
13 New HSK word(s): HSK4 打折 + da3zhe2 to give a discount HSK4 降低 + jiang4di1 to reduce; to lower; to bring down HSK4 减少 + jian3shao3 to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower HSK4 减肥 + jian3fei2 to lose weight HSK5 + cu4 vinegar; jealousy (in love rivalry) HSK5 导演 + dao3yan3 to direct; director (film etc) HSK5 优惠 + you1hui4 preferential; favorable HSK5 主任 + zhu3ren4 director; head; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 拘留 + ju1liu2 to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody HSK6 监督 + jian1du1 to control; to supervise; to inspect HSK6 监视 + jian1shi4 to monitor; to oversee; to keep a close watch over; to spy on HSK6 保管 + bao3guan3 to assure; to guarantee; to take care of; to safeguard; certainly; surely HSK6 俘虏 + fu2lu3 captive
Old HSK word(s):



Giảm giá +


Giảm +


Giảm +


Giảm cân +

Giấm +

Giám đốc +

Giảm giá +

Giám đốc +

Tạm giam +

Giám sát +

Giám sát +

Giam +

Bị giam cầm +
Grade E word(s):
