
300 New HSK word(s): HSK1 高兴 + gao1xing4 happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood HSK1 商店 + shang1dian4 store; shop; CL:家jia1,个/个ge4 HSK1 认识 + ren4shi5 to know; to recognize; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with sb; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition HSK2 + jian4 item; component; classifier for events, things, clothes etc HSK2 + kuai4 rapid; quick; speed; rate; soon; almost; to make haste; clever; sharp (of knives or wits); forthright; plain-spoken; gratified; pleased; pleasant HSK2 快乐 + kuai4le4 happy; merry HSK3 声音 + sheng1yin1 voice; sound; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 城市 + cheng2shi4 city; town; CL:座zuo4 HSK3 + zhang1 to open up; to spread; sheet of paper; classifier for flat objects, sheet; classifier for votes HSK3 + nan2 difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good HSK3 电梯 + dian4ti1 elevator; escalator; CL:台/台tai2,部bu4 HSK3 小心 + xiao3xin1 to be careful; to take care HSK3 银行 + yin2hang2 bank; CL:家jia1,个/个ge4 HSK3 + jiao3 foot; leg (of an animal or an object); base (of an object); CL:双/双shuang1,只/只zhi1; classifier for kicks HSK3 + tui3 leg; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK3 + duan4 paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc HSK3 行李箱 + xing2li5xiang1 suitcase; baggage compartment; overhead bin; (car) trunk; boot HSK3 邻居 + lin2ju1 neighbor; next door; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 完成 + wan2cheng2 to complete; to accomplish HSK4 开心 + kai1xin1 to feel happy; to rejoice; to have a great time; to make fun of sb HSK4 无聊 + wu2liao2 bored; boring; senseless HSK4 动作 + dong4zuo4 movement; motion; action; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 幸福 + xing4fu2 happiness; happy; blessed HSK4 + jie2 festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 排队 + pai2dui4 to line up HSK4 接受 + jie1shou4 to accept; to receive HSK4 顾客 + gu4ke4 client; customer; CL:位wei4 HSK4 成功 + cheng2gong1 success; to succeed; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK4 友好 + you3hao3 friendly; amicable; close friend HSK4 百分之 + bai3fen1zhi1 percent HSK4 耐心 + nai4xin1 to be patient; patience HSK4 引起 + yin3qi3 to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse HSK4 观众 + guan1zhong4 spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc) HSK4 肯定 + ken3ding4 to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative; to approve; approval; recognition HSK4 餐厅 + can1ting1 dining hall; dining room; restaurant; CL:间/间jian1,家jia1 HSK4 困难 + kun4nan5 difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation HSK4 + xiang3 echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises HSK4 紧张 + jin3zhang1 nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce; CL:阵/阵zhen4 HSK4 + shou1 to receive; to accept; to collect; to put away; to restrain; to stop; in care of (used on address line after name) HSK4 小伙子 + xiao3huo3zi5 young man; young guy; lad; youngster; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 毛巾 + mao2jin1 towel; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK4 短信 + duan3xin4 text message; SMS HSK4 付款 + fu4kuan3 to pay a sum of money; payment HSK4 仔细 + zi3xi4 careful; attentive; cautious HSK4 + fen4 classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc; variant of 分fen4 HSK4 售货员 + shou4huo4yuan2 salesperson; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 + ying2 to beat; to win; to profit HSK4 亲戚 + qin1qi5 a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:门/门men2,个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK4 部分 + bu4fen5 part; share; section; piece; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 判断 + pan4duan4 to decide; to determine; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 + han4 perspiration; sweat; CL:滴di1,头/头tou2,身shen1; to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) HSK4 消息 + xiao1xi5 news; information; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK4 性格 + xing4ge2 