
bar + To prevent entry, exit or an action
begin + To do the first part of an action; to start
do + To act; to perform actions
happiness + state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction
herself + female person that did the original action
himself + the same (male) person who did the action
myself + the same person as did the action mentioned
ourselves + Used by a speaker to show that they and one or more people are affected by their action
plan + detailed proposal/set of actions to do something
power + legal or official right to perform certain actions
program + planned set of actions; a schematic system
still + (used of an action or condition that is ongoing)
subject + the person or thing that does the action of a verb
video + recording capturing action with sound
activity + An action or task, e.g. sports, washing your clothes
perform + To carry out an action well or successfully
pleasure + feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction
policy + course of action proposed by an organization, etc
process + To adopt a set of actions that produce a particular result
protest + To express opposition through action or words
reaction + feeling or action in response to something
recommendation + official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice
representation + act or action of representing something
cycle + series of regular and repeated actions
emergency + sudden event needing an immediate action
greet + To meet someone with friendly words and actions ; to welcome
implication + possible effects or results from an action or event
laughter + action or sound of laughing
sanction + action taken to force a country to obey laws
stimulate + Excite to action
symbol + action, object that represents a particular idea or quality
verb + word that expresses an action or state

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
