
New HSK word(s):
31 Old HSK word(s): A N * han4zi4 Chinese character A N * sheng1diao4 tone/ the tone of Chinese character A n;m * bi3 pen/ pencil A n;m * hao4 number/ date A N * zi4 word/ character B N * wen2zi4 character B N * pai2 tablet/ board B M * zhang1 chapter/ section C N * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary C N * zheng4zhuang4 sick-condition/ symptom C N * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait C v;n * xiang4zheng1 symbol-sign/ symbolize/ signify/ symbol/ token C v;n * biao1zhi4 indicate/ mark/ sign/ symbol C N * pai2zi billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title C N * xin4hao4 information-signal/ signal D M * mei2 measure word for medal D N * wen2 writing/ character D VA * shu3 belong to D N * jian3ti3zi4 simplified character D VA * miao2 draw/ paint D VA * biao1 mark D N * xiao4hui1 school-badge D N * shang1biao1 trademark D N * zhi4 ideal D N * fu2hao4 symbol D N * yan2 talk/ word D num * zhao4 mega D N * ji4xiang4 evidence D N * kong4bai2 blank/ vacancy D N * fan2ti3zi4 the original complex of Chinese character D N * ji4hao4 mark


Grade E word(s):