nature; disposition; temperament; character; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 兴奋 + xing1fen4 excited; excitement HSK5 青春 + qing1chun1 youth; youthfulness HSK5 + jie4 to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing sth; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger) HSK5 戒指 + jie4zhi5 (finger) ring HSK5 工人 + gong1ren2 worker; CL:个/个ge4,名ming2 HSK5 其余 + qi2yu2 the rest; the others; remaining; remainder; apart from them HSK5 联合 + lian2he2 to combine; to join; unite; alliance HSK5 + zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters HSK5 构成 + gou4cheng2 to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing) HSK5 连忙 + lian2mang2 promptly; at once HSK5 软件 + ruan3jian4 (computer) software HSK5 + pi1 to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges) HSK5 抱怨 + bao4yuan4 to complain; to grumble; to harbor a complaint; to feel dissatisfied HSK5 + zhuang4 to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into HSK5 过期 + guo4qi1 to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in expiration date) HSK5 成分 + cheng2fen4 composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one's social status; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 成就 + cheng2jiu4 accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:个/个ge4; to attain a result HSK5 成立 + cheng2li4 to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water HSK5 成语 + cheng2yu3 Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set expression; CL:条/条tiao2,本ben3,句ju4 HSK5 硬件 + ying4jian4 hardware HSK5 确认 + que4ren4 to confirm; to verify; confirmation HSK5 不耐烦 + bu4nai4fan2 impatience; impatient HSK5 灰心 + hui1xin1 to lose heart; to be discouraged HSK5 零件 + ling2jian4 part; component HSK5 建立 + jian4li4 to establish; to set up; to found HSK5 强调 + qiang2diao4 to emphasize (a statement); to stress HSK5 + yi3 second of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干shi2 tian1 gan1; second in order; letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; second party (in legal contract, usually 乙方yi3 fang1, as opposed to 甲方jia3 fang1); ethyl; bent; winding; radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5) HSK5 + zhe2 turning stroke (in Chinese characters); see also 折zhe2 HSK5 承认 + cheng2ren4 to admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge HSK5 艰巨 + jian1ju4 arduous; terrible (task); very difficult; formidable HSK5 难免 + nan2mian3 hard to avoid; difficult to escape from HSK5 限制 + xian4zhi4 to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 迅速 + xun4su4 rapid; speedy; fast HSK5 日常 + ri4chang2 daily; everyday HSK5 日用品 + ri4yong4pin3 articles for daily use; CL:件jian4,个/个ge4 HSK5 果然 + guo3ran2 really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed HSK5 围巾 + wei2jin1 scarf; shawl; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK5 国庆节 + Guo2qing4jie2 PRC National Day (October 1st) HSK5 电台 + dian4tai2 transmitter-receiver; broadcasting station; radio station; CL:个/个ge4,家jia1 HSK5 员工 + yuan2gong1 staff; personnel; employee HSK5 + ai1 interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!); to sigh HSK5 + ai4 alas; oh dear HSK5 + juan1 to confine; to lock up; to pen in HSK5 + juan4 pen (pig); a fold HSK5 + quan1 circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:个/个ge4; to surround; to circle HSK5 紧急 + jin3ji2 urgent; emergency HSK5 + an4 bank; shore; beach; coast; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 当心 + dang1xin1 to take care; to look out HSK5 收据 + shou1ju4 receipt; CL:张/张zhang1 HSK5 销售 + xiao1shou4 to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc) HSK5 + ling2 (small) bell; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK5 造成 + zao4cheng2 to bring about; to create; to cause HSK5 胜利 + sheng4li4 victory; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 急诊 + ji2zhen3 emergency call; emergency (medical) treatment HSK5 使劲 + shi3jin4 to exert all one's strength HSK5 体现 + ti3xian4 to embody; to reflect; to incarnate