
New HSK word(s):
45 Old HSK word(s): A VS * xiang1 fragrant/ savory/ be with relish A VA * zuo4 do/ make/ compose/ write/ act as A N * lou2 storied building A M * ceng2 layer/ story A VA * hua1 spend/ expend/ cost B N * che1jian1 workshop B N * kuang4 mine B VA * du3 block B N * zhu4zuo3 work/ book/ writing B VA * xuan3 choose/ select/ choose B N * zuo4pin3 works (of literature and art) B N * ji1chuang2 machine tool B VA * jing1 pass B N * pao4 big gun/ canon B N * ji2 market/ volume B N * gong1cheng2 engineering/ project B N * gong1hui4 trade union/ labor union B N * gong1ju4 tool B N * gong1yi4pin3 handicraft B N * shi4ye4 cause/ undertaking C N * jia1huo guy/ fellow/ animal/ thing/ tool/ weapon/ utensil C N * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. C N Dornseiff 2. LEBEN 2.3 PFLANZENTEILE * zhi1 branch/ twig/ measure word for guns; pens; flowers; etc. C N * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention C N * wang3 net/ netting/ network/ web/ meshwork C N * ji4qiao3 technique/ artifice/ knack/ acrobatic gymnastics C N * chang3zhang3 director of a factory D M * ju4 measure word D N * yue4qu3 musical composition D N * shou3yi4 craft/ handicraft D N * kuang4shan1 mine D N * jie2zuo4 master work D N * yong4ju4 appliance D N * bian1pao4 firecracker D n;v * zhu4 write/ book D N * xuan3ji2 selected works anthology D N * zhai4 stockade village D N * zhuan4 biography D N * quan2ji2 collected edition D N * gong1 work/ labor D N * gong1ju4shu1 reference book D N * chang3fang2 workshop D N * bao4zhu2 firecracker D N 轿* jiao4che1 car D VA * chuang4ye4 carve out


Grade E word(s):

他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。 He is acting under rule23 of the union constitution.