
air + mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe
chair + A piece of furniture you sit on when sitting at a table or desk
fair + Treating all people the same way
fairly + quite; pretty; between very and a little
hair + long thin strands on your head or body
pair + two of the same thing, e.g. socks
affair + event or a set of events, often unpleasant ones
repair + To put what is broken back into good condition ; fix
stair + Steps that go from one level to another
aircraft + vehicle that can fly
airline + company that flies passengers in its planes
chairman + A man in charge of a meeting

73 New HSK word(s): HSK1 椅子 + yi3zi5 chair; CL:把ba3,套tao4 HSK1 飞机 + fei1ji1 airplane; CL:架jia4 HSK1 + zuo4 /to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc)/to bear fruit/variant of 座zuo4/ HSK2 事情 + shi4qing5 affair; matter; thing; business; CL:件jian4,桩/桩zhuang1 HSK2 机场 + ji1chang3 airport; airfield; CL:家jia1,处/处chu4 HSK2 + hai2 adverb: still; still in progress; still more; yet; even more; in addition; fairly; passably (good); as early as; even; also; else HSK3 起飞 + qi3fei1 (of an aircraft) to take off HSK3 + shuang1 two; double; pair; both HSK3 + zhi1 classifier: for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc HSK3 头发 + tou2fa5 hair (on the head) HSK3 空调 + kong1tiao2 air conditioning; air conditioner; CL:台/台tai2 HSK4 理发 + li3fa4 a barber; hairdressing HSK4 填空 + tian2kong4 to fill a job vacancy; to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper) HSK4 + diao4 to fall; to drop; to lag behind; to lose; to go missing; to reduce; fall (in prices); to lose (value, weight etc); to wag; to swing; to turn; to change; to exchange; to swap; to show off; to shed (hair) HSK4 + zhi3 finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end HSK4 感情 + gan3qing2 feeling; emotion; sensation; likes and dislikes; deep affection for sb or sth; relationship (i.e. love affair); CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK4 收拾 + shou1shi5 to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb HSK4 + mao2 hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角jiao3, = 1; 10 yuan or 10 fen 分fen1) HSK4 失望 + shi1wang4 disappointed; to lose hope; to despair HSK4 修理 + xiu1li3 to repair; to perform maintenance; to overhaul; to fix; to prune; to trim; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb HSK4 + kong1 empty; air; sky; in vain HSK4 空气 + kong1qi4 air; atmosphere HSK4 情况 + qing2kuang4 circumstances; state of affairs; situation; CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK5 进口 + jin4kou3 to import; imported; entrance; inlet (for the intake of air, water etc) HSK5 + zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters HSK5 相当 + xiang1dang1 equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly; quite HSK5 + pi1 mate; one of a pair HSK5 驾驶 + jia4shi3 to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive HSK5 外交 + wai4jiao1 diplomacy; diplomatic; foreign affairs; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 人事 + ren2shi4 personnel; human resources; human affairs; ways of the world; (euphemism) sexuality; the facts of life HSK5 合理 + he2li3 rational; reasonable; fair HSK5 公平 + gong1ping2 fair; impartial HSK5 主席 + zhu3xi2 chairperson; premier; chairman; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK5 + fang1 square; power or involution (mathematics); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter HSK5 恋爱 + lian4ai4 (romantic) love; CL:个/个ge4,场/场chang3; in love; to have an affair HSK5 商务 + shang1wu4 commercial affairs; commercial; commerce; business HSK5 军事 + jun1shi4 military affairs; military matters; military HSK5 神话 + shen2hua4 legend; fairy tale; myth; mythology HSK5 状态 + zhuang4tai4 state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + chong1 (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with HSK5 单元 + dan1yuan2 unit; entrance number; staircase (for residential buildings) HSK5 总裁 + zong3cai2 chairman; director-general (of a company etc) HSK6 一丝不苟 + yi1si1bu4gou3 not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules; meticulous; not one hair out of place HSK6 亏待 + kui1dai4 to treat sb unfairly HSK6 正当 + zheng4dang4 honest; reasonable; fair; sensible HSK6 走私 + zou3si1 to smuggle; to have an illicit affair HSK6 博览会 + bo2lan3hui4 exposition; international fair HSK6 事态 + shi4tai4 situation; existing state of affairs HSK6 事务 + shi4wu4 (political, economic etc) affairs; work HSK6 + fu4 secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; abbr. for 副词/副词 adverb; classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions HSK6 董事长 + dong3shi4zhang3 chairman of the board; chairman HSK6 + da1 