
23 New HSK word(s): HSK3 数学 + shu4xue2 mathematics; mathematical HSK4 付款 + fu4kuan3 to pay a sum of money; payment HSK4 完全 + wan2quan2 complete; whole; totally; entirely HSK5 整个 + zheng3ge4 whole; entire; total HSK5 大厦 + da4sha4 large building; edifice; mansion; CL:座zuo4 HSK5 建筑 + jian4zhu4 to construct; building; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 建设 + jian4she4 to build; to construct; construction; constructive HSK5 + zhan1 to observe; to divine HSK5 + zhan4 to take possession of; to occupy; to take up HSK5 全面 + quan2mian4 all-around; comprehensive; total; overall HSK5 会计 + kuai4ji4 accountant; accountancy; accounting HSK5 结账 + jie2zhang4 to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 结账/结账 HSK5 绝对 + jue2dui4 absolute; unconditional HSK5 法院 + fa3yuan4 court of law; court HSK6 无偿 + wu2chang2 free; no charge; at no cost HSK6 封锁 + feng1suo3 to blockade; to seal off HSK6 + dong4 classifier for houses or buildings; ridgepole (old) HSK6 布告 + bu4gao4 posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce HSK6 照耀 + zhao4yao4 to shine; to illuminate HSK6 + chuang2 banner HSK6 + zhuang4 classifier for buildings; carriage curtain (old) HSK6 算数 + suan4shu4 to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important) HSK6 全局 + quan2ju2 overall situation
Old HSK word(s):



Toán học +


Thanh toán +


Hoàn toàn +

Toàn bộ +

Tòa nhà +

Tòa nhà +

Tòa nhà +

Kế toán cho +

Kế toán cho +

Toàn diện +

Kế toán +

Thanh toán +

Hoàn toàn +

Tòa án +

Chưa thanh toán +

Phong tỏa +

Tòa nhà +

Thanh toán +

Tỏa sáng +

Tòa nhà +

Tòa nhà +

Toán học +

Toàn cầu +
Grade E word(s):
