
15 New HSK word(s): HSK3 容易 + rong2yi4 easy; likely; liable (to) HSK4 轻松 + qing1song1 light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously HSK5 形状 + xing2zhuang4 form; shape; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 轻易 + qing1yi4 easily; lightly; rashly HSK5 随手 + sui2shou3 conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing HSK5 缓解 + huan3jie3 to blunt; to dull; to ease; to help relieve (a crisis); to alleviate (pain) HSK6 格式 + ge2shi4 form; specification; format HSK6 执着 + zhi2zhuo2 attachment; stubborn; be attached to; persistent; persevering HSK6 唠叨 + lao2dao5 to prattle; to chatter; talkative; garrulous; to nag HSK6 鉴别 + jian4bie2 to differentiate; to distinguish HSK6 鉴定 + jian4ding4 to appraise; to identify; to evaluate HSK6 多元化 + duo1yuan2hua4 diversification; pluralism; to diversify HSK6 便于 + bian4yu2 easy to; convenient for HSK6 缓和 + huan3he2 to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild HSK6 塑造 + su4zao4 to model; to mould; plastic (arts); flexible; to portray (in sculpture or in words)
Old HSK word(s):



Dễ dàng +


Dễ dàng +

Hình dạng +

Dễ dàng +

Dễ dàng +

Một cách dễ dàng +

Dạng +

Dai dẳng +

Dai dẳng +

Nhận dạng +

Nhận dạng +

Đa dạng +

Dễ dàng +

Một cách dễ dàng +

Hình dạng +
Grade E word(s):
