
New HSK word(s):
15 Old HSK word(s): A N * wai4 outer/ outside/ external/ foreign A * ting1 shuo1 be told/ hear of/ hear about B VS * jian1 pointed/ sharp/ acute B VA * shu3yu2 belong to/ be a part of B Prep * you2 by/ from B VA * fu2cong2 obey/ submit C N * jia1shu3 family member/ (family) dependent C N * qin1ren2 family member/ relative/ someone dear C N * jun1ren2 soldier/ serviceman C VS * shun4 smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to C N * ding1 the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems/ fourth D VA * shu3 belong to D N * shi1 teacher D VS * xiao4shun4 obedient D VS * mang2cong2 blindly slavish


Grade E word(s):
