
New HSK word(s):
15 Old HSK word(s): A N * qiu1 autumn/ fall A VA * shou1 put away/ collect/ harvest/ receive B VS * bao4qian4 be sorry/ apologize/ regret B v;n * shou1huo4 gain/ harvest C VS * huang1 waste/ desolate/ barren/ unreasonable C VS * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood C N * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants C VA * huo4 seize/ catch/ get/ gain/ acquire/ harvest/ reap C VA * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully C VA * feng1shou1 reap a bumper harvest/ have a good harvest C VA * shou1ge1 gather and cut/ reap/ harvest D N * jia1zhang3 the parent of guardian of a child D N * nian2tou2'er period/ time D VA * qiu1shou1 harvest in autumn D N * shou1cheng harvest


Grade E word(s):
