
New HSK word(s):
42 Old HSK word(s): A N * cong2qian2 before/ formerly/ in the past A VA * xiu1xi have a rest/ rest A N * tang1 soup/ broth A VS * zao3 early/ for a long time/ as early as A VS * luan4 in a mess/ indiscriminate/ random A VS * jiu4 old/ past/ bygone/ used/ worn B VA * tang4 scald/ burn/ iron/ perm B VA * cun2 keep B vi, vt * chong1 1. charge, rush 2.pour boiling water on 3. rinse, flush B VA * xie1 rest B VA * pen1 spray/ gush B n;Adv * xian1hou4 order/ early or late/ in sequence C N * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening C N * shen1ye4 late at night/ period around midnight C VS * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give C VS * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough C VA * zai4yu2 be-at/ lie in/ consist in/ depend on/ rest with C N * zao3qi1 early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period C n;Adv * zao3wan3 early-late/ morning and evening/ sooner or later C Adv * zao3yi3 early-already/ long ago/ (have done) for a long time C VA 退* tui4xiu1 withdraw-rest/ retire C VA * jing1dong4 alarm/ alert/ disturb/ interrupt C VA * jian4 spatter/ splash C VS * yi1jiu4 still-before/ still like before/ unchanged as before C v;n * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background C VS * yuan2xian1 original-earlier/ former/ original C Adv * zhao4yang4 follow-appearance/ in the same old way/ as before D VA * dong4dang4 turbulence D N * dong4luan4 turmoil/ disturbance D * nao4 shi4 make trouble D * dao3 luan4 make trouble D VS * huang1luan4 flurried D n;VS;Conj * gu4 reason/ former/ so D VA * qi1 make tea D VA * ti2zao3 ahead of schedule D N * yi3wang3 in the past D VA * pen1she4 spout/ spray D VA * rao3luan4 disturb D N * wang3nian2 in former years D N * wang3ri4 in former days D VS * zhao4jiu4 as usual D N * xian1qian2 anteriority


Grade E word(s):
