
24 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + shang4 on top; upon; above; upper; previous; first (of multiple parts); to climb; to get onto; to go up; to attend (class or university) HSK1 + yue4 moon; month; CL:个/个ge4,轮/轮lun2 HSK2 孩子 + hai2zi5 child HSK3 年轻 + nian2qing1 young HSK3 关于 + guan1yu2 pertaining to; concerning; with regard to; about; a matter of HSK4 + gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc); to hang up (the phone); to be worried or concerned; to make a phone call (dialect); to register or record; to hitch; classifier for sets or clusters of objects HSK4 儿童 + er2tong2 child; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 耽误 + dan1wu5 to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with HSK5 竹子 + zhu2zi5 bamboo; CL:棵ke1,支zhi1,根gen1 HSK5 讽刺 + feng3ci4 to satirize; to mock; irony; satire; sarcasm HSK6 拖延 + tuo1yan2 to adjourn; to delay; to defer; adjournment; procrastination HSK6 上进 + shang4jin4 to make progress; to do better; fig. ambitious to improve oneself; to move forwards HSK6 上级 + shang4ji2 higher authorities; superiors; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 悬挂 + xuan2gua4 to suspend; to hang; suspension (cable car) HSK6 + diao4 to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person HSK6 锦上添花 + jin3shang4tian1hua1 lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect; gilding the lily HSK6 优越 + you1yue4 superior; superiority HSK6 停滞 + ting2zhi4 stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down HSK6 依据 + yi1ju4 according to; basis; foundation HSK6 依托 + yi1tuo1 to rely on; to depend on HSK6 纽扣儿 + niu3kou4r5 button HSK6 幼稚 + you4zhi4 young; childish; naive HSK6 立足 + li4zu2 to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on HSK6 濒临 + bin1lin2 on the verge of; close to
Old HSK word(s):



Trên +

一年有 12 个~。

Trên +


Trẻ em +

妈妈 50 岁了,看起来还很~。

Trẻ +


Trên +


Treo +


Trẻ em +

Chậm trễ +

Tre +

Sự trớ trêu +

Chậm trễ +

Trên +

Cấp trên +

Treo +

Treo +

Đóng băng trên bánh +

Cấp trên +

Sự trì trệ +

Dựa trên những +

Dựa trên những +

Nút trẻ em +

Trẻ con +

Dựa trên +

Trên bờ vực +
Grade E word(s):