to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train) HSK6 搭配 + da1pei4 to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group HSK6 不择手段 + bu4ze2shou3duan4 by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously HSK6 弥漫 + mi2man4 to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present; about to inundate (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc) HSK6 局势 + ju2shi4 situation; state (of affairs) HSK6 对联 + dui4lian2 rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway; CL:副fu4,幅fu2 HSK6 飞禽走兽 + fei1qin2zou3shou4 birds and animals; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air HSK6 + liang4 to dry in the air; (fig.) to cold-shoulder HSK6 财务 + cai2wu4 financial affairs HSK6 当事人 + dang1shi4ren2 persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair) HSK6 削弱 + xue1ruo4 to weaken; to impair; to cripple HSK6 保养 + bao3yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance HSK6 + cang1 cabin; the hold of a ship or airplane HSK6 公正 + gong1zheng4 just; fair; equitable HSK6 公道 + gong1dao4 justice; fairness; public highway HSK6 公道 + gong1dao5 fair; equitable HSK6 绝望 + jue2wang4 to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation HSK6 巢穴 + chao2xue2 lair; nest; den; hideout HSK6 童话 + tong2hua4 children's fairy tales HSK6 神仙 + shen2xian1 Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person HSK6 + wo1 nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods HSK6 泄气 + xie4qi4 to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat
71 Old HSK word(s): A VA * shou1shi put in order/ tidy/ punish/ repair A Adv * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly A N * fei1ji1 aircraft/ airplane/ plane A N * zheng4zhi4 politics/ political affairs/ political A M * zhi1 (measure word for one of a pair) A M * shuang1 pair/ twin/ dual/ double/ di-/ bi- A M * jian4 (measure word for clothes; affairs) A N * ji1chang3 airport/ airfield/ aerodrome A v;n 广* guang3bo1 broadcast/ be on the air A NDornseiff 19 Geräte, Technik 19.3 Möbel * yi3zi chair A N * shi4 matter/ affair/ thing/ business A N * kong1qi4 air A N * shi4qing matter/ affair/ thing/ business B N * tou2fa hair B VA * xiu1gai3 repair/ mend/ fix B N * jun1shi4 military affairs B N * zhu3xi2 chairman B M * dui4 couple/ pair B N * lou2ti1 stairs/ staircase B N * cao3yuan2 grasslands/ prairie B N * wai4jiao1 diplomacy/ foreign affairs B * li3 fa4 haircut/ hairdressing B N * qi4wen1 air temperature B N * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition B N * kong1zhong1 in the air/ in the sky B N * mao2 hair B VS;n * bu4ping2 indignant/ resentful/ injustice/ unfairness C N * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration C N * shen2hua4 mythology/ myth/ fairy tale/ preposterous theory C N * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien C VS * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish C VA * fei1xing2 fly (a plane; a spacecraft; etc.)/ travel by air C * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of C VA * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) C VA * qi3fei1 (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off C VA * ming2 chime/ ring/ sound/ air/ express/ chirp/ cry/ sing C N * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention C N * shan4zi fan (that can create airflow through waving) C N * qi4 gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult C N * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure C N * kong1jun1 air force C N * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility C N * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction C VS;n * gong1 public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business D VA * liang4 air/ dry in the sun D N * shen2xian1 supernatural being/ immortal/ fairy D N * zong3wu4 general affairs D VA * kui1dai4 treat unfairly D * jue2 wang4 despair D VA * xiu1fu4 repair/ restore D VA * mi2man4 permeate/ fill the air D N * cai2wu4 financial affairs D VA * jian3xiu1 examine and repair D N * gao1kong1 upper air D * yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly/ very stingy/ unwilling to give up even a hair D * he2 qing2 he2 li3 fair and reasonable D N * yi1wu4 medical affairs D N * wai4shi4 foreign affairs D N * shi2shi4 current affairs D N * qi4liu2 air current/ draught D VS * ken3qie4 fair-spoken D VA * bu3jiu4 repair/ remedy D N * kong1tiao2 air conditioning D N * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation D VS * she4wai4 concerning foreign affairs D VS * bu4gong1 unfair/ unjust D VA * tong1hang2 be open to navigation or air traffic D VS * gong1dao fair/ just D N * xian1nü3 fairy D VS * gong1ping2 fair D VA * wei2xiu1 mend/ repair



