
211 New HSK word(s): HSK1 打电话 + da3dian4hua4 to make a telephone call HSK1 + da4 big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; older (than); oldest; eldest; greatly; very much; (dialect) father; father's elder or younger brother HSK1 + tai4 highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely HSK1 + liao3 (of eyes) bright; clear-sighted; to understand clearly HSK1 + zhu4 to live; to dwell; to stay; to reside; to stop; (suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt) HSK1 + liu4 six; 6 HSK2 开始 + kai1shi3 to begin; beginning; to start; initial; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 左边 + zuo3bian5 left; the left side; to the left of HSK2 大家 + da4jia1 everyone; influential family; great expert HSK2 丈夫 + zhang4fu5 husband; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 + dao4 to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive; (verb complement denoting completion or result of an action) HSK2 + xue3 snow; snowfall; CL:场/场chang2; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean HSK2 + ling2 zero; nought; zero sign; fractional; fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; (in mathematics) remainder (after division); extra; to wither and fall; to wither HSK3 愿意 + yuan4yi4 to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth) HSK3 奇怪 + qi2guai4 strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled HSK3 太阳 + tai4yang5 sun; CL:个/个ge4; abbr. for 太阳穴/太阳穴tai4 yang2 xue2 HSK3 需要 + xu1yao4 to need; to want; to demand; to require; requirement; need HSK3 国家 + guo2jia1 country; nation; state; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 忘记 + wang4ji4 to forget HSK3 + ban4 half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half HSK4 抱歉 + bao4qian4 to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry! HSK4 尤其 + you2qi2 especially; particularly HSK4 原来 + yuan2lai2 original; former; originally; formerly; at first; so, actually, as it turns out HSK4 原因 + yuan2yin1 cause; origin; root cause; reason; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 原谅 + yuan2liang4 to excuse; to forgive; to pardon HSK4 区别 + qu1bie2 difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 大夫 + da4fu1 senior official (in imperial China) HSK4 大夫 + dai4fu5 doctor; physician HSK4 大概 + da4gai4 roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about; general idea HSK4 大使馆 + da4shi3guan3 embassy; CL:座zuo4,个/个ge4 HSK4 大约 + da4yue1 approximately; probably HSK4 态度 + tai4du5 manner; bearing; attitude; approach; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 至少 + zhi4shao3 at least; (to say the) least HSK4 到处 + dao4chu4 everywhere HSK4 到底 + dao4di3 finally; in the end; when all is said and done; after all; to the end; to the last HSK4 国际 + guo2ji4 international HSK4 国籍 + guo2ji2 nationality HSK4 因此 + yin1ci3 thus; consequently; as a result HSK4 负责 + fu4ze2 to be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious HSK4 付款 + fu4kuan3 to pay a sum of money; payment HSK4 + di3 background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants HSK4 + zuo4 seat; base; stand; CL:个/个ge4; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects HSK4 座位 + zuo4wei4 seat; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 房东 + fang2dong1 landlord HSK4 首先 + shou3xian1 first (of all); in the first place HSK4 沙发 + sha1fa1 sofa (loanword); CL:条/条tiao2,张/张zhang1 HSK4 演员 + yan3yuan2 actor or actress; performer; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK4 性格 + xing4ge2 nature; disposition; temperament; character; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 性别 + xing4bie2 gender; sex; distinguishing between the sexes HSK5 现代 + Xian4dai4 Hyundai, South Korean company HSK5 开发 + kai1fa1 to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to develop HSK5 开水 + kai1shui3 boiled water; boiling water HSK5 开放 + kai1fang4 to bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality HSK5 规则 + gui1ze2 rule; regulation; rules and regulations HSK5 地理 + di4li3 geography HSK5 花生 + hua1sheng1 peanut; groundnut; CL:粒li4 HSK5 相似 + xiang1si4 to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity HSK5 + chao1 to make a copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to raid; to grab; to go off with; to take a shortcut; to make a turning move; to fold one's arms HSK5 + zheng4 to struggle to get free; to strive to acquire; to make (money) HSK5 确定 + que4ding4 definite; certain; fixed; to fix (on sth); to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm; OK (on computer dialog box) HSK5 + pi1 mate; one of a