
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D * ke3 xiang3 er2zhi1 you can imagine


Grade E word(s):

别以为我能相信那件事. You can scarcely expect me to believe that.
不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语. You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week.
在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.
如果你到今晚把手头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。 Provided/Providing (that) you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow off.
盒式音像带上有个小窗, 能看见里面的磁带. There is a little window in the cassette case so that you can see the tape.
既然你无法回答这个问题,我们最好再问问别人。 Since you can't answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else.
如果最后你能够有所成就, 你的努力就不会白费。 Your efforts will not come to no avail, if you can achieve something at last.
你如果可以正确有效地使用一个词,你就是了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively you comprehend it.
你认为你能来吗? Do you think you can come?
你肯定你九点能来吗? Are you sure you can come by at nine?
【谚】今天能够做的事,切莫拖延到明天。 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
电影院不远, 你可以走到那去。 The cinema is not far, you can get there on foot.
你不能自己去登山。 You can't go mountain climbing by yourself.
可以逼人服从, 却无法逼人生爱. You can compel obedience, but not affection.
距离六英里以外的东西很难看清. At a distance of six miles you can't see much.
你可以把这些磁带当作听力材料。 You can use these tapes as aural material.
你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。 You can't retreat from the responsibility in this affair.
你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。 You can see stars by night, but not by day.
本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人. You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.
你不能穿那种衣服出席招待会--不太庄重. You can't wear that to the reception it's not dressy enough.
你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。 You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself.
你真走运, 不用出席那死气沉沉的招待会. You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don't have to go to this dreary reception.
如果你往树后更远处看,就正好可以看见远处的村庄。 If you look beyond the tress, you can just see the village in the distance.
你欠我的债可以慢慢还。 You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me.
你可以接通全国计算机网络。 You can plug into the national computer network.
你放心好了, 本周末一定下雨. You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
这是五镑的钞票--零钱不用找了. Here's a five-pound note -- you can keep the change.
就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。 The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
无通行证者不得擅入军事基地. You cannot enter a military base without a permit.
如果那么你们能生产品质这么优良款式有新颖的鞋子,它们在我们市场上将会大受欢迎。 If you can produce fashionable styles of such fine quality, your shoes will win great popularity in our market.
要是把眼睛闭上就什麽也看不见了。 If you shut your eyes you can't see.
使用两个镜子能看见自己的头的後部. If you use mirrors you can see the back of your head.
你可以尝尝这道咖喱菜,看看够不够辣。 You can taste the curry to see if it's hot enough.
不努力是考不及格的, 因此不要欺骗自己(以为可以及格). You can't pass exams without working, so don't deceive yourself (into thinking you can).
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
对不起, 你只能在八号窗口买旅行支票。 I am sorry, you can only buy traveler's check at Window Eight.
你绝不能投降。 You can in no way surrender.
你不能把油和水混合。 You can't mix oil with water.
今日事, 今日毕。 Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.
你不关心妻子儿女是说不过去的. You can't justify neglecting your wife and children.
你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车--得轮流使用. You can't both use the bike at once you'll have to take turns.
警惕性是万万不可放松的. You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.
你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight.
你在良心上总不能认为那样的报酬算是合理的吧. You cannot in all conscience regard that as fair pay.
若你方能保证按期交货,我们要下大的订单。 If you can guarantee punctual delivery, we shall place large orders with you.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
你愈早戒烟愈好。 You cannot quit smoking too soon.
在瀑布下游附近可以过河. You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall.
如果你们能多给我们一些佣金,就可以便于我方推销。 It will be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission.
你对合唱团毫无益处--你简直唱不成调! You're no use in the choir you cant sing a note!
国防开支可削减不得--那可是关天关地的事! You can't cut spending on defence that's sacrosanct!
我和你换换地方吧[咱们换换地方吧, 这样你就能靠近窗户]. Let me change places with you/Let's change places so you can be next to the window.
前面肯定有险阻,你可以向前也可以后退,你将怎么办啊? The danger is certainly a lion in the path; you can go ahead or turn back. Which will you do?
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."
苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。他将带给里根一封戈尔巴乔夫的亲笔信……。你尽可以打赌一定是有关几乎吹的高峰会。 Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. He'll be bringing Ronald Reagan a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev himself…But you can bet the rent it'll be about the summit that almost wasn't.
在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。 At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.
等我们检查完你的文件就退还给你. You can have your files back after we've checked them.
人的本性难移. You can't change human nature.
这场战争的结局难以预料. You can't foretell how the war will end.
你可以看到夜空中的星群。 You can see stars in clusters in the night sky.
你如果不会签名,画一个十字也可以。 If you can't sign your name, make a cross instead.
天气晴朗时, 从塔顶上能看到很远的地方. On a clear day you can see for miles from the top of the tower.
如果你不能用现金购房, 也可以分期付款。 If you can't pay for the house in cash, you can buy it on installment.
您既然不能降价,那这笔交易不如就拉倒吧。 Since you cannot reduce the price, we may call off the deal(business) as well.
首次订购时,本人将提供信用照会资料给您。 My credit references will be provided if you can make an initial order.
儿子,别担心,作不出来就算了。告诉你老师,别忘了诗人是天生的,不是教出来的。 Stop worrying if you can't do it, son, and tell your teacher to remember that poets are born, not made.
这里您可以看到两名工人,他们刚刚割好三大马车金黄色的通心粉小麦杆。 Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart-loads of golden brown macaroni stalks.
你可以看到小孩在河对岸玩耍。 You can see children playing on the other side of the river.
我得把你送进监狱直到你的案子进行审理,除非你可以找个人保释你。 I shall have to put you in prison until your case can be heard, unless you can find anyone to go bail for you.
违法者必受惩罚. You cannot break the law with impunity.
你犯的这种罪不可能被处以绞刑. You can't hang for such a crime.
你一定要断了嫁给汤姆的念头. You can give up all/any thought of marrying Tom.
用廉价的仿制品骗不了行家. You can't fob an expert off with cheap imitations.
如果你找不到别人,我同意为球队上场打球,但我先告诉你,我的球艺因久不练习已经生疏。 If you can't get anyone else I don't mind playing for the team, but I warn you that I'm not in practice.
雨伞可放於入口处. You can leave your umbrella in the entry.
你可以极目远眺,看到海岸。 You can see as far as the coast.
你可以得到一笔拨款来修缮住房。 You can get a grant to improve your house.
我不打算放弃我的假日来迁就你, 你不听也得听! I'm not giving up my holiday to suit you, so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!
他一旦下了决心就毫不动摇[无法使他改变(意见)]. Once he's made up his mind, he never budges/you can never budge him (from his opinion).
在我们办公室里可以看到有某种(令人不寒而栗的)不安迹象. You can see signs of (a creeping) malaise in our office.
如果能收到你们寄来的I-20表格,确认我已被录取,我随即启程前往。 If you can send me the I-20 form indicating my acceptance, I can prepare to leave at once.