HSK5 迫切 + po4qie4 urgent; pressing HSK5 反映 + fan3ying4 to mirror; to reflect; mirror image; reflection; (fig.) to report; to make known; to render HSK5 反应 + fan3ying4 to react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 行动 + xing2dong4 operation; action; to move; mobile; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 行为 + xing2wei2 action; conduct; behavior; activity HSK5 人事 + ren2shi4 personnel; human resources; human affairs; ways of the world; (euphemism) sexuality; the facts of life HSK5 人员 + ren2yuan2 staff; crew; personnel; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 人物 + ren2wu4 person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 命运 + ming4yun4 fate; destiny; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 分配 + fen1pei4 to distribute; to assign; to allocate; to partition (a hard drive) HSK5 分析 + fen1xi1 to analyze; analysis; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 分布 + fen1bu4 distributed; to distribute HSK5 个别 + ge4bie2 individual; specific; respective; just one or two HSK5 个人 + ge4ren2 individual; personal; oneself HSK5 结账 + jie2zhang4 to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 结账/结账 HSK5 组成 + zu3cheng2 to form; to make up; to constitute HSK5 婚姻 + hun1yin1 matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:次ci4 HSK5 广大 + guang3da4 (of an area) vast or extensive; large-scale; widespread; (of people) numerous HSK5 痛快 + tong4kuai4 overjoyed; delighted; happily; heartily; enjoying; also pr.tong4 kuai5 HSK5 亲自 + qin1zi4 personally HSK5 商品 + shang1pin3 good; commodity; merchandise; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 谨慎 + jin3shen4 cautious; prudent HSK5 诚恳 + cheng2ken3 sincere; honest; cordial HSK5 诊断 + zhen3duan4 diagnosis; to diagnose HSK5 谈判 + tan2pan4 to negotiate; negotiation; talks; conference; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 被子 + bei4zi5 quilt; CL:床chuang2 HSK5 精神 + jing1shen2 spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 精神 + jing1shen5 vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual HSK5 + di4 to hand over; to pass on sth; to gradually increase or decrease; progressively HSK5 煤炭 + mei2tan4 coal HSK5 完整 + wan2zheng3 complete; intact HSK5 温柔 + wen1rou2 gentle and soft; tender HSK6 干旱 + gan1han4 drought; arid; dry HSK6 表彰 + biao3zhang1 to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches) HSK6 无偿 + wu2chang2 free; no charge; at no cost HSK6 夫妇 + fu1fu4 a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:对/对dui4 HSK6 正月 + Zheng1yue4 first month of the lunar year HSK6 走廊 + zou3lang2 corridor; aisle; hallway; colonnade; passageway; piazza; veranda HSK6 事迹 + shi4ji4 deed; past achievement; important event of the past HSK6 支流 + zhi1liu2 tributary (river) HSK6 坦白 + tan3bai2 honest; forthcoming; to confess HSK6 散发 + san4fa1 to distribute; to emit; to issue HSK6 真挚 + zhen1zhi4 sincere; sincerity HSK6 + jing1 stalk; stem; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK6 落成 + luo4cheng2 to complete a construction project HSK6 枯燥 + ku1zao4 dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust HSK6 + zhu1 tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; to involve others (in shady business) HSK6 极限 + ji2xian4 limit; extreme boundary HSK6 栏目 + lan2mu4 regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program); program (TV or radio) HSK6 + jian3 to choose; to pick; to sort out; to pick up HSK6 振奋 + zhen4fen4 to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire HSK6 提拔 + ti2ba2 to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion HSK6 投降 + tou2xiang2 to surrender; surrender HSK6 抵抗 + di3kang4 to resist; resistance HSK6 挑衅 + tiao3xin4 to provoke; provocation HSK6 抗议 + kang4yi4 to protest; protest HSK6 拼搏 + pin1bo2 to struggle; to wrestle HSK6 压榨 + ya1zha4 to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing HSK6 压制 + ya1zhi4 to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle HSK6 成员 + cheng2yuan2 member HSK6 + cheng2 to hold; to contain; to