
evolution + scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in
revolution + sudden significant change

6 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + jia1 home; family; (polite) my (sister, uncle etc); classifier for families or businesses; refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China; noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 + hong2 red; popular; revolutionary; bonus HSK6 进化 + jin4hua4 evolution; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 事业 + shi4ye4 undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 革命 + ge2ming4 revolution; revolutionary (politics); CL:次ci4 HSK6 风暴 + feng1bao4 storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)
2 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * ge2ming4 rise in revolt to seize power/ revolution D N * fan3ge2ming4 counter revolutionaries



Nhà +


Đỏ +

Tiến hóa +

Nghề nghiệp +

Cuộc cách mạng +

Storm +
Grade E word(s):

工业革命首先在英国发生。 The industrial revolution had taken place in England first.
你读了有关信息革命的那篇文章没有? Have you read the article on information revolution?
我们应该发扬革命传统。 We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition.
大多数国家发生过反对政府的革命。 Most countries have had revolutions aganist the government.
这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。 The revolution set the country on the road to democracy.
那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。 The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.
原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的 Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.
他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。 He suffered for his revolutionary principles.
那些初期的反叛活动只不过是大规模革命行动的演习。 The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。 The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime.
我们的口号是: `要循序渐进, 不要剧烈变革.' Our watchword is: Evolution, not revolution'.
生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支 The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.
这座纪念碑是为了纪念革命烈士而树立的。 The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.
无论在什么工作岗位,他总是有股子革命干劲。 No matter what his post is, he always works with a revolutionary drive.
南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。 The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution.
正如铁锈会腐蚀铁一样,沉溺资产阶级生活方式会消磨掉一个人的革命意志。 Just as rust eats away iron, indulgence in bourgeois ways of life may eat away one's revolutionary will.
天文学外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运动、构成、能量及演化的科学 The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
解放以后,我们肃清了一批反革命分子。 After liberation, we rooted out a number of counter-revolutionaries.
史前生物化学对生物化学以及生物化学过程的发展和演变的研究 The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
法国大革命是欧洲历史上的火山爆发。 The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in European history.
退化(作用)一个生物体或物种的某种功能、特征或结构由于进化作用造成的衰退或丧失 The evolutionary decline or loss of a function, characteristic, or structure in an organism or a species.