pair HSK5 + pi3 classifier for horses, mules etc; Taiwan pr.pi1; ordinary person; classifier for cloth: bolt; horsepower HSK5 + long2 dragon; CL:条/条tiao2; imperial HSK5 原则 + yuan2ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 原料 + yuan2liao4 raw material; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 愿望 + yuan4wang4 desire; wish HSK5 逐步 + zhu2bu4 progressively; step by step HSK5 逐渐 + zhu2jian4 gradually HSK5 奇迹 + qi2ji4 miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel HSK5 欧洲 + Ou1zhou1 Europe; abbr. for 欧罗巴洲/欧罗巴洲Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1 HSK5 + hui1 ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected HSK5 灰尘 + hui1chen2 dust HSK5 灰心 + hui1xin1 to lose heart; to be discouraged HSK5 达到 + da2dao4 to reach; to achieve; to attain HSK5 大型 + da4xing2 large; large-scale HSK5 大厦 + da4sha4 large building; edifice; mansion; CL:座zuo4 HSK5 大象 + da4xiang4 elephant; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK5 大方 + da4fang1 expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea HSK5 大方 + da4fang5 generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed HSK5 + kua1 to boast; to exaggerate; to praise HSK5 夸张 + kua1zhang1 to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; extreme; ridiculous HSK5 + tao4 cover; sheath; to encase; a case; to overlap; to interleave; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); harness; classifier for sets, collections; tau (Greek letter Ττ) HSK5 奋斗 + fen4dou4 to strive; to struggle HSK5 太极拳 + tai4ji2quan2 shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art HSK5 太太 + tai4tai5 married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK5 至于 + zhi4yu2 as for; as to; to go so far as to HSK5 至今 + zhi4jin1 so far; to this day; until now HSK5 到达 + dao4da2 to reach; to arrive HSK5 + lei2 thunder; mine (weapon); (Internet slang) terrifying; terrific HSK5 + wu4 fog; mist; CL:场/场chang2,阵/阵zhen4 HSK5 平方 + ping2fang1 square (as in square foot, square mile, square root) HSK5 步骤 + bu4zhou4 procedure; step HSK5 国王 + guo2wang2 king; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 国庆节 + Guo2qing4jie2 PRC National Day (October 1st) HSK5 思考 + si1kao3 to reflect on; to ponder over HSK5 网络 + wang3luo4 network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) HSK5 出色 + chu1se4 remarkable; outstanding HSK5 + ling2 (small) bell; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK5 删除 + shan1chu2 to delete; to cancel HSK5 兔子 + tu4zi5 hare; rabbit; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK5 象棋 + xiang4qi2 Chinese chess; CL:副fu4 HSK5 象征 + xiang4zheng1 emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for HSK5 馒头 + man2tou5 steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 俱乐部 + ju4le4bu4 club (i.e. a group or organization) (loanword); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 从前 + cong2qian2 previously; formerly; once upon a time HSK5 娱乐 + yu2le4 to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy HSK5 悄悄 + qiao1qiao1 quietly; secretly; stealthily; quiet; worried; Taiwan pr.qiao3 qiao3 HSK5 性质 + xing4zhi4 nature; characteristic; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 一目了然 + yi1mu4liao3ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom) HSK6 开展 + kai1zhan3 (begin to) develop; unfold; to start; to launch; to open; to carry out HSK6 开辟 + kai1pi4 to open up; to set up; to establish HSK6 开除 + kai1chu2 to expel HSK6 开明 + kai1ming2 enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment HSK6 开采 + kai1cai3 to extract (ore or other resource from a mine); to exploit; to mine HSK6 开朗 + kai1lang3 spacious and well-lit; open and clear; to open out (onto a wider vista); optimistic; cheerful; carefree; easy-going; open-minded HSK6 起码 + qi3ma3 at the minimum; at the very least HSK6 逼迫 + bi1po4 to force; to compel; to coerce HSK6 黄昏 + huang2hun1 dusk; evening; nightfall HSK6 辐射 + fu2she4 radiation HSK6 拘束 + ju1shu4 to restrict; to restrain; constrained; awkward; ill at ease; uncomfortable; reticent HSK6 拘留 + ju1liu2 to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody HSK6 + tao1 to fish out (from pocket); to scoop HSK6 捣乱 + dao3luan4 to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally HSK6 挣扎 + zheng1zha2 to struggle HSK6 挽救 + wan3jiu4 to save; to remedy; to rescue HSK6 挽回 + wan3hui2 to retrieve; to redeem HSK6 + chan1 to assist by the arm; to mix; to support; to sustain HSK6 挑拨 + tiao3bo1 to incite disharmony; to instigate HSK6 垄断 + long3duan4 to enjoy market dominance; to monopolize HSK6 聋哑 + long2ya3 deaf and dumb HSK6 