
class + rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people)
classic + Something popular or famous for a long time
classical + Concerning ideas considered to be traditional

117 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + kuai4 lump (of earth); chunk; piece; classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc; colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually as 块钱/块钱 HSK1 + ben3 roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; classifier for books, periodicals, files etc; originally HSK1 + na4 that; those; then (in that case); commonly pr.nei4before a classifier, esp. in Beijing HSK1 + shang4 on top; upon; above; upper; previous; first (of multiple parts); to climb; to get onto; to go up; to attend (class or university) HSK1 + dian3 point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更geng1; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items HSK1 + hao4 ordinal number; day of a month; mark; sign; business establishment; size; ship suffix; horn (wind instrument); bugle call; assumed name; to take a pulse; classifier used to indicate number of people HSK1 + nei3 which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier) HSK1 + ting1 to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword from English "tin"); classifier for canned beverages HSK1 + hui2 to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims); time; classifier for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book) HSK1 同学 + tong2xue2 to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位wei4,个/个ge4 HSK1 + sui4 classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop harvests) HSK1 + shui3 water; river; liquid; beverage; additional charges or income; (of clothes) classifier for number of washes HSK1 + ge4 individual; this; that; size; classifier for people or objects in general HSK1 + zhe4 this; these; (commonly pr.zhei4before a classifier, esp. in Beijing) HSK1 + jia1 home; family; (polite) my (sister, uncle etc); classifier for families or businesses; refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China; noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 + yuan4 to distance oneself from (classical) HSK2 教室 + jiao4shi4 classroom; CL:间/间jian1 HSK2 + piao4 ticket; ballot; bank note; CL:张/张zhang1; person held for ransom; amateur performance of Chinese opera; classifier for shipments and business transactions (dialect) HSK2 + ye3 also; too; (in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation HSK2 + bie2 to leave; to depart; to separate; to distinguish; to classify; other; another; do not; must not; to pin; to stick (sth) in HSK2 + chu1 to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to happen; classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc HSK2 + jian4 item; component; classifier for events, things, clothes etc HSK2 + ke4 subject; course; CL: 门/门men2; class; lesson; CL:堂tang2,节/节jie2; to levy; tax; form of divination HSK2 + ci4 next in sequence; second; the second (day, time etc); secondary; vice-; sub-; infra-; inferior quality; substandard; order; sequence; hypo- (chemistry); classifier for enumerated events: time HSK2 + men2 gate; door; CL:扇shan4; gateway; doorway; CL:个/个ge4; opening; valve; switch; way to do something; knack; family; house; (religious) sect; school (of thought); class; category; phylum or division (taxonomy); classifier for large guns; classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology HSK3 + ban1 team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:个/个ge4; classifier for groups HSK3 + hua4 to draw; picture; painting; CL:幅fu2,张/张zhang1; classifier for paintings etc; variant of 划/划hua4 HSK3 + liang4 classifier for vehicles HSK3 + ba3 to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take hold of; handle; particle marking the following noun as a direct object; classifier for objects with handle; classifier for small objects: handful HSK3 + zhang1 to open up; to spread; sheet of paper; classifier for flat objects, sheet; classifier for votes HSK3 + ceng2 layer; stratum; laminated; floor (of a building); storey; classifier for layers; repeated; sheaf (math.) HSK3 + qi2 to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride; classifier for saddle-horses HSK3 + kou3 mouth; classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc); classifier for bites or mouthfuls HSK3 + zhi1 classifier: for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc HSK3 + fa1 to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop; classifier for gunshots (rounds) HSK3 + zhong3 seed; species; kind; type; classifier: type, kind, sort HSK3 + jiao3 foot; leg (of an animal or an object); base (of an object); CL:双/双shuang1,只/只zhi1; classifier for kicks HSK3 + tiao2 strip; item; article; clause (of law or treaty); classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc) HSK3 + duan4 paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc HSK3 + wei4 position; location; place; seat; classifier for people (honorific); classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes) HSK3 + ke4 quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals HSK3 + mi3 rice; CL:粒li4; meter (classifier) HSK4 + yun2 (classical) to say HSK4 + tang4 classifier for times, round trips or rows; a time; a trip HSK4 + chang2 threshing floor; classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout HSK4 + chang3 large place used for a specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play); classifier for sporting or recreational activities; classifier for number of exams HSK4 + jie2 festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 + bang4 stick; club; cudgel; smart; capable; strong; wonderful; classifier for legs of a relay race HSK4 + ke1 classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc HSK4 + zhuan4 to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; classifier for turns: revs; classifier for repeated actions HSK4 + gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc); to hang up (the phone); to be worried or concerned; to make a phone call (dialect); to register or record; to hitch; classifier for sets or clusters of objects HSK4 + ting3 to stick out; to (physically) straighten up; to endure or hold out; straight; stiff; outstanding; extraordinary; rather; quite; very; classifier for machine guns HSK4 + dao1 knife; blade; single-edged sword; cutlass; CL:把ba3; classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper); (slang) dollar (loanword) HSK4 + xiang3 echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises HSK4 + mao2 hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角jiao3, = 1; 10 yuan or 10 fen 分fen1) HSK4 + chong2 to repeat; repetition; again; re-; classifier: layer HSK4 + pian1 sheet; piece of writing; bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old); classifier for written items: chapter, article HSK4 + fen4 classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc; variant of 分fen4 HSK4 + tai2 platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; station; broadcasting station; classifier for vehicles or machines HSK4 + zuo4 