
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 采取 + cai3qu3 to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action); to take
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政府还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。 The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.
采取任何你认为最好的措施。 Take whatsoever measures you consider best.
为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order.
政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。 The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.
我要把原有的油漆全部铲去,并要涂上新的内涂层和上光剂。我要彻底地干一下,决不马马虎虎。 I want all the existing paint stripped off and new undercoat and gloss applied. I want a thorough job, with no half measures.
你的初步措施是什么? What are your preparatory measures?
我们不得不采取预防措施。 We had to take preventive measures.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
你们如果能采取必要的措施追查并找回这架像机我将十分感激。 I shall be grateful if you will take necessary measures to trace and recover the camera.
当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。 The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud.
政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。 The government is introducing measures to revive trade.
政府正在采取措施消除艾滋病的危害性。 The government is taking measures to draw the fangs of AIDS.
用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。 By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.