Ghế +


Máy bay +


Ngồi +


Mọi thứ +


Sân bay +


Cũng +


Cất cánh +


Đôi +


Chỉ +


Tóc +


Điều Hòa Không Khí +


Barber +


Điền vào chỗ trống +


Tắt +


Có nghĩa +


Cảm xúc +


Gói +


Tóc +


Thất vọng +


Sửa chữa +

Trống rỗng +


Không khí +


Trường hợp +

Nhập khẩu +

Thẳng +

Khá +

Con ngựa +

Lái xe +

Ngoại giao +

Nhân viên +

Hợp lý +

Công bằng +

Tổng thống +

Bữa tiệc +

Tình yêu +

Kinh doanh +

Quân sự +

Huyền thoại +

Nước +

Đấm +

Đơn vị +

Tổng thống +

Tỉ mỉ +

Sai +

Hợp pháp +

Buôn lậu +

Công bằng +

Sự kiện +

Giao dịch +

Phó +

Chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị +

Các đi +

Với +

Vô đạo đức +

Khuếch tán +

Tình hình +

Liên Hiệp Quốc +

Loài chim và thú +

Quần áo +

Tài chính +

Các bên +

Làm suy yếu +

Bảo trì +

Cabin +

Chỉ +

Công lý +

Công lý +

Tuyệt vọng +

Den +

Cổ tích +

Immortals +

Tổ +

Chán nản +
Grade E word(s):