seat; base; stand; CL:个/个ge4; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects HSK4 + bian4 everywhere; all over; classifier for actions: one time HSK4 + huo3 fire; urgent; ammunition; fiery or flaming; internal heat (Chinese medicine); hot (popular); classifier for military units (old) HSK5 + hu2 pot; classifier for bottled liquid HSK5 + zhi1 to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money; classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions HSK5 + xiang4 back of neck; item; thing; term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc HSK5 古典 + gu3dian3 classical HSK5 + gen1 root; basis; classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings; CL:条/条tiao2; radical (chemistry) HSK5 + qiang1 gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支zhi1,把ba3,杆/杆gan3,条/条tiao2,枝zhi1; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots HSK5 + dun4 to stop; to pause; to arrange; to lay out; to kowtow; to stamp (one's foot); at once; classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal HSK5 + ding3 apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc HSK5 + pi1 to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges) HSK5 打工 + da3gong1 to work a temporary or casual job; (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation HSK5 + pi3 classifier for horses, mules etc; Taiwan pr.pi1; ordinary person; classifier for cloth: bolt; horsepower HSK5 + tao4 cover; sheath; to encase; a case; to overlap; to interleave; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); harness; classifier for sets, collections; tau (Greek letter Ττ) HSK5 + jie4 to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation) HSK5 属于 + shu3yu2 to be classified as; to belong to; to be part of HSK5 + zhen4 disposition of troops; wave; spate; burst; spell; short period of time; classifier for events or states of short duration HSK5 + ke1 classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc HSK5 + ze2 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause; standard; norm; rule; to imitate; to follow; then; principle; classifier for written items (such as an official statement) HSK5 + quan1 circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:个/个ge4; to surround; to circle HSK5 + fu2 width; roll; classifier for textiles or pictures HSK5 种类 + zhong3lei4 kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class HSK5 管子 + Guan3zi3 Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齐国/齐国 of Spring and Autumn period; Guanzi, classical book containing writings of Guan Zhong and his school HSK5 + duo3 flower; earlobe; fig. item on both sides; classifier for flowers, clouds etc HSK5 + ce4 book; booklet; classifier for books HSK5 + pian4 thin piece; flake; a slice; film; TV play; to slice; to carve thin; partial; incomplete; one-sided; classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water; classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc; used with numeral 一yi1: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc HSK5 + suo3 actually; place; classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc; that which; particle introducing a relative clause or passive; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 经典 + jing1dian3 the classics; scriptures; classical HSK5 + zu3 to form; to organize; group; team; classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries HSK5 + fang1 square; power or involution (mathematics); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter HSK5 + shou3 head; chief; first (occasion, thing etc); classifier for poems, songs etc HSK6 敷衍 + fu1yan3 to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by HSK6 + fu4 secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; abbr. for 副词/副词 adverb; classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions HSK6 + shu4 to bind; bunch; bundle; classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc; to control HSK6 + zhi1 branch; classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc HSK6 + dong4 classifier for houses or buildings; ridgepole (old) HSK6 档次 + dang4ci4 grade; class; quality; level HSK6 + zhu1 tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; to involve others (in shady business) HSK6 + mei2 classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc; tree trunk; whip; wooden peg, used as a gag for marching soldiers (old) HSK6 机密 + ji1mi4 secret; classified (information) HSK6 + bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch HSK6 + za1 to tie; to bind; classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle; Taiwan pr.zha2 HSK6 + zha1 to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer) HSK6 + zhe2 to break; to fracture; to snap; to suffer loss; to bend; to twist; to turn; to change direction; convinced; to convert into (currency); discount; rebate; tenth (in price); classifier for theatrical scenes; to fold; accounts book HSK6 + kong3 hole; CL:个/个ge4; classifier for cave dwellings HSK6 阶层 + jie1ceng2 hierarchy; stratum; social class HSK6 旷课 + kuang4ke4 to play truant; to cut classes HSK6 + chuan4 to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to rove; to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus); to move across; bunch or cluster; string (computing); classifier for rows or strings HSK6 + zhuang4 classifier for buildings; carriage curtain (old) HSK6 出身 + chu1shen1 to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin HSK6 + sou1 classifier for ships; Taiwan pr.sao1 HSK6 + jian4 double-edged sword; CL:口kou3,把ba3; classifier for blows of a sword HSK6 + fan1 foreign country; foreigner; foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for occurrences (of an action or deed); -fold (as in twofold etc); kind; sort HSK6 + juan3 to roll up; roll; classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc) HSK6 + juan4 scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll HSK6 + li4 grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) HSK6 + wo1 nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods
24 Old HSK word(s): A M * dao4 classifier used for long strip-like things A n;m * ban1 class/ team A * shang4 ke4 attend class/ give a lesson A N * ke4 lesson/ class/ subject/ course A * xia4 ke4 finish class/ get out of class A N * jiao4shi4 classroom/ schoolroom B N * jie1ji2 class B N * ban1zhang3 class monitor C N * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary C VS * gu3dian3 classical C * fang4 xue2 classes are over/ students leave school after classes C N * jian1zi best of its kind/ cream of the crop/ top class talent C * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class C VA * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) C N * xue2shi2 study-hour/ class hour/ teaching period/ period C N * ke4tang2 class/ classroom/ schoolroom C N * zi1chan3jie1ji2 money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie C N * ji2bie2 rank/ level/ grade/ class D N * wen2yan2 classical Chinese D * fen1 lei4 assort/ classify/ sort D N * jing1dian3 classics/ scriptures D VS * shang4deng3 outstanding/ classy D N * ke4shi2 class hour/ period D * gong1ren2 jie1ji2 working class



