
actually + used to add new (often different) information
addition + Fact of adding something; thing that is added
additional + Further or added
admit + To agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true
advertisement + poster, TV, film showing advantages of new product
afraid + Worried that something bad will happen; scared
also + In addition; too; in a similar way
another + one more (thing); additional (thing)
awful + Very bad; horrible; terrible
besides + Other than or in addition to
beyond + On or to the farther side; in addition to
book + Thing made of pages with writing on that you read
bread + Baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc.
bus + A large road vehicle used for carrying many people
cake + A sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat and sugar
city + A heavily populated area with many buildings and roads
climb + To rise gradually and steadily to a higher point
coffee + A brown drink made from roasted beans and boiled water
college + school or educational institution for adults
cook + To heat food until it is ready to eat
count + To add things together to find the total number
coverage + type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts
ear + Thing on either side of your head that you hear with
extra + More than necessary; additional
face + front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are
flower + plant with a pretty head, e.g. a rose
force + To use physical strength or violence to persuade
forward + Toward what is ahead or in front
fresh + Newly made or gathered
further + extra; in addition
general + Widespread, normal or usual
golden + Made of gold
govern + To officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions
governor + person who leads a state or province
hair + long thin strands on your head or body
happy + Feeling pleasure or joy; glad
hat + item of clothing worn on your head
healthy + in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad
judgment + opinion that is made after careful consideration
large + Big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat
law + system or rules made by the government
lose + to be unable to find something you once had
man + An adult male human being
natural + Not made by humans; without human intervention
neck + part of the body joining the head and the body
newly + Very recently; just done or made
not + (word indicating the negative of verbs, adjectives, etc)
paper + pages of a book are made from this
preparation + act of making ready for a purpose or activity
prepare + To make something ready for use
probably + (+adj or v) that is likely to happen or be true
reader + person who reads written or printed materials
reporter + Someone whose job is to research, gather, write, and report news for a newspaper, magazine, television or radio station
sad + feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened
save + To rescue someone or something from a bad situation
shoe + outer covering for the foot made from leather
sir + form of address to a man you respect/do not know
" + adj
son + male child; friendly way of addressing a boy
sorry + what you say to admit you were wrong
street + road in a city with buildings and places to walk
support + To give assistance or advice to someone
tape + To stick things together using an adhesive strip
television + device that broadcasts programs, movies or show
terrible + Very bad; horrible
voice + sound made when you speak or sing
wine + alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
woman + adult female human being
wooden + made of wood
wrong + Not right, incorrect; not true; bad
access + way to enter a place, e.g. a station or stadium
adviser + Someone giving advice in business, law etc
alive + Living; not dead
anger + To make someone mad, upset, or annoyed
appreciate + to be thankful for; to value or admire
beer + alcoholic drink that is made from wheat or grains
benefit + good result or effect, something advantageous
blame + To say someone is responsible for something bad
brain + The part of the head that thinks and controls your body
bridge + structure built over river/road so you can cross
" + adj
cap + small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade
carpet + colored floor covering made of wool, etc
cheese + yellowish solid food made from aged milk
chocolate + A hard brown candy made from cocoa beans
classical + Concerning ideas considered to be traditional
commercial + radio or television advertisement
commit + to do something bad, usually a crime
convince + To persuade someone, or make them feel sure
county + administrative region within a country or a state
decision + choice made after thinking; final judgment
depress + To make someone feel sad or depressed
depression + medical condition in which a person's sadness stops him/her from living his/her life normally
destroy + To damage so badly that something no longer exists
develop + To grow bigger, more complex, or more advanced
economic + Having to do with trade, industry, and money
emotion + a feeling such as sadness, anger or love
evil + Morally bad; causing harm to someone
firmly + in a hard, steady, unchanging way
flow + To move steadily and easily in a certain direction
guide + To lead people visiting a new or unknown place
impressive + Causing admiration or respect; big, grand, expensive etc
improvement + addition or change that makes something better
material + substance from which a thing is made of
meat + flesh of a dead animal that you eat
original + being first made, thought or performed; fresh
otherwise + indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly
path + track made with stones/by walking over the ground
plastic + stiff but usually come; what flexible man-made material, usually made using a hydrocarbon-based polymer
port + place along a coast where ships load and unload things or passengers, or be sheltered during a storm
pour + To make something flow in a steady stream
process + To adopt a set of actions that produce a particular result
replace + To use instead of something else
shock + sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected
steel + very strong metal made of iron and other substances mixed together
string + Thick thread; thin rope
style + the (tasteful) way something is designed or made
tourism + traveling to new places, e.g. abroad, for vacations
traditional + Involved in a tradition
victim + person who is tricked or made to suffer
wire + thin, flexible thread of metal
amendment + a change, addition, or improvement to something
anticipate + To expect or look ahead to something positively
broadcast + To send out signals by radio or television
burden + To weigh down with a load, impose a task upon
code + a password made of a set of letters or numbers
concrete + hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water
conduct + To direct, lead or guide something
consultant + expert who gives (paid) advice
counsel + To listen and give expert advice to someone
criticize + To say that someone or something is bad
destruction + Damaging something so badly that it no longer exists
domestic + Concerning or made in your own country
ethnic + Connected with people who shares a cultural tradition
factory + building where things are made
furthermore + In addition to what has been said
hypothesis + idea that leads to further study or discussion
input + To put in information, advice or opinions
install + To set up a piece of EQUIPMENT so that it is ready to use
joint + point at which two things meet (e.g. a road)
journalist + person who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio
mature + Being an adult, being fully developed physically
mayor + head of city government
mixture + Something made by combining two or more things
moreover + In addition to what has been said
organic + Concerning food made with few or no chemicals
plot + To plan something in secret, often something bad
portrait + painting, drawing or photograph of a person's head and shoulders
privilege + advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people
promotion + act of advertising a product to people
radical + very new and different from what is traditional
regulate + To set or adjust the amount, restrict something
revenue + Money that is made by or paid to a business
revise + To make changes, add something to improve
severe + Very bad
studio + place for painting, broadcasting, etc
substitute + person or thing that makes the place instead of something
sum + amount when all is added together; total
supplement + add extra to support or make something complete
terrorist + radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities
theory + idea that is explain facts or events academically
undergo + To experience or endure something (bad) that happens to you
urge + To strongly persuade someone to do something
virus + very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals
volume + level of sound produced by an object, such as a radio or television
ad + public notice or advertisement
honor + Respect given to someone who is admired
minister + an official who heads a government department
development + act or process of growing bigger or more advanced
new + Not old, recently born, built or made
tea + drink made when you put dried leaves in hot water
update + To bring something up to date (usually by adding something)

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