
New HSK word(s):
21 Old HSK word(s): A part * ne (modal particle ending a question) A N * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens A p.a., p.m * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence A n;VS * zhong1 center/ middle/ in/ among/ China B N * ge4ren2 individual B Adv * ji2 extremely/ highly B N * gui3 ghost C N * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter C VA * cheng1 support/ prop up/ pole/ open/ unfurl/ endure C VA * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble C N * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention D N * mei2 mildew D N * wen2mang2 illiterate D N * gang1cai2 steel products D N * you2liao4 oil plants D N * xiao3shu4dian3 radix point D VA * dian1bo3 bump/ welter D VA * su4zao4 shape/ mold/ figure D N * fu2diao1 relief D N * dan4ji4 low season D * lian2 gun3 dai4 pa2 roll and crawl/ flee in panic


Grade E word(s):