袭击 + xi2ji1 attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack HSK6 原理 + yuan2li3 principle; theory HSK6 原告 + yuan2gao4 complainant; plaintiff HSK6 原先 + yuan2xian1 former; original HSK6 原始 + yuan2shi3 first; original; primitive; original (document etc) HSK6 雄厚 + xiong2hou4 robust; strong and solid HSK6 雄伟 + xiong2wei3 grand; imposing; magnificent; majestic HSK6 逐年 + zhu2nian2 year after year; with each passing year; over the years HSK6 奇妙 + qi2miao4 fantastic; wonderful HSK6 区域 + qu1yu4 area; region; district HSK6 区分 + qu1fen1 to differentiate; to find differing aspects HSK6 殴打 + ou1da3 to beat up; to come to blows; battery (law) HSK6 爽快 + shuang3kuai5 refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward HSK6 达成 + da2cheng2 to reach (an agreement); to accomplish HSK6 + qian1 to pull (an animal on a tether); to lead along; to hold hands HSK6 牵扯 + qian1che3 to involve; to implicate HSK6 牵制 + qian1zhi4 to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops) HSK6 大肆 + da4si4 wantonly; without restraint (of enemy or malefactor); unbridled HSK6 大臣 + da4chen2 chancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister HSK6 大不了 + da4bu4liao3 at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming HSK6 大致 + da4zhi4 more or less; roughly; approximately HSK6 大体 + da4ti3 in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole HSK6 大伙 + da4huo3 everybody; everyone; we all HSK6 大伙儿 + da4huo3r5 erhua variant of 大伙da4 huo3 HSK6 大意 + da4yi4 general idea; main idea HSK6 大意 + da4yi5 careless HSK6 奔驰 + Ben1chi2 Benz (name); Mercedes-Benz, German car maker HSK6 奔驰 + ben1chi2 to run quickly; to speed; to gallop HSK6 奔波 + ben1bo1 to rush about; to be constantly on the move HSK6 奢侈 + she1chi3 luxurious; extravagant HSK6 + quan3 dog HSK6 太空 + tai4kong1 outer space HSK6 致力 + zhi4li4 to work for; to devote one's efforts to HSK6 致辞 + zhi4ci2 to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致词/致词 HSK6 致使 + zhi4shi3 to cause; to result in HSK6 霸道 + ba4dao4 the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent HSK6 震撼 + zhen4han4 to shake; to vibrate; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; fig. mind-blowing HSK6 震惊 + zhen4jing1 to shock; to astonish HSK6 需求 + xu1qiu2 requirement; (economics) demand HSK6 雪上加霜 + xue3shang4jia1shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation HSK6 + xia2 red clouds HSK6 雷达 + lei2da2 radar (loanword) HSK6 零星 + ling2xing1 fragmentary; random; bits and pieces; sporadic HSK6 局限 + ju2xian4 to limit; to confine; to restrict sth within set boundaries HSK6 隔离 + ge2li2 to separate; to isolate HSK6 瞻仰 + zhan1yang3 to revere; to admire HSK6 + wa5 replaces 啊a5when following the vowel "u" or "ao" HSK6 野蛮 + ye3man2 barbarous; uncivilized HSK6 野心 + ye3xin1 ambition; wild schemes; careerism HSK6 国防 + guo2fang2 national defense HSK6 国务院 + Guo2wu4yuan4 State Council (PRC); State Department (USA) HSK6 明智 + ming2zhi4 sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious HSK6 失踪 + shi1zong1 to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for HSK6 种植 + zhong4zhi2 to plant; to grow HSK6 简要 + jian3yao4 concise; brief HSK6 勉励 + mian3li4 to encourage HSK6 勉强 + mian3qiang3 to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough HSK6 负担 + fu4dan1 burden; to bear a burden HSK6 饶恕 + rao2shu4 to forgive; to pardon; to spare HSK6 饲养 + si4yang3 to raise; to rear HSK6 条理 + tiao2li3 arrangement; order; tidiness HSK6 行政 + xing2zheng4 administrative; executive (adjective) HSK6 分歧 + fen1qi2 difference (of opinion, position); bifurcation HSK6 细致 + xi4zhi4 delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking HSK6 腐朽 + fu3xiu3 rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate HSK6 腐败 + fu3bai4 corruption; to corrupt; to rot; rotten HSK6 腐蚀 + fu3shi2 corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption HSK6 腐烂 + fu3lan4 to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt HSK6 座右铭 + zuo4you4ming2 motto; maxim HSK6 症状 + zheng4zhuang4 symptom (of an illness) HSK6 吝啬 + lin4se4 stingy; mean; miserly HSK6 论坛 + lun4tan2 forum (for discussion) HSK6 冲击 + chong1ji1 an attack; under attack; a shock HSK6 宏观 + hong2guan1 macro-; macroscopic; holistic HSK6 实施 + shi2shi1 to implement; to carry out HSK6 惯例 + guan4li4 convention; usual practice HSK6 性感 + xing4gan3 sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy HSK6 性命 + xing4ming4 life HSK6 性能 + xing4neng2 function; performance HSK6 悔恨 + hui3hen4 remorse; repentance HSK6 恰巧 + qia4qiao3 fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence
Old HSK word(s):