ladle; to pick up with a utensil HSK6 + sheng4 flourishing; vigorous; magnificent; extensively HSK6 残忍 + can2ren3 cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless HSK6 确信 + que4xin4 to be convinced; to be sure; to firmly believe; to be positive that; definite news HSK6 确立 + que4li4 to establish; to institute HSK6 布告 + bu4gao4 posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce HSK6 区分 + qu1fen1 to differentiate; to find differing aspects HSK6 致使 + zhi4shi3 to cause; to result in HSK6 平坦 + ping2tan3 level; even; smooth; flat HSK6 平面 + ping2mian4 plane (flat surface); print media HSK6 恳切 + ken3qie4 earnest; sincere HSK6 局限 + ju2xian4 to limit; to confine; to restrict sth within set boundaries HSK6 屏障 + ping2zhang4 protective screen HSK6 验收 + yan4shou1 to check on receipt; an inventory of received goods; to verify and accept (a delivery) HSK6 力求 + li4qiu2 to make every effort to; striving to do one's best HSK6 力争 + li4zheng1 to work hard for; to do all one can; to contend strongly HSK6 忍耐 + ren3nai4 to show restraint; to repress (anger etc); to exercise patience HSK6 承办 + cheng2ban4 to undertake; to accept a contract HSK6 艰难 + jian1nan2 difficult; hard; challenging HSK6 阻拦 + zu3lan2 to stop; to obstruct HSK6 防止 + fang2zhi3 to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions HSK6 背叛 + bei4pan4 to betray HSK6 歧视 + qi2shi4 to discriminate against; discrimination HSK6 目睹 + mu4du3 to witness; to see at first hand; to see with one's own eyes HSK6 品德 + pin3de2 moral character HSK6 患者 + huan4zhe3 patient; sufferer HSK6 忠诚 + zhong1cheng2 devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty HSK6 忠实 + zhong1shi2 faithful HSK6 吹捧 + chui1peng3 to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation HSK6 回应 + xiang3ying4 to respond to; answer; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 恩怨 + en1yuan4 gratitude and grudges; resentment; grudges; grievances HSK6 圆满 + yuan2man3 satisfactory; consummate; perfect HSK6 四肢 + si4zhi1 the four limbs of the body HSK6 坚韧 + jian1ren4 tough and durable; tenacious HSK6 紧迫 + jin3po4 pressing; urgent HSK6 鉴别 + jian4bie2 to differentiate; to distinguish HSK6 鉴定 + jian4ding4 to appraise; to identify; to evaluate HSK6 肖像 + xiao4xiang4 portrait HSK6 发布 + fa1bu4 to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute; also written 发布/发布fa1 bu4 HSK6 发布 + fa1bu4 to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute HSK6 发行 + fa1xing2 to publish; to issue (stocks, currency etc); to release; to distribute (a film) HSK6 收音机 + shou1yin1ji1 radio; CL:台/台tai2 HSK6 水龙头 + shui3long2tou2 faucet; tap HSK6 小心翼翼 + xiao3xin1yi4yi4 cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously HSK6 + pu1 to spread; to display; to set up; (old) holder for door-knocker HSK6 + pu4 plank bed; place to sleep; shop; store; (old) relay station HSK6 镇静 + zhen4jing4 calm; cool HSK6 年度 + nian2du4 year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual HSK6 制约 + zhi4yue1 to restrict; condition HSK6 告诫 + gao4jie4 to warn; to admonish HSK6 私自 + si1zi4 private; personal; secretly; without explicit approval HSK6 委员 + wei3yuan2 committee member; committee; council; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 敏捷 + min3jie2 nimble; quick; shrewd HSK6 包袱 + bao1fu5 cloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden HSK6 皱纹 + zhou4wen2 wrinkle; CL:道dao4 HSK6 急功近利 + ji2gong1jin4li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return HSK6 急躁 + ji2zao4 irritable; irascible; impetuous HSK6 名次 + ming2ci4 position in a ranking of names; place; rank HSK6 务必 + wu4bi4 must; to need to; to be sure to HSK6 健全 + jian4quan2 robust; sound HSK6 修养 + xiu1yang3 accomplishment; training; self-cultivation HSK6 伤脑筋 + shang1nao3jin1 knotty; troublesome; bothersome HSK6 化肥 + hua4fei2 fertilizer HSK6 偏见 + pian1jian4 prejudice HSK6 乐意 + le4yi4 to be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied HSK6 航天 + hang2tian1 space flight HSK6 航空 + hang2kong1 aviation HSK6 反思 + fan3si1 to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment HSK6 反射 + fan3she4 to reflect; reflection (from a mirror etc); reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism) HSK6 行政 + xing2zheng4 administrative; executive (adjective) HSK6 徘徊 + pai2huai2 to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and forth; by ext. to hover around; to linger HSK6 狠心 + hen3xin1 callous; heartless HSK6 刹车 + sha1che1 to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake HSK6 + jian4 double-edged sword; CL:口kou3,把ba3; classifier for blows of a sword HSK6 创业 + chuang4ye4 to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship HSK6 创立 + chuang4li4 to establish; to set up; to found HSK6 颁布 + ban1bu4 to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees etc) HSK6 颁发 + ban1fa1 to issue; to promulgate; to award HSK6 释放 + shi4fang4 to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge HSK6 领先 + ling3xian1 to lead; to be in front HSK6 采纳 + cai3na4 to accept; to adopt HSK6 人工 + ren2gong1 artificial; manpower; manual work HSK6 人道 + ren2dao4 human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse HSK6 人性 + ren2xing4 human nature; humanity; human; the totality of human attributes HSK6 分散 + fen1san4 to scatter; to disperse; to distribute HSK6 分裂 + fen1lie4 to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism HSK6 分量 + fen1liang4 component HSK6 分量 + fen4liang5 quantity; weight; measure HSK6 分解 + fen1jie3 to resolve; to decompose; to break down HSK6 个体 + ge4ti3 individual HSK6 公认 + gong1ren4 publicly known (to be); accepted (as) HSK6 约束 + yue1shu4 to restrict; to limit to; to constrain; restriction; constraint HSK6 参谋 + can1mou2 staff officer; to give advice HSK6 主导 + zhu3dao3 to lead; to manage HSK6 衷心 + zhong1xin1 heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial HSK6 就职 + jiu4zhi2 to take office; to assume a post HSK6 遮挡 + zhe1dang3 to shelter; to shelter from HSK6 交涉 + jiao1she4 to negotiate; relating to HSK6 文雅 + wen2ya3 elegant; refined HSK6 刻不容缓 + ke4bu4rong2huan3 to brook no delay; to demand immediate action HSK6 充当 + chong1dang1 to serve as; to act as; to play the role of HSK6 充实 + chong1shi2 rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument) HSK6 亲热 + qin1re4 affectionate; intimate; warm-hearted HSK6 音响 + yin1xiang3 sound; acoustics; audio; hi-fi system; stereo sound system; abbr. for 组合音响/组合音响zu3 he2 yin1 xiang3 HSK6 意识 + yi4shi2 consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize HSK6 启程 + qi3cheng2 to set out on a journey HSK6 + bian3 flat; (old form of character 匾bian3, horizontal tablet with inscription) HSK6 + pian1 small boat HSK6 证书 + zheng4shu1 credentials; certificate HSK6 证实 + zheng4shi2 to confirm (sth to be true); to verify HSK6 诚挚 + cheng2zhi4 sincere; cordial HSK6 识别 + shi2bie2 to distinguish; to discern HSK6 设立 + she4li4 to set up; to establish HSK6 认可 + ren4ke3 to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK HSK6 神气 + shen2qi4 expression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious HSK6 神经 + shen2jing1 nerve HSK6 奖励 + jiang3li4 to reward; reward (as encouragement) HSK6 奖赏 + jiang3shang3 reward; prize; award HSK6 着手 + zhuo2shou3 to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out HSK6 尊严 + zun1yan2 dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty HSK6 精通 + jing1tong1 proficient HSK6 完毕 + wan2bi4 to finish; to end; to complete HSK6 完备 + wan2bei4 faultless; complete; perfect; to leave nothing to be desired HSK6 客户 + ke4hu4 client; customer HSK6 安详 + an1xiang2 serene HSK6 实惠 + shi2hui4 tangible benefit; material advantages; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount) HSK6 泄气 + xie4qi4 to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat HSK6 汹涌 + xiong1yong3 to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent HSK6 渗透 + shen4tou4 to permeate; to infiltrate; to pervade; osmosis HSK6 慎重 + shen4zhong4 cautious; careful; prudent HSK6 悔恨 + hui3hen4 remorse; repentance
Old HSK word(s):