她把头发拍整齐了. She patted her hair into place/shape.
男孩很快地跑上楼。 The boy ran upstairs quickly.
我的头发长得很长了。 My hair has grown very long.
两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。 Neither chair is comfortable.
父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, Father sits in the same chair every evening.
目前的情况不得再继续下去了. The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.
那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.
他有一双套鞋。 He has a pair of overshoes.
他的头发已剪短了。 His hair has been cut short.
我们遇到四架敌机. We encountered four enemy aircraft.
这架飞机是适于飞行的。 The airplane is airworthy.
这条裤子我穿太紧了。 This pair of trousers is too tight for me.
一架飞机在机场着陆。 An airplane alighted on the airdrome.
他们热烈地欢迎主席。 They gave the chairman a tumultuous welcome.
这条裤子被改成了短裤。 This pair of pants was converted into shorts.
我们出去吸口新鲜空气吧。 Let's go out for a breath of fresh air.
这孩子专注地听着童话故事。 The child devours fairy tales.
那是历史上最严重的空难。 That was the worst airline disaster in history.
客机在两万英尺的高度飞行。 The airliner flew at an altitude of 20000ft.
椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。 The chairs were inverted on the table.
打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。 Open the window and let in some fresh air.
主席的讲话将向全国广播。 The chairman's speech will be broadcast nationwide.
公众强烈反对修建该机场。 There was a great outcry about the construction of the new airport.
今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。 There is a breath of autumn in the air today.
担任主席的人有责任安排会议。 The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meetings.
我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。 We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution.
这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。 This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。 She knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.
为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。 We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data.
机场当局已答应重新检查他们的安全措施。 The airport authorities have promised to review their security measurements.
空难事件中有些人大难不死被新闻界广泛报导。 The miraculous survival of some people in the air crash was widely reported by the press.
就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。 It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
她匆匆赶往机场。 She hurried to the airport.
他把椅子从窗户中抛出。 He hove a chair through the window.
他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。 He wears an oily old pair of jeans.
这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。 This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out.
一些人反对说,新税法不公平。 Some people objected that the new tax law was unfair.
我在卧室里发现两只袜子, 但不成对。 I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don't make a pair.
空气中烟雾弥漫。 The air was thick with smoke.
声音通过空气这一媒介传播。 Sound travels through the medium of air.
这件事情在他的管辖权限之内。 This affair is within his jurisdiction.
他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。 He opened the window to let out the foul air.
这个年轻的姑娘长着一双杏眼。 The young girl has a pair of almond eyes.
飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.
在神话故事中,魔鬼很残忍而且吃人。 In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people.
这个百万富翁已把他一半的股票移交给他的长子。 The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.
各反对党指责修建新机场是浪费纳税人的金钱。 The opposition parties have condemned the new airport as a waste of taxpayers' money.
小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,连结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个 One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
她拍落几绺头发. She patted down a few wisps of hair.
我冤枉了她,怎样才能补救呢? How can I repair the wrong I have done her?
这只小动物有一双淡褐色的眼睛。 This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes.
空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香花的味道。 There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.
那种新的发式的确使她好看一些[好看多了]. That new hairstyle really does something/a lot for her.
这台泵通过这个阀门把(容器中的)空气抽出. The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve.
我到那里去理发。 I go there for a haircut.
我记得她长着红头发。 I recollect that she had red hair.
那间办公室又明亮又通风. The office was light and airy.
我昨天在理发店里理了发。 I had my hair cut at the barber's yesterday.
我们都去飞机场为她送行了. We all went to the airport to see her off.
他法语还不错, 但应该再好些. His knowledge of French is fair, but ought to be better.
他跑下楼梯。 He ran down the stairs.
他们选他做主席。 They elected him chairman.
她剪掉了一束头发。 She cut a wisp of hair off.
空气是气体的混合物。 Air is a mixture of gases.
他被选为会议主席。 He was elected chairman of the meeting.
他绝望地放弃了斗争. He gave up the struggle in despair.
他把手表拆开来修理。 He took the watch apart to repair it.
新鲜空气有益于健康。 Fresh air is beneficial to our health.
椅子的影子映到墙上了. The chair casts a shadow on the wall.
飞机在浓雾上空飞行。 The aircraft was flying above thick fog.
我得修修表,它不走了。 I'll have my watch repaired; it doesn't work.
我们参加了春季展览会。 We participated in the spring fair.
部长忙于重要国务。 The minister is busy with important affairs of state.
主席敲击桌子以维持秩序。 The chairman rapped on the table for order.
他把汽车送到修车厂修理。 He sent his car to the garage for repair.
压路机是用来修筑道路的。 A road roller is used in making and repairing roads.
有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。 Once he made bold to air his views.
我觉得我没有受到公正的对待。 I felt I hadn't been treated fairly.
我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。 I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 His hoary hair showed his age.
工程师奋力进行修桥工作. The engineers set to on repair work to the bridge.
新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。 Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
你必须提前两小时到达机场。 You must arrive at the airport two hours early.
跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。 Your heart beat will quicken when you run up the stairs.
她在飞机场受到了热情的欢送. She was given a good send-off at the airport.