Khối +


Hiện tại +


Mà +


Trên +

现在是下午 3~20。

Điểm +

今天是 2002 年 1 月 1~。

Không có. +


Mà +


Nghe +


Trở lại +


Học sinh +

李医生今年 40~。

Tuổi +


Nước +


Một +


Này +


Nhà +


Xa +


Lớp học +


Vé +


Cũng +


Đừng +


Ra +


Thành viên +


Bài học +


Lần +


Cửa +


Các lớp học +


Bức tranh +


Xe ô tô +


Những +


Zhang +


Lớp +


Ride +


Port +


Chỉ +


Tóc +


Loài +


Chân +


Bài +


Phần +


Chút +


Thời điểm này +


M +

Cloud +


Chuyến đi +


Field +


Field +


Phần +


Dính +


Cây +


Đi +


Treo +


Khá +


Con dao +


Phản ứng +


Tóc +


Cân +


Bài +


Bộ phận +


Trạm +


Chỗ ngồi +


Lần +


Lửa +

Nồi +

Hỗ trợ +

Mục +

Nhạc cổ điển +

Gốc +

Súng +

Columbus +

Đầu +

Hàng loạt +

Làm việc +

Con ngựa +

Tay áo +

Buổi +

Thuộc +

Mảng +

Sao +

Những +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Web +

Loại +

Ống +

Hoa +

Cuốn sách +

Tờ +

Những +

Cổ điển +

Nhóm +

Bữa tiệc +

Đầu tiên +

Chiếu lệ +

Phó +

Chùm +

Gậy +

Tòa nhà +

Lớp +

Căng thẳng +

Miếng +

Bí mật +

Quay +

Cà vạt +

Cà vạt +

Tắt +

Lỗ +

Lớp +

Với sự vắng mặt +

Chuỗi +

Tòa nhà +

Nguồn gốc +

Tàu +

Thanh kiếm +

Fan hâm mộ +

Khối lượng +

Khối lượng +

Kích thước +

Tổ +
Grade E word(s):

