
New HSK word(s):
11 Old HSK word(s): A M * jian1 (measure word for rooms) B N * meng4 dream B n;m * qi1 period/ phase B * zuo4 meng4 dream/ have a dream C v;n * meng4xiang3 dream of/ hope vainly/ dream/ wishful thinking C N * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies D n;v * xian4qi1 time limit D N * shi2 time D v;n * kong1xiang3 escapism/ dream/ phantasm D v;n * wang4xiang3 mirage/ deliria D N * tong2qi1 the same term


Grade E word(s):

幻梦 [huan4 meng4] Traum
