
2 New HSK word(s): HSK1 一点 + yi1dian3 a bit; a little; one dot; one point HSK4 稍微 + shao1wei1 a little bit
14 Old HSK word(s): A N * yi1dian3r a bit/ a few/ a little A Adv;n * yi1hui4r a little while/ a moment A M * yi1xia4 one time/ once/ a little while A M * yi1xie1 a number of/ certain/ a few/ a little A num * duo1 a little or few more than A num * duo1 a little or few more than A m. * dian3 a little B Adv * you3 a little bit B Adv * shao1 a little B Adv * shao1wei1 a little/ a bit/ slightly C Adv * you3yi4xie1 have-a-little/ somewhat/ rather/ a little D * yi1hui4'er yi1hui4'er now and then/ a little while D Adv * lve4wei1 appreciably/ a little D VS * shao3liang4 a little/ a few/ a spot of



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Grade E word(s):

客人们说他们不反对听听轻音乐。 The guests said that they wouldn't mind having a little light music.
现在的时装和我还是小女孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。 Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl.
在米饭上撒点盐. Sprinkle a little salt on the rice.
盒式音像带上有个小窗, 能看见里面的磁带. There is a little window in the cassette case so that you can see the tape.
一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?” A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What's the time, mister?"
一点点对你不会有什么坏处。 A little of it will not do you any harm.
我说几句好听的, 也许能说服他去做这工作. With a little flattery I might persuade him to do the job.
我懂一点儿德语。 I know a little German.
真抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。 I am so sorry to give you not a little trouble.
可能对外国口味而言过于朴素了些。 May be a little austere for foreign taste.
只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。 You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.
假如我再容忍你下去的话,我可能会一步步退化至成为老婆也未可知。 If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.
我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下, 也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了. With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted.
忏悔之后他觉得好过一点,并且能安眠了。 After confession he feels a little better and can sleep at ease.
城市之外的一个小地方 A little place outside the city.
她歌唱得象小鸟一样快乐。 She sing as merrily as a little bird.
我曾饲养过一只小狗。 I once raised a little puppy.
一盏小灯笼在黑暗中微微闪光。 A little lantern blinked in the darkness.
她会说法语, 德语, 还会说一点儿俄语. She speaks French and German and also a little Russian.
思维敏捷和发言迅速可能弥补缺乏勇敢精神的不足。 Quick thinking and ready speech may carry off a little daring.
我们梦想在乡间买一所小别墅。 We dreamed of buying a little cottage in the country.
来访者在中午前一会儿离开了。 The visitor left a little before noon.
略微超重了点。 It's a little overweight.
小汽车的优点是能够在其它车辆间穿行,并且常常比大客车先到达。 The advantage of a little car is that it can weave through the traffic and often get there faster than the big buses.
那不是深宅大院, 只不过是个小农舍. It's not a very grand house, just a little cottage.
他铲起了一点土,非常小心,不去扰乱底下的任何东西。 He scooped out a little of the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.
我可以把它裁得低一点,这样让您穿着这件外套显得更丰满一点。 I can cut it lower and in that way give you a little more fullness in the blouse.
她对那笔开支相当苦恼. She was not a little (ie very) worried about the expense.
一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接下来了。 In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps.
她非常文雅,吃蛋糕一定用小叉子。 She's so refined that she always eats cake with a little fork.
如果是女人,在她走向刑场的半路上,也可能会要求一点时间来化妆。 If a woman were on her way to her execution, she will demand a little time to put on make- up.
她是小宝贝! She's a little darling!
珍妮站在他面前,脸色苍白,略微有些颤动,一言不发。 Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
我父亲小酌之後,就变得开朗可亲些,话也说得多了。 My father expanded a little when he have have a drink, and start to talk more freely.
道格培里:老爷,弗吉斯先生讲起话来总是有点缠夹不清;他年纪大了,老爷,……可是说句良心话,他是个老实不过的人。 Dog-berry: Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the matter: an old man, sir,…but, in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.