在那个班里我跟不上。 I was out of my depth in that class.
他胜过他班中的同学。 He got the better of his classmates.
黑板在教室的前面。 The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.
老师给全班同学作了听写。 The teacher dictated to the whole class.
他喜欢拿他的同学开玩笑。 He likes playing jokes on his classmates.
我们应该全体讨论班级活动。 We must discuss the class activities in a body.
教师正在给班上的学生做听写。 The teacher was dictating to the class.
你应该在课堂上完成语法练习。 You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
他自从参加了会话班,法语取得了很大进步。 His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
我讨厌他在教室抽烟。 I got sick of his smoking in the classroom.
他尽管有病,还是可以上课。 He is not so sick but he can attend a class.
本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。 The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.
下课后,班长把练习册收了起来。 The monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over.
法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。 The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
这位教师要使班里的每一个人都弄懂课文。 The teacher makes sure that everyone in the class understands the text.
班里所有的男孩都想陪这个漂亮的女孩一起出游。 All the boys in the class want to go out with the pretty girl.
不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。 Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex.
即使多年没有看见我的同学,我也马上认出了他。 Even though I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.
如果老师连如此简单的问题都不能回答, 他会在学生面前丢脸的。 If a teacher can't answer this simple question, he'll lose face with his class.
如果班上的人数多,老师就不能给予个别辅导了。 A teacher can't give individual attention to each pupil if his class is large.
我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联系。 I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.
老师要他下课後先别走. The teacher told him to stay behind after class.
他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。 He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?
图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 The books in the library are classified by subject.
班长把试卷分发给同学们。 The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.
这两间大教室已经分配给我们了. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.
铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室。 No one may leave the classroom until the bell go.
因无人维持秩序, 教室里一片混乱. With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.
这座教堂是中世纪建筑风格的典型实例。 This church is a classic example of medieval architecture.
我们班的学生比他们班的那些更不积极。 The student of our class is not positively than those of their class.
有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持. Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes/to keep their classes in order.
一些年青人喜欢流行音乐, 但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。 Some young people like pop music, while still others like classical music.
我们班上有三十位学生,只有一位通过考试,其余都不及格。 We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.
老师给全班同学朗诵这首诗歌。 The teacher read the poem to the class.
他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。 He is regarded as one of the classical composers in this century.
他搜集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。 He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics.
这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象. The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
他是优秀的学生, 正因为这个缘故, 全班都不喜欢他. He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。 The small weak child became the scorn of the class.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。 The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom.
我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
我们上学时在同一班. We were in the same class at school.
她是全班的模范. She was an example to the rest of the class.
学生们每天轮流打扫教室。 The students clean the classroom everyday in turn.
近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。 Interest in classic music has revived recently.
克文病得严重以致无法来上课。 Kevin is so sick that he can't come to class. (=Kevin is too sick to come to class.)
人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。 The temple has been considered an example of classic design.
老师在这类课堂活动中起着十分积极的作用。 The teacher plays a very active part in this type of classroom activity.
在产品设计和质量上, 意大利人大大超过了他们. In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the Italians.
不同种族混合的由不同性别,种族或社会阶层组成的人和 Made up of people of different sex, race, or social class.
班级舞会常在学年结束或将近结束时高年级或大学生开的正式舞会 A formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year.
要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
我们班向学校赠送了一幅画。 Our class presented the school with a picture.
在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。 Is the old society worker and farmer is exploited class.
所有这些都使他充满了对剥削阶级的仇恨。 All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
无产阶级工业社会中挣工资的阶级,他们既没占有资本也没有生产资料,必须通过出卖劳动谋生 The class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。 Mary was shy at her introduction to the whole class.
研究计划一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务 An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.
上课时不准戴帽子。 Don't keep your hat on in class.
那时我们在同一个班。 We were both in the same class.
他正在上汽车维修课。 He's taking classes in car maintenance.
教室被弄得乱七八糟。 The classroom was turned upside-down.
社会已分化成两个阶级。 Society has polarized into two classes.
他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了。 He was expelled for smoking in class.
这本小说很可能成为经典著作. This novel may well become a classic.
一切生物均可按等级分类. There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures.
命名者命名的人。如在科学分类中 One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.
在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。 Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.
上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上 Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage.
每个阶级或等级上的人有为比它高一级的阶级或高一层次的人尽责任的社会。 Society where each class or level have a duty to serve the class above it.
阶级差异会造成国家的分裂。 Class differences can divide a nation.
她总是在高档店铺里买首饰。 She always gets her jewels at high-class shops.
税收使英国各阶层均感压迫。 Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain.
他很困倦,上课时候都睡着了。 He was so sleepy that he fell asleep during the class.
英国的政治以往是有产阶级的特权. Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.
动物分类的门界的一个基本分支,如动物界的,在范围上大于纲 A primary division of a kingdom, as of the animal kingdom, ranking next above a class in size.
模态逻辑命题的限制条件,建立在其内容的肯定或否定其可能性,不可能性,偶然性或必然性基础之上 The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
你不应当旷课。 You should not be absent from class.
贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.
但是他的阶级本能使他把历史弄颠倒了。 But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down.
只要有几个爱捣乱的学生, 就能把全班搅乱. A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class.
班上计划义卖糖果,推选凯特为主持人。 The class planned a candy sale and they elected Kate to head it up.
杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。 Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China.
该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。 The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.
利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。 Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
岩性学对岩石的微观研究、描绘和分类 The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.
这对於设计新市中心是个最佳的反面教材。 It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre.
富孀,是惟一可以一流的价钱出售的二手货色。 Rich widows are the only secondhand goods that sell at first-class prices.
资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家 In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.
范畴亚里士多德所描绘的可以放置所有事物的基本状态或分类之一;范畴 One of the basic states or classifications described by Aristotle into which all things can be placed; a category.
回想一下工人阶级生活的一些惯例:就拿衣服来说,坚持穿最好的衣服。 Recall for a moment some of the routines of working-class life; as to clothes, the persistence of the Sunday suit.