Hạnh phúc +


Cửa hàng +


Nhận thức +


Thành viên +


Nhanh +


Hạnh phúc +


Âm thanh +


Các thành phố +


Zhang +


Khó khăn +


Thang máy +


Hãy cẩn thận +

~下午 5 点关门。

Ngân hàng +


Chân +


Chân +


Phần +


Thân +


Hàng xóm +


Hoàn thành +


Hạnh phúc +


Chán +


Hành động +


Hạnh phúc +


Phần +


Xếp hàng +


Chấp nhận +


Khách hàng +


Thành công +


Thân thiện +


Phần trăm +


Kiên nhẫn +


Nguyên nhân gây ra +


Khán giả +


Chắc chắn +


Nhà hàng +


Khó khăn +


Phản ứng +


Thần kinh +


Nhận được +


Chàng trai +


Khăn +


Tin nhắn SMS +


Thanh toán +


Cẩn thận +


Bộ phận +


Nhân viên bán hàng +


Chiến thắng +


Người thân +


Phần +


Thẩm phán +


Khan +


Tin nhắn +


Nhân vật +


Sự phấn khích +

Thanh niên +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Công nhân +

Phần còn lại +

Phần +

Thẳng +

Tạo thành +

Nhanh chóng +

Phần mềm +

Hàng loạt +

Phàn nàn +

Nhấn +

Hết hạn +

Thành phần +

Những thành tựu +

Được thành lập +

Thành ngữ +

Phần cứng +

Xác nhận +

Thiếu kiên nhẫn +

Chán nản +

Bộ phận +

Các thành lập +

Nhấn mạnh +

Phân +

Phân +

Công nhận +

Khó khăn +

Chắc chắn +

Giới hạn +

Nhanh chóng +

Hàng ngày +

Nhu yếu phẩm hàng ngày +

Chắc chắn rồi +

Khăn +

Ngày Quốc Khánh +

Đài phát thanh +

Nhân viên +

Than ôi +

Than ôi +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Khẩn cấp +

Ngân hàng +

Hãy cẩn thận +

Nhận +

Bán hàng +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Chiến thắng +

Khẩn cấp +

Căng thẳng +

Phản ánh +

Khẩn cấp +

Phản ánh +

Phản ứng +

Hành động +

Hành vi +

Nhân viên +

Nhân viên +

Nhân vật +

Số phận +

Phân phối +

Phân tích +

Phân phối +

Cá nhân +

Cá nhân +

Thanh toán +

Các thành phần của những +

Hôn nhân +

Phần lớn +

Hạnh phúc +

Cá nhân +

Hàng hóa +

Thận trọng +

Chân thành +

Chẩn đoán +

Đàm phán +

Chăn +

Tinh thần +

Tinh thần +

Giao hàng +

Than +

Hoàn thành +

Nhẹ nhàng +

Hạn hán +

Công nhận +

Chưa thanh toán +

Đôi tình nhân +

Tháng đầu tiên +

Hành lang +

Những hành động +

Các nhánh +

Thẳng thắn mà nói, +

Phân phối +

Chân thành +

Thân +

Hoàn thành +

Nhàm chán +

Căng thẳng +

Giới hạn +

Phần +

Phân loại +

Nâng cao tinh thần +

Thăng +

Đầu hàng +

Kháng +

Hành động khiêu khích +

Phản đối +

Công việc khó khăn +

Nhấn +

Nhấn +

Các thành viên +

Thắng +

Thắng +

Tàn nhẫn +

Chắc chắn +

Được thành lập +

Thanh toán +

Phân biệt +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Phẳng +

Một màn hình phẳng +

Chân thành +

Giới hạn +

Hàng rào +

Chấp nhận +

Để phấn đấu +

Để phấn đấu +

Kiên nhẫn +

Người nhận +

Khó khăn +

Chặn +

Để ngăn chặn +

Phản bội +

Phân biệt đối xử +

Nhân chứng +

Nhân vật +

Bệnh nhân +

Lòng trung thành +

Trung thành +

Chào hàng +

Phản ứng +

Thù hận. +

Các thành công +

Chân tay +

Khó khăn +

Khẩn cấp +

Nhận dạng +

Nhận dạng +

Chân dung +

Phát hành +

Phát hành +

Phát hành +

Đài phát thanh +

Nhấn +

Cẩn thận +

Cửa hàng +

Cửa hàng +

An thần +

Hàng năm +

Khó khăn +

Thận trọng +

Tư nhân +

Các thành viên +

Nhanh nhẹn +

Hành lý +

Nếp nhăn +

Một nhanh buck +

Thiếu kiên nhẫn +

Xếp hạng +

Hãy chắc chắn +

Âm thanh +

Thành tựu +

Căng thẳng +

Phân bón +

Thành kiến +

Hạnh phúc +

Hàng không vũ trụ +

Hàng không +

Sự phản ánh +

Sự phản ánh +

Hành chính, +

Lang thang +

Nhẫn tâm +

Phanh +

Thanh kiếm +

Tinh thần kinh doanh +

Được thành lập +

Ban hành +

Phát hành +

Phát hành +

Hàng đầu +

Nhận con nuôi +

Nhân tạo +

Nhân đạo +

Nhân loại +

Phân tán +

Phân chia +

Thành phần +

Thành phần +

Phân hủy +

Cá nhân +

Công nhận +

Hạn chế +

Nhân viên +

Hàng đầu +

Chân thành +

Lễ khánh thành +

Chặn +

Đàm phán +

Thanh lịch +

Khẩn cấp +

Hành động như một +

Hoàn thành +

Thân mật +

Âm thanh +

Nhận thức +

Khởi hành +

Phẳng +

Phẳng +

Giấy chứng nhận +

Xác nhận +

Chân thành +

Công nhận +

Thành lập +

Công nhận +

Không thận trọng +

Thần kinh +

Phần thưởng +

Phần thưởng +

Tiến hành +

Nhân phẩm +

Thành thạo +

Hoàn thành +

Hoàn thành +

Khách hàng +

Thanh thản +

Giá cả phải chăng +

Chán nản +

Hoành hành +

Nhân +

Cẩn thận +

Hối hận +
Grade E word(s):