航空学飞机航行的理论与实践 The theory and practice of aircraft navigation.
早晨的新鲜空气使他觉得愉快。 The fresh air in the morning made him feel glad.
获胜的队扛著队长走出场地. The winning team chaired their captain off the field.
草原向四周伸展, 一望无际. The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see.
没有电梯, 我们得爬六段楼梯. There was no lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs.
修理教堂结构的花费非常大。 The cost of repairing the fabric of the church was very high.
那位老太太从一段楼梯上摔了下来。 The old woman fell down a flight of stairs.
他总的健康状况相当令人满意。 His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.
他刚刚四十岁时,头发就变得灰白了。 His hair became gray when he was only forty.
你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。 You can't retreat from the responsibility in this affair.
这种新飞机正在接受安全性能检验。 The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.
接替他担任主席的人将参加本次会议。 His successor as the chairman will be at the conference.
把我的电视机修好要花去我10000日元。 It cost me ten thousand yen to have my television set repaired.
修汽车前,你得用千斤顶把汽车抬起来。 You need a jack to lift the car before repairing it.
主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。 The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.
一只碗,一双筷子就是他的全部家产。 A bowl and a pair of chopsticks are all the property he has.
他们恋爱那时国家正进行著战争. Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war.
轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回. The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight.
据预报说今天的空气湿度是百分之六十。 It's said by forecast that the humidity in the air today is 60%.
他们装出信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人。 Their assumptions of an air of confidence fooled nobody.
被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区. Civilians trapped in the beleaguered city have been airlifted to safety.
除了没挂名以外,实际上他就是委员会的主席。 He is the chairman of the committee in all but the name.
如今有些年轻人穿的服装真会把你吓一跳。 The clothes some young people wear nowadays really make your hair curl.
他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比. His white hair was in sharp contrast to (ie was very noticeably different from) his dark skin.
我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.
部长对此事的处理方法受到新闻界的严厉批评。 The minister was crucified by the press for his handling of the affair.
这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好。 The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials.
维修手册向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。 A maintenance manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car.
行医道德有规定, 禁止医生与病人谈恋爱. Medical ethics (ie those observed by the medical profession) forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.
航空公司因有几架飞机暂时不能使用而正在赔钱. With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛. All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.
政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
这次聚会单调乏味。 The party was a dull affair.
她的头发自然卷曲。 She has a natural wave in her hair.
因空气干燥皮子都皱了。 The dry air shrivels the leather.
她的头发几乎垂到了腰部. Her hair nearly reached down to her waist.
开会时气氛显得有些兴奋。 There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
弓箭手向空中射出利箭。 The archers sent their shafts through the air.
那些年国际事态不很协调。 There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years.
这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。 The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
主席的简短陈辞概括了委员会的观点. The chairman's short statement encapsulates the views of the committee.
在她患病期间, 她的律师一直代理她的业务. During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.
他进去见她之前,用水将头发梳理得很光亮。 He sleeked back his hair with water before going in to meet her.
一位空中小姐走过来,问他是否想要些饮料。 An air stewardess came and asked him if he would like some drink.
她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促. She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally.
协议中有一条规定, 承租人负担建筑物的修理费. A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
飞船驾驶员,气球驾驶员轻于空气的航空器,例如气球的驾驶员或导航员 A pilot or navigator of a lighter-than-air craft, such as a balloon.
每个人有一对肾脏。 Each man has a pair of kidneys.
我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
他不穷, 相反, 他是个百万富翁。 He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire.
空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。 Air, food and water are indispensable to life.
她需要把阿拉伯语学好才能到开罗工作. She needs to perfect her Arabic before going to work in Cairo.
他对模型飞机感兴趣之后就全力以赴了。 When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog.
遵照指示, 警察在展览会期间警戒小偷。 The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.
机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。 The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
他是一个多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是一个理发师,也是一个好裁缝。 He is a man of parts; he is either a repairman, or a carpenter, either a barber or a good tailor.
你能扶我上楼梯吗? Could you help me up the stairs?
你猜飞机何时要起飞? When do you guess the airplane will take off?
这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。 The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron.
她的长发披在後背直垂到腰间. Her hair hung down her back to her waist.
她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。 She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience.
那架飞机的残骸散布范围很大. Wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over a wide area.
主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。 The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action.
在伦敦遭空袭时, 有很多老百姓遇难. Many civilians were killed in the air raids on London.
学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。 The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.
住在那个村子里的人们的头发全是赤褐色的。 All the people living in that country have auburn hair.
他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去, 显得颇为惬意. He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.