Gọi +


Lớn +


Quá +


Những +


Sống +


Sáu +


Bắt đầu +


Bên trái +


Tất cả mọi người +


Chồng +

我早上 9 点~公司。

Đến +


Tuyết +


Zero +


Sẵn sàng +


Kỳ lạ +


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Cần +


Quốc gia +


Quên +


Một nửa +


Xin lỗi +


Đặc biệt +


Bản gốc +


Lý do +


Tha thứ cho +


Sự khác biệt +

Các bác sĩ, +


Các bác sĩ, +


Có lẽ +


Đại sứ quán +


Về +


Thái độ +

这座楼~有 100 米高。

Ít nhất +


Ở khắp mọi nơi +


Cuối cùng +


Quốc tế +


Quốc tịch +


Vì vậy +


Trách nhiệm +


Thanh toán +


Phía dưới +


Chỗ ngồi +

这辆汽车上有 23 个~。

Chỗ ngồi +


Chủ nhà +


Đầu tiên +


Sofa +


Diễn viên +


Nhân vật +


Tình dục +

Hiện đại +

Phát triển +

Nước sôi +

Mở +

Quy tắc +

Geographic +

Đậu phộng +

Tương tự +

Copy +

Hãy +

OK +

Con ngựa +

Con ngựa +

Rồng +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên liệu +

Mong muốn +

Dần dần +

Dần dần +

Phép lạ +

Châu âu +

Ash +

Bụi +

Chán nản +

Đạt +

Lớn +

Tòa nhà +

Con voi +

Hào phóng +

Hào phóng +

Tự hào +

Phóng đại +

Tay áo +

Đấu tranh +

Tai Chi +

Mrs. +

Như cho những +

Vì vậy, đến nay +

Để đạt được +

Ray +

Sương mù +

Square +

Bước +

Vua +

Ngày Quốc Khánh +

Suy nghĩ +

Mạng +

Tuyệt vời +

Chiếc nhẫn +

Xóa +

Bunny +

Chess +

Biểu tượng +

Bánh mì +

Câu lạc bộ +

Từ phía trước +

Giải trí +

Lặng lẽ +

Thiên nhiên +

Trong nháy mắt +

Thực hiện +

Mở ra +

Bị trục xuất +

Giác ngộ +

Khai thác +

Vui vẻ +

Ít nhất +

Đàn áp +

Hoàng hôn +

Bức xạ +

Ràng buộc +

Tạm giam +

Dig +

Đá thuyền +

Đấu tranh +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Trộn +

Gieo +

Độc quyền +

Điếc +

Tấn công +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên đơn +

Bản gốc +

Bản gốc +

Mạnh mẽ +

Hùng vĩ +

Năm này qua năm +

Tuyệt vời +

Khu vực +

Phân biệt +

Bị đánh đập +

Mới mẻ +

Đạt +

Vẽ +

Tham gia +

Ghim +

Say +

Bộ Trưởng +

Vấn đề lớn +

Đáng kể +

Nói chung +

Tất cả mọi người +

Guys +

Hiệu quả +

Hiệu quả +

Mercedes-Benz +

Mercedes-Benz +

Vội vã +

Sang trọng +

Con chó +

Không gian +

Dành riêng +

Bài phát biểu +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Hách +

Sốc +

Sốc +

Cần +

Tồi tệ hơn +

Hạ +

Radar +

Không thường xuyên +

Giới hạn +

Cô lập +

Kìa +

Wow +

Dã man +

Tham vọng +

Quốc phòng +

Bộ Ngoại Giao +

Khôn ngoan +

Mất tích +

Trồng +

Ngắn gọn +

Khuyến khích +

Hầu như không +

Gánh nặng +

Tha thứ +

Ăn +

Cấu trúc +

Hành chính, +

Sự khác biệt +

Chi tiết +

Suy +

Tham nhũng +

Ăn mòn +

Thối +

Phương châm +

Triệu chứng +

Keo kiệt +

Forum +

Tác động +

Vĩ +

Thực hiện +

Thực tế +

Sexy +

Cuộc sống +

Hiệu suất +

Hối hận +

Nó xảy ra +
Grade E word(s):
