
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 执着 + zhi2zhuo2 attachment; stubborn; be attached to; persistent; persevering HSK6 附属 + fu4shu3 subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; subordinate; subordinating
0 Old HSK word(s):


Dai dẳng +

Con +
Grade E word(s):

扫帚梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用 A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.
我依恋故乡的一草一木。 I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
搭连主墙有一斜屋顶的构造,边接在建筑物侧面作为侧厅或延伸物 A structure with a single-pitch roof that is attached to the side of a building as a wing or an extension.
大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境. Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country.
这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 This middle school is attached to a teachers' college.
贫穷不应该与耻辱扯上任何关系。 There should be no stigma attached to being poor.
利息单证券上的代表一定数目利息的可流通证书 A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料 A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.
附属物,辅助物附加于他物的处于附属或从属地位的物品 Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.
绞车,起货机一种装有卷筒的固定的电动机驱动或手动的吊升机械,卷筒周围缠绕着与提升的重物相连的绳索 A stationary motor-driven or hand-powered hoisting machine having a drum around which is wound a rope or chain attached to the load being lifted.
链,带系在表或手镯上以防其丢失的小链子或带子 A small chain or band attached to a watch or bracelet to prevent loss.
由控制装置(群集控制器)和与它相连的终端组成的一种站。 A station that consists of a control unit(cluster controller) and the terminals attached to it.