他采取双重标准: 自己可以有外遇, 女方却不行. He's got a double standard: it's all right for him to have affairs but not for her.
爱迪生具有善于挑选适当的人处理他的事务的才能。 Edison has had the gift of picking the right men to handle his affairs.
约翰的哥哥已报名参加了空军,这是他渴望已久的。 John's brother signed up with the Air Force, something he always wanted to do.
前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。 It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
她发表时事广播演说。 She broadcasts on current affairs.
并非每一对夫妻都相称。 Every couple is not pair.
主席没有基层的支持。 The chairman has no grass-root support.
我不打算主持这次会议。 I don't intend to chair the meeting.
他退休前是空军中将。 He was an Air Marshal before retirement.
空气压力使水通过管道. Air pressure forces the water through the pipe.
她把山羊毛纺成毛线. She spins goat's hair into wool/spins wool from goat's hair.
面团在冷空气中慢慢收缩了. The dough shrank slowly in the cold air.
他一块一块地装配飞机模型。 He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
没有空气或水,我们就无法生存。 We can't live without air or water.
空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。 Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases.
空军是国防的重要组成部分。 Air force is an important component of national defense.
王子爱上了一位美丽的年轻少女。 The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden.
船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。 The ships required the protection of naval and air power.
凡是定长远的计画都难免出偏差. Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.
所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行. All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.
楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。 The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.
伞衣降落伞打开以获得空气浮力的部分 The part of a parachute that opens up to catch the air.
我们听到了他走在楼梯上沉重的脚步声。 We heard his heavy tread on the staircase.
他向我请教那件事以表示对我的敬意。 He paid me the compliment of consulting me about the affair.
全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划. The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
到目前为止,主席只能提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。 So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
用发油将头发抹平 Plaster one's hair with pomade.
燕子在空中掠过. Swallows are darting through the air.
这个天平不平衡. This pair of scales is not in equilibrium.
她梳头的时候我一直看著她。 I watched her as she combed her hair.
他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。 He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.
他被绑在一把椅子上, 就那样待著. He was bound to a chair and left.
空气似乎随着亮光而颤动。 The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light.
从军舰上向飞机发射导弹. The missiles were shot at the aircraft from a ship.
参加聚会的男子大都非常年轻。 The men at the party were mostly fairly young.
共和国的未来性质尚在未定之天。 The future character of the Republic is in the air.
因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。 A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
头一天下过一场暴雨,这时空气仍然很清新。 The air was still fresh following a downpour the day before.
你在良心上总不能认为那样的报酬算是合理的吧. You cannot in all conscience regard that as fair pay.
把孩子的头发用梳子梳梳,他可不能这样参加聚会。 Run a comb through the childs hair he can't go to a party looking like that.
打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。 Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
第一架飞机是不完善的,但是并不因此就把它砸烂抛掉。 The first airplane was not perfect but is was not chopped up and abandoned on that score.
副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员 A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs.
他使公司恢复元气活动的意见如同一股新鲜空气,令人耳目一新。 His ideas about revitalizing the company's activities are like a breath of fresh air.
汇编程序设计中,用项和括号对的组合所代表的一个或多个操作。 In assembler programming, one or more operation represented by a combination of terms and paired parentheses.
如果我们不让空气进入铃罩,铃罩中的电铃一定会因缺少介质而不响了。 If air weren't admitted into the bell jar, the electric bell in the bell jar would not ring because of a lack of a medium.
交易会将于5月19日开幕。 The fair was to open on May19.
被有短毛或柔软绒毛的 Covered with short hairs or soft down.
交易会定于5月30日闭幕。 The Fair is scheduled to close on May30.
这种新型空调没有噪音。 This new style of air conditioner is noiseless.
在集市场上有陶器制作的示范表演. There's an exhibition of pottery-making at the fair.
恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。 The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.
他去芝加哥的世界博览会去碰碰运气。 He went to Chicago to try his luck in the World's Fair.
董事长用两小时阐述了公司的规划. The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.
在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。 The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin.
我希望的是长久恩爱, 而不是一夜露水之欢. I was hoping for a lasting affair, not just a one-night stand.
春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。 The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15.
大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。 If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth.
我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.
你已把头发梳到後面. You've combed your hair back.
现正在招募空军。 Now, men are enlisting for the air force.
气球空气外逸而缓缓下降. The balloon descended gradually as the air came out.
刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。 Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting.
从他的说法中得出这种结论恰当吗? Is that a fair inference (to draw) from his statement?
悬挂式滑翔机藉著暖气流在高空飞行. Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft.
她双臂垂在两旁,懒洋洋地躺在椅子上。 She was lolling in a chair, with her arms hanging over the sides.
大气球注入压缩空气後, 几秒钟就充足了气. With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
她那一头波浪般的长发一簇簇一圈圈地散垂在肩上。 Her wavy hair fell in loose wisps and loops upon her shoulders.
长于陆海空作战的,三栖的可在陆上、水上或空中操作的 Designed to operate on land, water, or in air.
"太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。" "The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow."
我们将於夏季停播而於秋季开始播放一套新节目. We'll be off the air for the summer and returning for a new series in the autumn.
