
New HSK word(s):
14 Old HSK word(s): A * kan4 bing4 see a doctor/ see a patient A N * yi1yuan4 hospital A n;v * bing4 disease/ illness/ sickness B * zhu4 yuan4 be in hospital B N * bing4fang2 ward/ sickroom B * chu1 yuan4 be discharged/ from hospital B VA * ran3 dye B N * hu4shi nurse C VS * wei3qu bent-distorted/ grieved due to being mistreated C VA * huan4 get (a disease)/ contract/ suffer from C * sheng1 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease C N * bing4chuang2 hospital bed/ sickbed D N * huan4zhe3 patient D * fa1 bing4 (of a disease) come on


Grade E word(s):
