动作画面的单一场景 A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.
这座建筑的外观像监狱. The building was like a prison in appearance.
人人都爱听夸奖自己容貌的话. One likes to hear complimentson one's appearance.
他外表平庸。 He has a bland appearance.
他失踪一事警方正在调查. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.
大多数的失踪案都是恐怖分子造成的. Most disappearances are the result of the terrorist activity.
华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为增色. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
野蛮的长相凶恶的或面目狰狞的 Savage or threatening in appearance.
脂肪团一种能引起如大腿、臀部等处的皱纹或凹凸不平的脂肪沉淀物 A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.