常把蒙著眼睛手持天平的女人当作正义的象徵. Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.
即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。 Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes.
调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化 A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.
"房间里只布置了最简单的必需品,一张床、一把椅子和一张桌子。" "The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table."
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。 Large electronics company develop television, but baird pointed the way with his experiment.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
角蛋白一种不溶解的较硬的蛋白物质,是头发、指甲、角和蹄的主要结构成分 A tough, insoluble protein substance that is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs.
主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结. The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up.
(固定路线的)运输系统通常有固定路线的公有或私有贷运或客运系统,如船运、空运或汽运 A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.
接着我就说,我从来就不知道美国三军的力量削弱到如此危险的地步,我这话可引起了轩然大波。 I then said that I had never known the Services reduced to such a parlous condition. This fairly set the cat among the pigeons.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上空,常伴有晴朗干燥天气 A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
气流分离移动的流线型的躯体上流体边界层上的分隔物,如飞机的机翼,在平滑的流体流动中会引起故障和湍流 A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
他发表时事广播演说. He broad-casts on current affairs.
他给他的汽车装了空调。 He equipped his car with air conditioning.
这个国家一直治理得不错。 The country has always had fair government.
应该看报以便 解时事. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.
试从不同的角度来看这件事。 Try looking at the affair from a different angle.
早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。 The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.
希望你喜欢这件东西, 这是我亲手做的. I hope you'll appreciate this: it's all done by my/mine own fair hand.
我想买一台空调。 I want to buy a set of air conditioning.
这种评估是不公平的。 The evaluation is unfair.
昨天天气普遍晴朗。 Fair weather was the rule yesterday.
淡季旅游机票较便宜。 Air fare is cheaper in the off- season.
他绝望之下放弃了尝试。 He gave up the attempt in despair.
他的黑发中夹杂着银发。 His black hair was threaded with silver.
对学生而言, 这并不公平。 It is not fair on students' part.
自燃的在空气中自发地燃烧的 Spontaneously igniting in air.
夜间的寒气使他感到冰冷彻骨。 The night air chilled his bones.
我们的复印机经常需要检修. Our photocopier is in continual need of running repairs.
她一直在鼓吹新鲜空气的好处。 She's always preaching the value of fresh air.
这些窗户采光及通风性能良好. The windows permit light and air to enter.
有传言说这星期将有台风。 It is in the air that there will be a typhoon this week.
卡车严重损坏,已无修复的希望。 The lorry was damaged beyond hope of repair.
他们向我们订购了三架新飞机. They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft.
在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。 At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.
你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机. Your carrier for this flight is British Airways.
有道理,我认为那是非常公道的价格。 Fair enough, I think that's a very reasonable price.
在防空演习时对一切灯火都实行管制。 All lights are blacked out during air defence exercises.
随著新主席的到来, 公司也开始有了起色. With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
我们虽算不上关系密切, 但还常见面. We're not exactly on intimate terms, but we see each other fairly often.
这件事的两种说法有很大出入. There is (a) considerable discrepancy/There were many discrepancies between the two versions of the affair.
只有这家旅店提供免费乘车去机场的服务。 A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.
他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。 He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity.
那发言者讲话结结巴巴的, 有时得由主席提示. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.
他们利用自己的实践经验,设计了一台气冷柴油机。 Drawing on their practical experience, they designed an air-cooled diesel motor.
我一整天都在家里等候你们的电视修理员来取电视机,但他失约了。 I've been waiting in all day for your television repair man to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised.
自从她在学校里获奖以来,她就一直目中无人,不愿与别的女孩子说话。 Since she won a prize at school she's been going about with her nose in the air and refusing to talk to the other girls.
国旗挂于船只或飞机上的国旗,常带有部队分队或部队单位的特殊识别标记 A national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with the special insignia of a branch or unit of the armed forces.
我职掌财务。 I am in charge of financial affairs.
他绝望地叹了口气。 He sighed with despair.
血液遇到空气就凝结. Blood coagulates in air.
把你的椅子转向炉火一边. Turn your chair round to the fire.
标枪在空中沿曲线运动. The spear curved through the air.
玩具店就是幼儿的乐园. The toy-shop is a fairyland for young children.
这项裁决并非对每人都公正. The ruling was not fair to everyone.
他正用一把大剪刀剪树枝。 He is cutting the branches with a pair of shears.
那船进了拉各斯港进行检修. The boat put in at Lagos/put into Lagos for repairs.
主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时. The chairman droned on for hours.
她演唱歌曲既有风度又有才华。 She performs the songs with style and flair.
无人驾驶飞机无飞行员的遥控飞机 A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control.
她极力掩盖她在此事中充当的角色。 She's very defensive about her part in the affair.
昨天市长主持了世界博览会的开幕式。 The mayor dedicated the World Fair yesterday.
废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。 Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.
汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。 Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes.
修路费已削减到不能再减的最低限度了. Expenditure on road repairs has been cut to an irreducible minimum.
早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器. Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue.
老先生喜欢喜欢给头发擦上发膏使它光亮。 The old gentleman likes to put grease on his hair to make it shiny.
她两次被派到国外在国际博览会上作表演。 She has twice been sent abroad to demonstrate at international fairs.
她干起活来倒是相当不错,不过有时需要加以督促。 She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prod occasionally.
法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏. The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
阻力流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力 The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.
我弟弟用这部车时毫不爱惜,害得我花一大笔修理费。 My brother's careless treatment of the car has run me in for a large repair bill.
英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利. One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.
该保险单对大多数损坏投保但不保机器的自然损耗。 The insurance policy cover most damage but not fair wear and tear to the machine.
这架军用飞机着陆前在着陆跑道上空盘旋了一阵。 The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed.
所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。 The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的到来已不抱希望。 She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her.
孩子们玩遍了博览会上所有的娱乐项目,最后发现坐车回家的钱都不够了。 The children went on everything at the Fair, and then found they hadn't enough money to get the bus home.
她把头发编成辫子。 She wore her hair in plaits.
空气主要由氮气组成. Air consists chiefly of nitrogen.
她每天早晨都梳辫子. She braids her hair every morning.
她有时剃腿上的寒毛. She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
她的母亲帮她编辫子。 Her mother helped her to plait her hair.
他的头发带一点姜黄色. His hair was a bright shade of ginger.
这个小村庄美如仙境。 This village is as beautiful as the fairyland.
空运货物费用十分昂贵。 The transport of goods by air is very expensive.
花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。 The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
地球上空气的大部分成分是氮气。 Nitrogen forms most of the Earth's air.
董事长假装他知道决算利润。 The chairman pretended he know the final profit.
她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。 She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step.
他用剪子连花带茎都剪下来。 He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.
我对不公平地被解雇表示愤慨。 I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.
她的头发剪得很糟,发梢高低不齐。 Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven.
公共汽车频繁地从城市驶往机场. Buses run frequently from the city to the airport.
他径直前往拉各斯, 未在内罗毕停留. He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi.
董事长裁定该会议是违反章程的。 The chairman ruled that the meeting was unconstitutional.
侦察员们分成两人一组,开始巡逻这一地区。 The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area.
总经理和董事长并列坐在桌子后面。 The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side.
食人妖魔传说或神说中食人的巨人或妖怪 A giant or monster in legends and fairy tales that eats human beings.
他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气. He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.
孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。 Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
董事长打算从本次议事日程中去掉两个议事项目 The chairman wanted two items removed from or take off the agenda.
恒湿器一种用于显示或控制空气中相对湿度的仪器 An instrument designed to indicate or control the relative humidity of the air.
这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁给一个有钱人, 从此不再工作。 The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won't do any work.
只因为莫尔不能为自己辨护,米尔便乘机攻击他,这是不公正的。 It was unfair for Mill to attack More just because the latter could not answer( him) back.
眼镜,护目镜镶在轻型框架中,用于纠正视力或保护眼睛的一对镜片 A pair of lenses mounted in a light frame, used to correct faulty vision or protect the eyes.
象中国一样,美国继承了幅员辽阔的国土,有一望无际的丛山峻岭,沃土良田和无边草原。 Like you, we inherited a vast land of endless skies, tall mountains, rich fields, and open prairies.
我女朋友唠叨着要我去理发,因此我今天终于去理了。只要能保持安宁,那还是值得的。 My girlfriend keeps on nagging me to get a haircut so I finally had one today; it was worth it if only to keep the peace.
对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
当飞机上的灯一下子熄灭时,旅客显得很紧张,但当机长告诉他们这只不过是一次电气故障,很快就会修好时,他们才放下心来。 The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
局势真惊人哪! What a shocking state of affairs!
你相信有仙女吗? Do you believe in fairies?
事态事情的状况;情形 A state of affairs; situation.
助人仙女挥动她的魔杖. The fairy godmother waved her (magic) wand.
过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃. A filter traps dust from the air.
你们是不是都得到了公平的一份了? Have you all had a fair whack?
用五个苹果换五个鸡蛋公平吗? Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange?
我怎样才能补救我对她的冤枉? How can I repair the wrong I have done her?
他陷於绝望, 终於自杀了. He surrendered (himself) to despair and eventually committed suicide.
他的谦逊[愉快的样子]都是装出来的。 His modesty [air of joviality] was all put on.
他喝著廉价的香槟酒, 样子十分放荡. He was drinking cheap champagne with a raffish air.
一阵烟空气、蒸汽或烟雾短促而突然的散发 A brief, sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke.
那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。 The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.
货物船舶、飞机或其它交通工具运载的货物 The freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or another vehicle.
那椅子太破旧了,无法修理:架子好几个地方坏了。 That chair is too far gone to repair: the frame is broken in several places.
在市中心和飞机场之间有往返的穿梭运行班车。 There is a shuttle service between the city center and the air station.
保养为保证正常的运行,状况,和修缮状况所做的保养 Maintenance in proper operation, condition, and repair.
因飞机票涨价, 他们在度假费用中向我们增收了10%附加费. They've surcharged us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares.
金属箔片为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔出的金属薄片;金属箔片 Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
篱笆上的洞使我们能够观看;科技使外科医生能打开和修复心脏 A hole in the fence that enabled us to watch; techniques that enable surgeons to open and repair the heart.
自那时起,从埃及的木乃伊头发到石器时代的檀香木等有机物质的年代都已被确定。 Since then, organic materials ranging from Egyptian mummy hair to Stone Age sandals have been dated.
经济自由主义一种经济理论,主张放任个人自由经营、建立自由市场体系和金本位制 An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
发梢向内蜷曲的齐肩发型一种发型,通常是齐肩的长发,头发末端朝里卷成自然流畅的发卷 A hairstyle, usually shoulder-length, with the ends of the hair curled under smoothly in a loose roll.
当飞机向前移动时,机翼上方的气流产生向上的力使飞机飞离地面保持在空中不坠。 As the air craft moves forward, the air flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the aircraft off the ground, and keep it in the air.
变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质 Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.